The Accidental Smallholder Forum

Community => Coffee Lounge => Topic started by: SallyintNorth on January 19, 2020, 11:41:53 pm

Title: Pet hates
Post by: SallyintNorth on January 19, 2020, 11:41:53 pm
Somewhere for us to let off steam about things that annoy us.  Smallholding related or not, forum related or not, whatever we want to have a vent about!
Title: Re: Pet hates
Post by: SallyintNorth on January 19, 2020, 11:51:03 pm
One of mine, forum-related, is when someone comes and offers some advice on a topic as though only they have had this insight or depth of experience, when one of us has already said the very same thing three or four posts back. 

I suspect I am probably super-sensitive on such things, being a woman of a certain age, and having spent a lot of my earlier career having to prove my worthiness to be listened to.  (Think "Life on Mars" and the regular - male - coppers' attitudes to the "plonk" - female copper.  I started work as a software engineer in 1980, and had to correct people's assumptions that I must be my male colleague's secretary for most of that decade, and beyond at times, although things were definitely improving by the late 80s.)
Title: Re: Pet hates
Post by: arobwk on January 20, 2020, 12:05:15 am
Where do you think this one going to go SiN ?!
Title: Re: Pet hates
Post by: SallyintNorth on January 20, 2020, 12:43:34 am
Where do you think this one going to go SiN ?!

Random!  Whatever has p**d any given member off on any given day! 

If I'd started it a week ago, it would have been stupid trailer connections that don't stay connected to the socket on the car when you go over bumpy ground... :/
Title: Re: Pet hates
Post by: pgkevet on January 20, 2020, 06:19:04 am
You really want to get me tub-thumping about take-away coffee being synonymous with the ills of the UK, the greatest examples of profligacy and subconscious manipulation?? I can write reams on that subject...
Title: Re: Pet hates
Post by: Buttermilk on January 20, 2020, 09:40:21 am
People driving without taking the road conditions into account.  Black ice this morn and nutters overtaking on blind bends as I was too slow for them.
Title: Re: Pet hates
Post by: harmony on January 20, 2020, 10:01:46 am
One of mine, forum-related, is when someone comes and offers some advice on a topic as though only they have had this insight or depth of experience, when one of us has already said the very same thing three or four posts back. 

I suspect I am probably super-sensitive on such things, being a woman of a certain age, and having spent a lot of my earlier career having to prove my worthiness to be listened to.  (Think "Life on Mars" and the regular - male - coppers' attitudes to the "plonk" - female copper.  I started work as a software engineer in 1980, and had to correct people's assumptions that I must be my male colleague's secretary for most of that decade, and beyond at times, although things were definitely improving by the late 80s.)

Surely if the same answer comes up more than once it helps the OP make up their mind about which advice they might take? How do they know who knows best, who doesn't or even thinks they do?
Title: Re: Pet hates
Post by: pgkevet on January 20, 2020, 10:18:56 am

Surely if the same answer comes up more than once it helps the OP make up their mind about which advice they might take? How do they know who knows best, who doesn't or even thinks they do?
Ah, but for those of us who like a good conspiracy theory there is no evidence that the same wrong answer several times makes it true. Or, indeed, that those same several answers weren't from the same person using multiple pseudonyms.
A quick reality check is that there are only you, me and Dan on this forum. I'm really DogandJo, Womble, Fleecewife and Rosemary amongst others. Although I shall log back in soon as those and refute it.....
Title: Re: Pet hates
Post by: harmony on January 20, 2020, 11:26:22 am

Surely if the same answer comes up more than once it helps the OP make up their mind about which advice they might take? How do they know who knows best, who doesn't or even thinks they do?
Ah, but for those of us who like a good conspiracy theory there is no evidence that the same wrong answer several times makes it true. Or, indeed, that those same several answers weren't from the same person using multiple pseudonyms.
A quick reality check is that there are only you, me and Dan on this forum. I'm really DogandJo, Womble, Fleecewife and Rosemary amongst others. Although I shall log back in soon as those and refute it.....

I'm sorry I did believe you until you claimed to be all those other posters and then I knew you were pulling my leg because I'm all those other people!  :roflanim: :roflanim:
Title: Re: Pet hates
Post by: pgkevet on January 20, 2020, 11:30:50 am
..and here's the proof... :roflanim: :roflanim:
Title: Re: Pet hates
Post by: Fleecewife on January 20, 2020, 08:50:26 pm
is that why I sometimes have the creepy feeling someone else is putting words in my mouth?

OK, I have one, although it makes me giggle rather than making me mad:  I have just read the phrase 'a fine toothcomb' three times in one book.  Teeth are not usually so furry that they need to be combed, but combs do have teeth which are fine.  Those fine-toothed combs so beloved of school nurses.  Or maybe I'm just nit-picking  :knit:
Title: Re: Pet hates
Post by: Womble on January 20, 2020, 09:06:57 pm
One of mine, forum-related, is when someone comes and offers some advice on a topic as though only they have had this insight or depth of experience, when one of us has already said the very same thing three or four posts back.

Honestly, it drives me round the bend when that happens  >:( .
Title: Re: Pet hates
Post by: pgkevet on January 20, 2020, 10:03:07 pm
One of mine, forum-related, is when someone comes and offers some advice on a topic as though only they have had this insight or depth of experience, when one of us has already said the very same thing three or four posts back.

Honestly, it drives me round the bend when that happens  >:( .
Hmmm...thought you'ld fixed the toilet....
Title: Re: Pet hates
Post by: SallyintNorth on January 21, 2020, 01:05:18 am
You really want to get me tub-thumping about take-away coffee being synonymous with the ills of the UK, the greatest examples of profligacy and subconscious manipulation?? I can write reams on that subject...

Go for it! I am all ears  :D
Title: Re: Pet hates
Post by: SallyintNorth on January 21, 2020, 01:09:12 am
One of mine, forum-related, is when someone comes and offers some advice on a topic as though only they have had this insight or depth of experience, when one of us has already said the very same thing three or four posts back. 

I suspect I am probably super-sensitive on such things, being a woman of a certain age, and having spent a lot of my earlier career having to prove my worthiness to be listened to.  (Think "Life on Mars" and the regular - male - coppers' attitudes to the "plonk" - female copper.  I started work as a software engineer in 1980, and had to correct people's assumptions that I must be my male colleague's secretary for most of that decade, and beyond at times, although things were definitely improving by the late 80s.)

Surely if the same answer comes up more than once it helps the OP make up their mind about which advice they might take? How do they know who knows best, who doesn't or even thinks they do?

Yes, and I've no issue with the same input appearing more than once, but wish that folks would (a) show previous posters the respect to acknowledge "as others have already said" or some such, and (b) not simply repeat the same input / advice; if a poster isn't going to add anything, they can indicate their concurrence with the views already expressd by "Liking" that post.
Title: Re: Pet hates
Post by: SallyintNorth on January 21, 2020, 01:17:02 am
is that why I sometimes have the creepy feeling someone else is putting words in my mouth?


OK, I have one, although it makes me giggle rather than making me mad:  I have just read the phrase 'a fine toothcomb' three times in one book.  Teeth are not usually so furry that they need to be combed, but combs do have teeth which are fine.  Those fine-toothed combs so beloved of school nurses.  Or maybe I'm just nit-picking  :knit:

GROAN! at that last (an appreciative groan, I do love a good pun :) )

One of my current pet hates in similar space is "of" for "have" : "I should of known", etc.  But language grows and is shaped by those who speak it, so I expect "of" will be defined as "have" in some later edition of one of the UK dictionaries.  I am still finding it unsettling to discover that things we were taught at school as immutable facts were in fact just a snapshot in time, and you can't be sure that anything you think is true still is!  Even history, as it gets rewritten by different voices.  (And all the better for that, when the later voices were the previously silenced ones.)
Title: Re: Pet hates
Post by: pgkevet on January 21, 2020, 10:32:30 am
You really want to get me tub-thumping about take-away coffee being synonymous with the ills of the UK, the greatest examples of profligacy and subconscious manipulation?? I can write reams on that subject...

Go for it! I am all ears  :D
First I'd like to offer my sympathies regarding your cosmetic problems. (unless they are a  normal characteristic or your cultural sub-division - in which case i apologise for bringing up the matter and hope that didn't cause any offence)(;base64,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Secondly be be careful what you wish for....
Title: Re: Pet hates
Post by: Fleecewife on January 21, 2020, 12:37:51 pm

This one's about Science Fiction, and maybe it just applies to screen versions. Why is all (supposedly) intelligent life portrayed as walking upright on two legs?  This was of course inspired by Sally's 'I'm all ears'  :roflanim:   I was watching the birds at my birdtable (and yes, they walk upright on two legs but they have WINGS) when I realised that the potential for real intelligence is present in birds, far more than it is in mammals. Think of all the problem solving corvids, the parrots which can dismantle a car in NZ, the newly hatched chicks which a couple of weeks later can FLY for heavens sake (OK that's innate but still - way ahead of humanoids)  Think of the dragons in GoT....oh, aren't they real ?  :'(
Title: Re: Pet hates
Post by: Fleecewife on January 21, 2020, 12:47:55 pm
This completes my trilogy, for now.
What is it with keyboards? The letters on our previous keyboard were fast disappearing after only a year of use, so we bought a new one a month or so ago.  It only cost £7, so a cheapy from China, but already 'o' is indistinguishable from 'i', and 't' looks like a disembodied gibbet  ::)
Given the earth changing technology hidden inside the keyboard, can't they get the letters to stick?
Do I have to chuck out the Rolls because the ashtray is full?
Title: Re: Pet hates
Post by: pgkevet on January 21, 2020, 01:30:59 pm
This completes my trilogy, for now.
What is it with keyboards? The letters on our previous keyboard were fast disappearing after only a year of use, so we bought a new one a month or so ago.  It only cost £7, so a cheapy from China, but already 'o' is indistinguishable from 'i', and 't' looks like a disembodied gibbet  ::)
Given the earth changing technology hidden inside the keyboard, can't they get the letters to stick?
Do I have to chuck out the Rolls because the ashtray is full?
Most alien species conveniently speak english or provide thier own subtitles. As for the waste you produced by chucking a functional keyboard.. you could have redone the letters (paint pen) or just asked...I threw a load away myself recently 'cos they'd been sititng in the barn for years, perfectly usable, but came with now obsolete PC's. I did at least take them for recycling (AKA sending to malaysia)
Title: Re: Pet hates
Post by: Fleecewife on January 21, 2020, 01:43:40 pm
Well done pgkevet.  Jolly good show old man!

