I’m having a bit of a

week. Not feeling very happy with myself and have a couple of quick questions...
My ewes have been in a field of their own since Tuesday. It’s one of my smallest fields and is quite mossy and the majority is short grass. How long should it take for their udders to start shrinking? They look bigger than ever now. I realise this is because none of it is being used. Their udders all felt fine prior to them going in.
My housing is quite central to the fields so it was a little impractical to bring them in as there would have been no distance between them and the lambs. Now I’ve seen their udders I am worrying and thinking maybe I should just house them, but I can’t move the lambs out of their field and stress them out any and I think this would only make the separation worse as they’d see a bit and definitely hear each other and they’ve just finally calmed down with the noise (the ewes were actually worse!) I’ve read up on mastitis and it talks of it being more of a risk pre and during lambing, so I’m thinking the best way would be to must regularly check the girls udders for any changes? Where does the milk go that’s in there?
Second question, which is quick, is that there isn’t an issue with worming and flystriking at the same time, is there? I bought some Clik yesterday and they asked they’d last been wormed. I realise this is prob just what they have to ask as it’s a POM-VPS thing, and NOAH doesn’t say anything about it, but as I said, with the week I’ve had I just want to be sure!