The Accidental Smallholder Forum

Livestock => Poultry & Waterfowl => Topic started by: daddymatty82 on September 02, 2010, 07:16:17 pm

Title: muscovy
Post by: daddymatty82 on September 02, 2010, 07:16:17 pm
what do people think of them as im selling 3 of my 4 magpie ducks next week and im thinking of getting a muscovy to keep it company if there is any at market of course if its cheap enough. i always understood they were nasty little bu**ers and very visious is this true? would they fend off a dog like my chicks do already? just want something more fun in the garden its an idea atm not a garentee so dont think im just going out to get it im just doing research. cheers matty
Title: Re: muscovy
Post by: Elissian on September 02, 2010, 10:24:04 pm
I love muscovies, i have 3 girls and a boy. Mine seem quite placid, they talk a lot, sort of whistling and the male lifts his mohican up and down as he talks. They have claws on their feet as they are perching ducks and they fly extremely well. they will eat mice and other small ammmals if they find them and i have read they eat baby guinea pigs so be careful if you have those. Mine are in an enclosure with chickens, chicks and geese and they all get along fine but the muscovies stick together. they are not true ducks and some believe they are more closely related to geese so i don't know if they would be happier with their own kind rather than just one with another breed, perhaps someone else can comment on that. They take 35 days to hatch and they talk to their eggs while they sit on them. I suspect the aggression depends on the induvidual, we all draw judgment by our own experience, i had a horrible maran once so drew the conclusion they were aggressive but many people have told me they're delightful!
Have you looked at feathersite its a wonderful website that shows every poultry breed known to man. good luck, Helen
Title: Re: muscovy
Post by: sheardale on September 02, 2010, 10:28:05 pm
I have a muscovy.  He can be very funny with his antics.  He goes around the yard with our 3 geese.  I put him in the house last at night, if not, he stands at the door and blocks it and the geese cant get past him.  Mind you, he is first out in the morning to see what for eating.  He is a grand old chap.  Often services the geese too.  Can save the gander some time. lol.  No they are not vicious and have a good nature.
Cheers Helen
Title: Re: muscovy
Post by: northfifeduckling on September 03, 2010, 07:21:39 am
Don't know where you got that from - I found Muscovies have a lovely gentle nature, must say that I only came in touch with girls, though, no idea if drakes are aggressive. You can't cross breed successfully with continental ducks (Muscovies/Marberries are from America, I think, I hope I'm not  getting told off by other folk more in the know) as the second generation of the cross will be infertile. Some people are happy just to move them on as they are much better mothers and breeders than our continental breed ducks - they multilply! I would not have only one of a different kind, better 2 and they can keep each other company if they don't get on with the oother crowd  ;) :&>