Just to defend myself, we did recycle the previous keyboard, but it had had its chips in other ways too.  This one will be repaired with Humbrol enamel and maybe we'll varnish the keys.  I'm shocked though at how far our throwaway society has sunk.  Houses built to last 20 years  ???  Computers which have to be ditched because the programmes have changed  ??? , cars which you can't work on because they are so high tech  ???
Title: Re: Pet hates
Post by: pgkevet on January 21, 2020, 02:43:38 pm
Silly but true keyboard story.We had a lot of PC's at the clinic. Despite reasonable measures they eventually got clogged with dust, animal hair, glove powder and the like. Back then keyboards weren't as cheap. I took the back off them to discover how cheaply made they were. Essentially apart from the higher tech bits the common ground for all keys was a bit of cardboard covered in foil. Of course the rest was plastic and rustproof- stainless or solder (or fancy ones might have silver or gold plated contacts).With the backs off and cardboard out I chucked them in a sink-scrubbed with soapy water and let them dry and drain...perfect.
Title: Re: Pet hates
Post by: Womble on January 21, 2020, 03:37:14 pm

Talking about that, Fleecewife, at a previous company, somebody switched around a load of the keys on my colleague's keyboard, as a joke. I can touchtype though, so rather than him having the hassle of changing everything back round, I just swapped my keyboard with his.

Of course after that, I always encouraged people to use my computer when I was in meetings etc, just for comic effect  ;D .
Title: Re: Pet hates
Post by: doganjo on January 21, 2020, 03:46:54 pm
One of my current pet hates in similar space is "of" for "have" : "I should of known", etc.  But language grows and is shaped by those who speak it, so I expect "of" will be defined as "have" in some later edition of one of the UK dictionaries. 
Beat me to it on that one, SiN  :roflanim: and all the missed punctuation marks!  Drives me batty.

I'm the grammar and punctuation Police you see  :eyelashes:

Oh and by the way pgkevet - it's DOGANJO not DogandJo - first half of Anne and first half of John
Title: Re: Pet hates
Post by: Fleecewife on January 21, 2020, 04:46:03 pm

Talking about that, Fleecewife, at a previous company, somebody switched around a load of the keys on my colleague's keyboard, as a joke. I can touchtype though, so rather than him having the hassle of changing everything back round, I just swapped my keyboard with his.

Of course after that, I always encouraged people to use my computer when I was in meetings etc, just for comic effect  ;D .

 :roflanim: :roflanim:  They loved you didn't they  :innocent:

I still type with two fingers and have to look for the letters, so when 'i' looks the same as 'o' I have a whole load of corrections to make. It's why all my posts are modified.....
Title: Re: Pet hates
Post by: arobwk on January 21, 2020, 07:54:14 pm
On the electronics theme;  why can't manufacturers send an AC/DC power supply unit with the same branding (even just a factory-applied sticker) as the bit of kit it powers.  I know enough now to immediately indelibly mark a power unit to match it with the bit of kit it powers, but it is annoying.

Title: Re: Pet hates
Post by: pgkevet on January 21, 2020, 08:35:46 pm
Oh and by the way pgkevet - it's DOGANJO not DogandJo - first half of Anne and first half of John
Oops! :-[
..but was it me or was it disHarmony?
Title: Re: Pet hates
Post by: doganjo on January 22, 2020, 09:54:10 am
A quick reality check is that there are only you, me and Dan on this forum. I'm really DogandJo, Womble, Fleecewife and Rosemary amongst others. Although I shall log back in soon as those and refute it....

