The Accidental Smallholder Forum

Livestock => Sheep => Topic started by: colliewoman on February 17, 2013, 08:32:45 pm

Title: Sheep and chickens........ I has an Idea!
Post by: colliewoman on February 17, 2013, 08:32:45 pm
I was thinking last night when sleep was a long time coming.....
My landlord NEVER EVER had a case of fluke OR ticks on his sheep. Not once. Now the ground here can get wet, and I have seen bottlejaw in sheep next door.
I think I worked out why. Chickens!
They eat ticks, they eat snails (I never get slug or snail damage on my veg, just got to keep the chickens away from the juicy stuff).
My goats have shown no sign of fluke, have never had a tick etc. They share their ground with.......chickens!
I had a spare rooster who I was loathe to eat as he is stunning, so today whilst I was fluking and feeting, hubby made a new raised coop, with a rickety ladder so chickens can get in but not the fox.
Mr Diva and 2 new laydees moved in and will soon be ranging out. Hopefully they will eat any snails and ticks and reduce the disease risk for my woolly wonders!
If they settle in ok I shall get a few more cos I reckon 3 chickens might not manage to keep clean 4.5 acres.
Not worried about eggs, though any are a bonus. They will be doing a very important job keeping my sheep safe :thumbsup:
Title: Re: Sheep and chickens........ I has an Idea!
Post by: Fowlman on February 17, 2013, 08:42:50 pm
I think you're right my sheep are in with my chickens and no ticks here either.
Title: Re: Sheep and chickens........ I has an Idea!
Post by: funkyfish on February 17, 2013, 10:01:28 pm
I've though about keeping guinea Fowl for that very reason! Ment to be excellent at eating ticks etc and free range well (not easy to pen in, so I've heard..).

Title: Re: Sheep and chickens........ I has an Idea!
Post by: in the hills on February 18, 2013, 08:45:37 am
Mmmmm ..... don't know  ???

I read that ducks were good to keep if you had wet ground and kept sheep as they consumed the slugs and snails and hence helped to control fluke. My chickens never seem that keen if I toss them a slug or snail  ::)  ..... maybe too well fed  ;D .

Having said that we have had no fluke or ticks ...... yet.

Slugs and snails consumed EVERYTHING in my veg. patch last year though so chooks didn't help much there.  ::)

Good excuse to do a bit of hatching though CW, cause you'll need way more than 3 !!!!!  ;D ;)
Title: Re: Sheep and chickens........ I has an Idea!
Post by: Brucklay on February 18, 2013, 11:35:02 am
I think my ducks make a difference - 36 of the gobby wee devils that free range over the sheep paddocks - they must be eating something......
Title: Re: Sheep and chickens........ I has an Idea!
Post by: Bionic on February 18, 2013, 12:16:02 pm
I have 7 chickens who free range with the sheep. All seem to be happy with the situation  :chook: :sheep:
Title: Re: Sheep and chickens........ I has an Idea!
Post by: FiB on February 18, 2013, 12:21:36 pm
I have wondered about that (although we have had a pretty full range of sheep parasite probs  ???  ) - our chooks always seem to be scratching around where the sheep are so I have wondered if thay are eating worms/eggs.   Any excuse for more chickens is a good one!
Title: Re: Sheep and chickens........ I has an Idea!
Post by: JMB on February 18, 2013, 01:56:40 pm
Um, yes I'd read that ducks can help, but I also read that they didn't have much effect...
 Depends if you want an excuse to get ducks. I expect you'd need a lot.
J xxx
Title: Re: Sheep and chickens........ I has an Idea!
Post by: Dogwalker on February 18, 2013, 06:31:49 pm
Ducks probably help if they stay in the right fields, mine spend more time in the neighbours fields than in mine.
The chickens have just finished off my kale, not impressed.
Title: Re: Sheep and chickens........ I has an Idea!
Post by: Marches Farmer on February 18, 2013, 07:27:23 pm
Ticks can come in on deer, badgers, foxes, stoats, weasels ......  Our guinea fowl are fairly tame but they were raised in the farmhouse living room for the first three weeks so pretty bomb-proof - television, telephone, vacuum cleaner, and so on.  When we put them in the pen from which they were later allowed to free-range we kept them shut up for a week first and they go back to roost there every night. They also come to call.  They pootle around the farm buildings and rarely go down the fields.  Go completely mental if you try to pick them up, though.
Title: Re: Sheep and chickens........ I has an Idea!
Post by: jaykay on February 18, 2013, 08:57:13 pm
And apparently that triangular 'ark' type chicken house was developed so that you could put it in sheep paddocks and move it about, whilst preventing the sheep from getting up on top of it  :)

