The Accidental Smallholder Forum

Livestock => Sheep => Topic started by: mariegold on April 01, 2021, 03:49:35 pm

Title: New lambs only feeding on one side
Post by: mariegold on April 01, 2021, 03:49:35 pm
Hi sheep people. Please can anyone kindly advise me? We had our first lambs arrive this morning. I've noticed they are only feeding from one side of the ewe's udder. I've checked to see that the teat isn't blocked, all fine. Should I just leave it? Or do I need to get involved some how? Many thanks in advance
Title: Re: New lambs only feeding on one side
Post by: SallyintNorth on April 01, 2021, 05:10:08 pm
It usually self-regulates as they need more milk. 

I have intervened in such cases on occasion, usually when the other teat is quite engorged and it will be a problem if they don't get on it quickly.  Decide which lamb you want to use the less favoured teat (and use that lamb to do this all the time) and teach it to drink that side - pen it, when it's hungry, with the mum and not the sibling, and cover the favourite teat with your hand (with the fingers turned under) so that it can only get milk out of the other teat.  Usually only takes 2 or 3 feeds for it to have switched to that teat.

If the teat is really engorged and too big for its mouth, you may need to milk some off until the teat is less engorged.
Title: Re: New lambs only feeding on one side
Post by: mariegold on April 01, 2021, 05:42:18 pm
Thanks Sally, you always give such good advice!  I'll leave it tonight as it's not feeling too tight and review it in the morning. If they've not touched it, I'll try and latch the biggest lamb on and see how it goes. Thank you
Title: Re: New lambs only feeding on one side
Post by: quintasheepies on April 10, 2021, 08:30:20 pm
Hi Mariegold,
Did you get this sorted?
I am having the same problem.