Was this a quote from Eharmony? :innocent: No quote marks  :roflanim: :roflanim:
Title: Re: Pet hates
Post by: doganjo on January 22, 2020, 09:57:43 am
I still type with two fingers and have to look for the letters, so when 'i' looks the same as 'o' I have a whole load of corrections to make. It's why all my posts are modified.....
I often reverse letters - 'teh' instead of 'the' for instance, so I use the preview button and correct my errors before posting,
Title: Re: Pet hates
Post by: harmony on January 22, 2020, 10:09:47 am
A quick reality check is that there are only you, me and Dan on this forum. I'm really DogandJo, Womble, Fleecewife and Rosemary amongst others. Although I shall log back in soon as those and refute it....

Was this a quote from Eharmony? :innocent: No quote marks  :roflanim: :roflanim:

Nah it wer defo that ther pgkevit guy!  ::)
Title: Re: Pet hates
Post by: doganjo on January 22, 2020, 10:38:55 am
 :roflanim: :roflanim: :roflanim:
Title: Re: Pet hates
Post by: Fleecewife on January 22, 2020, 11:52:49 am
I still type with two fingers and have to look for the letters, so when 'i' looks the same as 'o' I have a whole load of corrections to make. It's why all my posts are modified.....
I often reverse letters - 'teh' instead of 'the' for instance, so I use the preview button and correct my errors before posting,

I do that too, but it's easier to see the whole thing once its posted so I do both  ::)  Then I add in the bits I forgot first time around.....
Title: Re: Pet hates
Post by: Fleecewife on January 23, 2020, 06:21:20 pm
I don't like total skin covering tattoos. Having spent my working life caring for others, I know what happens after 50 years, to tattoos placed in some positions more than others.  I don't mind a small tattoo, a dragon or a rose or a butterfly perhaps, but covering your entire body in ink is something I just don't find appealing.  I know it's an expression of personal freedom, so I try not to look  :tired:
Title: Re: Pet hates
Post by: oor wullie on January 24, 2020, 07:35:06 am
Inappropriate use of the letter N in phrases like 'an historic'.
The H is not silent and so using 'an' instead of 'a' makes it sound totally disjointed and is an uncomfortable mouthful to say.

Yes, I know it's how it's supposed to be written/said in standard English but in this case its simply wrong.
Title: Re: Pet hates
Post by: pgkevet on January 24, 2020, 08:45:41 am
Inappropriate use of the letter N in phrases like 'an historic'.
The H is not silent and so using 'an' instead of 'a' makes it sound totally disjointed and is an uncomfortable mouthful to say.

Yes, I know it's how it's supposed to be written/said in standard English but in this case its simply wrong.
Disagree - it depends how you enunciate the phrase and local accent may have an effect there.And nothing wrong with a little grammar whimsy.
It's misappropriation of words, tautology and over dramatisation that winds me up:-"Organic vegetables" - show me some inorganic vegetables first."...great, big...""Every single day" = daily. "Scarred for life" = scarred, "Outrage" over something trivial...
Title: Re: Pet hates
Post by: doganjo on January 24, 2020, 10:20:45 am
This completes my trilogy, for now.
What is it with keyboards? The letters on our previous keyboard were fast disappearing after only a year of use, so we bought a new one a month or so ago.  It only cost £7, so a cheapy from China, but already 'o' is indistinguishable from 'i', and 't' looks like a disembodied gibbet  ::)
Given the earth changing technology hidden inside the keyboard, can't they get the letters to stick?
Do I have to chuck out the Rolls because the ashtray is full?
Cheap rubbish then.   :excited:  I have two laptops, a hudl, samsung phone, and a pc with a Trust keyboard - all at least 2 years old and none showing any sign of keyboard wear. 

Ah, just had a thought - maybe that's why - finger pushes are shared between them  :roflanim: :roflanim: :roflanim:
Title: Re: Pet hates
Post by: Fleecewife on January 24, 2020, 12:28:24 pm
This completes my trilogy, for now.
What is it with keyboards? The letters on our previous keyboard were fast disappearing after only a year of use, so we bought a new one a month or so ago.  It only cost £7, so a cheapy from China, but already 'o' is indistinguishable from 'i', and 't' looks like a disembodied gibbet  ::)
Given the earth changing technology hidden inside the keyboard, can't they get the letters to stick?
Do I have to chuck out the Rolls because the ashtray is full?
Cheap rubbish then.   :excited:  I have two laptops, a hudl, samsung phone, and a pc with a Trust keyboard - all at least 2 years old and none showing any sign of keyboard wear. 

Ah, just had a thought - maybe that's why - finger pushes are shared between them  :roflanim: :roflanim: :roflanim:

Whereas we have one keyboard shared by two of us.  Also as I type with two fingers ( :-[ ) I probably put quite a bit more pressure on each key than touch-typers do.  What gets me is that something which in one respect is high tech, and unimaginable just a few decades ago, is let down by poor quality now.

Title: Re: Pet hates
Post by: Fleecewife on January 24, 2020, 12:36:22 pm
Inappropriate use of the letter N in phrases like 'an historic'.
The H is not silent and so using 'an' instead of 'a' makes it sound totally disjointed and is an uncomfortable mouthful to say.