I'm not convinced how effective chooks and ducks would be about keeping the fluke, worm and tick populations down but it sounds a very good excuse to have lots of each, it seems to me  ;)
Title: Re: Sheep and chickens........ I has an Idea!
Post by: Fowlman on February 18, 2013, 11:55:09 pm
I have a few arks in the field and they are over 6ft tall and i quite often see my shetland ram climbing them.
Title: Re: Sheep and chickens........ I has an Idea!
Post by: Penninehillbilly on February 22, 2013, 10:26:32 pm
And apparently that triangular 'ark' type chicken house was developed so that you could put it in sheep paddocks and move it about, whilst preventing the sheep from getting up on top of it  :)
The goats would love it though, I can just imagine them balancing on the top  ;D
Title: Re: Sheep and chickens........ I has an Idea!
Post by: clydesdaleclopper on February 23, 2013, 09:22:19 pm
For controlling fluke try to encourage Lapwings as they eat the intermediary host - the snails.
Title: Re: Sheep and chickens........ I has an Idea!
Post by: GaddesdenGal on February 23, 2013, 09:42:34 pm
For controlling fluke try to encourage Lapwings as they eat the intermediary host - the snails.
We see so few here, but have seen lots in other places. What is the way to encourage them?
Title: Re: Sheep and chickens........ I has an Idea!
Post by: Big Benny Shep on February 27, 2013, 09:53:02 pm
i seem to get lots of lapwings in my top field, lots of gullies and bobby bits of grass to hide in. they seem to prefer mine to the neat and tidy field next door  ;D
Title: Re: Sheep and chickens........ I has an Idea!
Post by: SteveHants on February 27, 2013, 09:57:15 pm
I se lapwings about. I'd often wondered if the sheer volume of pheasants about here did a similar thing...
Title: Re: Sheep and chickens........ I has an Idea!
Post by: sabrina on February 28, 2013, 01:58:59 pm
Could be right, I keep both and never had a problem with fluke
Title: Re: Sheep and chickens........ I has an Idea!
Post by: Remy on March 01, 2013, 09:51:40 am
I'd love to have free-range chickens but don't think they'd last five minutes with our fox population!
Title: Re: Sheep and chickens........ I has an Idea!
Post by: Penninehillbilly on March 02, 2013, 01:45:57 am
Something I've been thinking about for a while -
in the 'old days' grazing stock was moved round the pastures, helping to keep parasites down.
My master plan had been to follow the goats with the lambs I'd got last year, thinking they would 'mop up' any larvae, then giving land about 6weeks rest, but I've been told they would cause more of a worm problem, so that idea is out the window.
I have 8 geese, these graze much more closely than the goats, possibly not closer than sheep  :-\ , would they keep parasites down? or, as someone suggeted, could they spread coccidioss (sp?), I thought they would be different strains till she said that, now I'm worried.
Title: Re: Sheep and chickens........ I has an Idea!
Post by: clydesdaleclopper on March 02, 2013, 10:55:14 am
rotational grazing is very good for keeping parasite loads down. The reason you can't follow goats with sheep is that they are susceptible to the same parasites. There's a chap called Joel Salatin who has a rotational grazing set up that involves strip grazing the animals and following them with chickens in moveable arks. A lot of the permaculture sites have info on this.
Title: Re: Sheep and chickens........ I has an Idea!
Post by: SteveHants on March 03, 2013, 03:34:42 pm
Something I've been thinking about for a while -
in the 'old days' grazing stock was moved round the pastures, helping to keep parasites down.
My master plan had been to follow the goats with the lambs I'd got last year, thinking they would 'mop up' any larvae, then giving land about 6weeks rest, but I've been told they would cause more of a worm problem, so that idea is out the window.
I have 8 geese, these graze much more closely than the goats, possibly not closer than sheep  :-\ , would they keep parasites down? or, as someone suggeted, could they spread coccidioss (sp?), I thought they would be different strains till she said that, now I'm worried.

I think poultry cocci are a different beast to the one that infects sheep.
Title: Re: Sheep and chickens........ I has an Idea!
Post by: Penninehillbilly on March 04, 2013, 11:46:21 pm
I have 8 geese, these graze much more closely than the goats, possibly not closer than sheep  :-\ , would they keep parasites down? or, as someone suggeted, could they spread coccidioss (sp?), I thought they would be different strains till she said that, now I'm worried.

I think poultry cocci are a different beast to the one that infects sheep.

I thought that, but one of the goats worm counts came back low level cocci, when I mentioned it to a friend, asking if I needed to medicate the goat, my goat and poultry keeping friend said - 'if you have poultry you'll have cocci on the land anyway', I thought it sounded a bit odd, anyway I'll carry on running the goats and geese followers then.
Title: Re: Sheep and chickens........ I has an Idea!
Post by: colliewoman on March 05, 2013, 08:25:58 am
cocci is species specific. Rabbits also carry it and I don't think there are many areas of grazing with a bunny count of 0.

Poultry cocci won't infect sheep or goats nor vice versa.
It USED to be believed that all cocci were the same and that is what is written in a lot of the old stock keepers books but new findings show otherwise :thumbsup:
Title: Re: Sheep and chickens........ I has an Idea!
Post by: Penninehillbilly on March 05, 2013, 08:29:48 pm
Thanks. much happier now.  :thumbsup: