Get a billy goat Mays. They seem to be easier to spot coming into season if there is a male present.
ScotsGirl, generally goats are put into kid around the time they are 18 months old, the pregnancy is 5 months, so by the time they kid they are around 2 years old. They can be put in earlier than that, and even before they are a year old, but it does have an impact on their growth, and also their milk production for the first lactation. We very rarely do that, but did do it last year as it happens. Goat was born beginning of March, put in kid in November, and kidded mid April. But her yield is already down to about 2.5 litres a day, and a similarly bred goat a year older (both of them had single kids) is still giving nearly 4 litres a day, and she kidded in February.