Yes, I know it's how it's supposed to be written/said in standard English but in this case its simply wrong.

I think it originates from the 1800s when one didn't pronounce the 'h' in some words such as hotel.  It was the posh way to not pronounce 'h'.  Language changes, but really nowadays nobody uses, or at least not very many people use 'an' before an 'h'.  Now, as you say, because many folk do pronounce the 'h', using 'an' is obsolete.

I used to get annoyed at 'definately' instead of 'definitely'.  Now though I realise it's part of the changes that occur in language pronunciation and emphasis.  It's hard to put extra emphasis on 'it', if you don't put it on 'def'.  All great fun.
Title: Re: Pet hates
Post by: pgkevet on January 24, 2020, 12:38:06 pm
I just had a  good look at the 'faded' letters on the main keyboard here. They are the uncommon keys and sadly it's the layer of grime masking them - perhaps a clean due :-[
Title: Re: Pet hates
Post by: cans on January 24, 2020, 12:44:58 pm
I just had a  good look at the 'faded' letters on the main keyboard here. They are the uncommon keys and sadly it's the layer of grime masking them - perhaps a clean due :-[

So..... how many took a good look at their keyboard?

Title: Re: Pet hates
Post by: pgkevet on January 24, 2020, 12:50:23 pm

I think it originates from the 1800s when one didn't pronounce the 'h' in some words such as hotel.  It was the posh way to not pronounce 'h'.  Language changes, but really nowadays nobody uses, or at least not very many people use 'an' before an 'h'.  Now, as you say, because many folk do pronounce the 'h', using 'an' is obsolete.

I used to get annoyed at 'definately' instead of 'definitely'.  Now though I realise it's part of the changes that occur in language pronunciation and emphasis.  It's hard to put extra emphasis on 'it', if you don't put it on 'def'.  All great fun.
Another sad decline of prose, grammar and pronunciation in contemporary dystopia exemplified  by the common and the nouveau riche primitives invading society under the guise of equality - Innit? :roflanim:
More seriously the rise of sound-bites, newspeak and no imagination doesn't bode well for future prose and poetry. Rap doesn't cut it for me.
Edit - Yes, I can speak Arthur Daley or the Queen's version.
Title: Re: Pet hates
Post by: Fleecewife on January 24, 2020, 12:54:56 pm

I think it originates from the 1800s when one didn't pronounce the 'h' in some words such as hotel.  It was the posh way to not pronounce 'h'.  Language changes, but really nowadays nobody uses, or at least not very many people use 'an' before an 'h'.  Now, as you say, because many folk do pronounce the 'h', using 'an' is obsolete.

I used to get annoyed at 'definately' instead of 'definitely'.  Now though I realise it's part of the changes that occur in language pronunciation and emphasis.  It's hard to put extra emphasis on 'it', if you don't put it on 'def'.  All great fun.
Another sad decline of prose, grammar and pronunciation in contemporary dystopia exemplified  by the common and the nouveau riche rimitives invading society under the guise of equality - Innit? :roflanim:
More seriously the rise of sound-bites, newspeak and no imagination doesn't bode well for future prose and poetry. Rap doesn't cut it for me.

I used to think that way too when I left school with my posh accent, but now I see that language is a living, breathing, dynamic entity, growing and changing all the time.  Good Rap is rather brilliant if you listen closely, and some old poetry is stultified nonsense.  :innocent:
Title: Re: Pet hates
Post by: doganjo on January 24, 2020, 01:00:42 pm
a horse

a house

a hotel

An house, horse, hotel much more difficult to say.

BUT - what about initials commonly used,, can't figure tehm out sometimes - for instance IDK, IDC, IMHO, ICYMI, PMSL, ROTFLMSS - oops GTG  :coat:
Title: Re: Pet hates
Post by: pgkevet on January 24, 2020, 02:34:25 pm
The 'an' depends on classic pronunciation and emphasis. So a horse, a house, an hotel. A history but an historic.....
An 'orse it ain't...unless you woz drugged up proper bad and refer you the power supply as 'the electric'
Title: Re: Pet hates
Post by: Fleecewife on January 24, 2020, 05:15:27 pm
The 'an' depends on classic pronunciation and emphasis. So a horse, a house, an hotel. A history but an historic.....
An 'orse it ain't...unless you woz drugged up proper bad and refer you the power supply as 'the electric'

Doesn't everyone do that nowadays?  :rant: :rant: :rant:  the electric.  Something like nounifying an adjective  ::) :o
Title: Re: Pet hates
Post by: SallyintNorth on January 24, 2020, 05:21:34 pm
Oh no, now I'm going to start on words and grammar...

Current pet hate is, "I was gifted".   :P  You were better at this and now are not  ???   I think you probably mean that you were given something as a gift.  You could just say "I was given"  ::)

Title: Re: Pet hates
Post by: pgkevet on January 24, 2020, 06:47:55 pm
Oh no, now I'm going to start on words and grammar...

Current pet hate is, "I was gifted".   :P  You were better at this and now are not  ???   I think you probably mean that you were given something as a gift.  You could just say "I was given"  ::)
Ah, but if it's gifted and the donor lives more than seven years you avoid tax... :excited:
Title: Re: Pet hates
Post by: harmony on January 24, 2020, 10:01:12 pm
I don't like total skin covering tattoos. Having spent my working life caring for others, I know what happens after 50 years, to tattoos placed in some positions more than others.  I don't mind a small tattoo, a dragon or a rose or a butterfly perhaps, but covering your entire body in ink is something I just don't find appealing.  I know it's an expression of personal freedom, so I try not to look  :tired:

Now we are all wondering where you have your tattoo Fleecewife?  :o

Title: Re: Pet hates
Post by: harmony on January 24, 2020, 10:20:18 pm

My pet hate is dog poo. Not bagged up or bagged up and left hung somewhere. Do these pet owners think there is a poo bag fairy?

Title: Re: Pet hates
Post by: Fleecewife on January 25, 2020, 01:00:39 am
I don't like total skin covering tattoos. Having spent my working life caring for others, I know what happens after 50 years, to tattoos placed in some positions more than others.  I don't mind a small tattoo, a dragon or a rose or a butterfly perhaps, but covering your entire body in ink is something I just don't find appealing.  I know it's an expression of personal freedom, so I try not to look  :tired:

Now we are all wondering where you have your tattoo Fleecewife?  :o

 :roflanim: :roflanim:   I would love a tiny dragon on my shoulder but I'm not brave enough.  No other part of my body is inked.  As I mentioned before I keep myself very well wrapped up in several layers of vests, shirts and woolly jumpers, so no point in tats, and my bum is well past looking good for display purposes  :o
Title: Re: Pet hates
Post by: arobwk on January 27, 2020, 04:28:23 pm
Sainsbury's self-service checkouts using cash: 

If my change will provide the option of producing silver coloured coins, that's what I want (for the stash of coins in my parking-meter pot in my car) - please do not convert a 10p piece (for example) into 5x copper 2p pieces which will have to go into my trash-coinage bottle instead.   

(Sainsbury's s/serv' checkouts really are the worst in this respect.)
Title: Re: Pet hates
Post by: arobwk on January 27, 2020, 04:43:45 pm

My pet hate is dog poo. Not bagged up or bagged up and left hung somewhere. Do these pet owners think there is a poo bag fairy?

I would suggest that the bag-hangers normally collect them up on their return route.  Personally, I carry a dedicated "carry pack" to put any bagged arisings into (rather than leave them swinging in the wind for pick-up on the return journey).
Title: Re: Pet hates
Post by: SallyintNorth on January 27, 2020, 04:51:02 pm

My pet hate is dog poo. Not bagged up or bagged up and left hung somewhere. Do these pet owners think there is a poo bag fairy?

I would suggest that the bag-hangers normally collect them up on their return route.

This is very much a pet hate of farmers with cattle.  Cattle are inquisitive and will eat these, often necessitating an operation or even resulting in death.  For the sake of carrying a little bag around with you...  :rant: :rant:
Title: Re: Pet hates
Post by: arobwk on January 27, 2020, 05:17:35 pm
I agree whole-heartedly with SallyintNorth:  leaving poo-bags (for collection on return) in livestock areas is not a good thing.
Title: Re: Pet hates
Post by: harmony on January 27, 2020, 05:33:12 pm

My pet hate is dog poo. Not bagged up or bagged up and left hung somewhere. Do these pet owners think there is a poo bag fairy?

I would suggest that the bag-hangers normally collect them up on their return route.  Personally, I carry a dedicated "carry pack" to put any bagged arisings into (rather than leave them swinging in the wind for pick-up on the return journey).

I'm sure some might but not many.
Title: Re: Pet hates
Post by: arobwk on January 27, 2020, 08:03:21 pm
At last a place where I can get away with mentioning my chagrin at the loss of triple-nutted peanut shells !

One might still find a shell with a single nut in a bag of "monkey nuts" rather than the standard 2-nut shell, but the triple-nut shell has long since disappeared.

My favorites were the 3-nut shells. (Once upon a time, there were even 4-nut shells, but, this far on I'm beginning to wonder whether I dreamed that).
Title: Re: Pet hates
Post by: harmony on January 27, 2020, 09:16:07 pm
At last a place where I can get away with mentioning my chagrin at the loss of triple-nutted peanut shells !

One might still find a shell with a single nut in a bag of "monkey nuts" rather than the standard 2-nut shell, but the triple-nut shell has long since disappeared.

My favorites were the 3-nut shells. (Once upon a time, there were even 4-nut shells, but, this far on I'm beginning to wonder whether I dreamed that).

That could drive someone nuts arobwk! 
Title: Re: Pet hates
Post by: doganjo on January 27, 2020, 09:49:48 pm
 :roflanim: :roflanim:
Title: Re: Pet hates
Post by: pgkevet on January 28, 2020, 10:39:19 pm
Roast monkey nuts - eat a handful , shells and all, for the most satisfying morning dump.....
I used to recommend ground roast peanut shell for dogs with bowel problems - excellent for many forms of colitis.
Title: Re: Pet hates
Post by: arobwk on January 28, 2020, 10:57:17 pm
Roast monkey nuts - eat a handful , shells and all, for the most satisfying morning dump.....
I used to recommend ground roast peanut shell for dogs with bowel problems - excellent for many forms of colitis.

Thanks pgk', but I don't think I'm going to try munching peanut shells any time soon !!   
Title: Re: Pet hates
Post by: pgkevet on January 29, 2020, 04:09:32 am
Roast monkey nuts - eat a handful , shells and all, for the most satisfying morning dump.....
I used to recommend ground roast peanut shell for dogs with bowel problems - excellent for many forms of colitis.

Thanks pgk', but I don't think I'm going to try munching peanut shells any time soon !!
Why not? I eat them now and again with the peanut still inside.. a bit chewy but fine and excellent fibre.
Title: Re: Pet hates
Post by: arobwk on January 31, 2020, 01:36:57 am
Roast monkey nuts - eat a handful , shells and all, for the most satisfying morning dump.....
I used to recommend ground roast peanut shell for dogs with bowel problems - excellent for many forms of colitis.

Thanks pgk', but I don't think I'm going to try munching peanut shells any time soon !!
Why not? I eat them now and again with the peanut still inside.. a bit chewy but fine and excellent fiber.

Naah, I have enough problems getting stuff out of the gaps in my teeth without adding peanut shell fibers !!  :)
Title: Re: Pet hates
Post by: pgkevet on January 31, 2020, 01:17:17 pm

Naah, I have enough problems getting stuff out of the gaps in my teeth without adding peanut shell fibers !!  :)
Stick it through a kitchen whizzy machine and drink it through a straw.... :innocent:
Title: Re: Pet hates
Post by: arobwk on January 31, 2020, 05:49:16 pm

Naah, I have enough problems getting stuff out of the gaps in my teeth without adding peanut shell fibers !!  :)
Stick it through a kitchen whizzy machine and drink it through a straw.... :innocent:

I'm still not persuaded  :D
Title: Re: Pet hates
Post by: pgkevet on February 03, 2020, 09:09:03 pm
" Ripen in the fruit-bowl" = Buy it, wait a week and it's dried and tasteless"Ready to eat" = Buy it , wait 3 days and it's tasteless
Title: Re: Pet hates
Post by: Lesley Silvester on February 06, 2020, 11:32:28 pm
Drivers who indicate to turn after they have started moving. I feel like shouting, "I already know you're pulling out in front of me - you're half way there."
Title: Re: Pet hates
Post by: Fleecewife on February 07, 2020, 12:18:31 am
Drivers who indicate to turn after they have started moving. I feel like shouting, "I already know you're pulling out in front of me - you're half way there."

Or drivers who fail to indicate at all then turn right.  That was the cause of my first motorcycle crash  ::)
Title: Re: Pet hates
Post by: arobwk on February 09, 2020, 11:48:37 pm
Drivers who indicate to turn after they have started moving. I feel like shouting, "I already know you're pulling out in front of me - you're half way there."

Or drivers who fail to indicate at all then turn right.  That was the cause of my first motorcycle crash  ::)

Don't start me off !!! 

Well obviously you have, so - and I have noticed that the more expensive the car the greater the incidence of poor or complete lack of indicator use ... "I know where I am going so why bother ?!" (can't find an emoticon that sums that attitude up.) ... or is it  "Look at me in my very expensive car!"  which we are then made to do while they decide whether to give us an indication of where they are going to go next ... or perhaps they think it's "Automated !" to coin a recent advertising catch-phrase involving some mongoose-like creatures.
As you might have guessed, I operate indicator whether there is another vehicle/people in sight or not so that I do not get sloppy when it could really matter !
Title: Re: Pet hates
Post by: Fleecewife on February 09, 2020, 11:55:16 pm
There used to be a lethal old lady in St Andrews.  Apparently many years before they had changed the traffic priority coming out of the West Port.  However, she either didn't notice or simply didn't change her ways, and would drive straight out across the main road, looking neither right nor left, clutching the steering wheel and peering over the top, and possibly wondering why there were so many horn blasts, or perhaps she couldn't hear either.
Title: Re: Pet hates
Post by: SallyintNorth on February 22, 2020, 01:00:27 pm
Pics of ewes and lambs on social media, where one or more lambs have clearly not yet had enough - or even anything - to eat.   :rant:  Put the camera down and get that lamb fed!!!  :rant:
Title: Re: Pet hates
Post by: sabrina on February 22, 2020, 07:24:05 pm
 my biggest pet hate at the moment, people who drive all the way up our farm road looking for a local holiday let, B & B , camping site and say, I know we are in the wrong place but my satnav brought me here. Myself and neighbours are so sick of it. If you are going to run a camping site don't just give out your first name and postcode and expext that is enough information for people to find you.
Title: Re: Pet hates
Post by: SallyintNorth on February 23, 2020, 05:02:03 pm
my biggest pet hate at the moment, people who drive all the way up our farm road looking for a local holiday let, B & B , camping site and say, I know we are in the wrong place but my satnav brought me here. Myself and neighbours are so sick of it. If you are going to run a camping site don't just give out your first name and postcode and expext that is enough information for people to find you.

We have holiday businesses here, and I can tell you that you can write what you want in the blurb, tell them again when they book, send them a letter and a map - and they will still follow their  :censored: satnav!!!  If you are out in the sticks, you may get away with putting up homemade signs pointing people in the right direction (and or away from the wrong direction).

We had a similar problem up North too, in that we and the business across the road shared a postcode.  It caused them and us quite a bit of grief.  In fact, we came back to the farmstead one day to find some of their holiday guests inside our house!!  In that case, they had described the route to the people, told them what the building and door looked like, and the silly eejits still opened our door (which was unlike the description they'd been given in every respect.  ::) ) and walked in.  :rant:

Having declined to be a keyholder for their holiday cottages!, and having very reluctantly taken to locking the front door if we were out and about on the farm, we asked around and were told about two options to help.  We were within half a mile of a World Heritage Site so putting up our own signage was a non-starter (although we did put a "Not <organic cafe and Bunk Barn>" sign on our own front door for the rest of that summer.). The "official" options were to get the map data companies to put in a special pin for the business, and the other was for the business to apply for a unique postcode for themselves.  I can't remember now what the criteria were to get your own postcode, and of course there will still be old guides out there with the old postcode, but it would reduce the problem.  They did go for the map pin business, but took the alternative option of locating the postcode pin on their property instead of ours, which then caused us and the other house on the same postcode a whole pile of grief with our own visitors ::).  I think all that is easier now that most phones have satnav capability.

Anyway, I feel for you!   :hug:
Title: Re: Pet hates
Post by: Fleecewife on February 23, 2020, 10:39:27 pm
There used to be a lethal old lady in St Andrews.  Apparently many years before they had changed the traffic priority coming out of the West Port.  However, she either didn't notice or simply didn't change her ways, and would drive straight out across the main road, looking neither right nor left, clutching the steering wheel and peering over the top, and possibly wondering why there were so many horn blasts, or perhaps she couldn't hear either.

Ah yes, I remember her well!!!

Do you really?  Were you at Uni there, or did you live there?  She was a right menace but we all soon got to expect her  :roflanim:
Title: Re: Pet hates
Post by: sabrina on February 24, 2020, 02:10:57 am
I think if all you give out is your first name and postcode when running a holiday cottage and camping site then something is not right. all my neighbours are sick of it. We now have no entry signs up. One guy came up out farm road looking for them and gave us a nouthful as he had scraped the bottom of his car on our road. We had a German guy in a motor home drive up and park for the night. he was not happy to be told he was in the wrong place. We have asked in a nice way can they not give out a map to their place to be told why don't we put up a sign pointing to their place. I think having one at your own site would be a better idea.
Title: Re: Pet hates
Post by: Fleecewife on February 24, 2020, 01:04:24 pm
I think if all you give out is your first name and postcode when running a holiday cottage and camping site then something is not right. all my neighbours are sick of it. We now have no entry signs up. One guy came up out farm road looking for them and gave us a nouthful as he had scraped the bottom of his car on our road. We had a German guy in a motor home drive up and park for the night. he was not happy to be told he was in the wrong place. We have asked in a nice way can they not give out a map to their place to be told why don't we put up a sign pointing to their place. I think having one at your own site would be a better idea.

Yes, you have to think there's something dodgy going on there, (as with our neighbour who took down the signpost, and won't let others along the same track put up their own). They must be advertising somewhere, so can you find out from the next stray where they got their info and see just what they say in the original advert?  I used to get really annoyed at delivery drivers coming to my door to ask for directions to places down the track, but then I realised it's hardly their fault they can't find the place and now I suggest, after giving them directions, that they ask at their destination for better signage.  Not that that has made any difference  ::)   
In fact a sign saying ~ 'camp site 100yds on right' might be giving in to them, but would make your own life much easier.  You never know, they might even put it up themselves...