The Accidental Smallholder Forum

Livestock => Poultry & Waterfowl => Topic started by: Sharondp on August 06, 2010, 09:11:45 am

Title: Broody black rock - what are my chances?
Post by: Sharondp on August 06, 2010, 09:11:45 am
Hi all  :wave:

I have a black rock that's gone broody in the past, but I've taken the eggs away and she's given up after a couple of days. However, this time she's been a bit more persistent so I've given her 6 eggs to sit on. I know the breed aren't renowned for their model motherhood, but I was wondering if anyone had been successful with them?

I also have a buff orpie that has gone broody so she's sitting on eggs, and if the BR deserts hers I will hopefully be able to transfer them to the buff!

Title: Re: Broody black rock - what are my chances?
Post by: Fleecewife on August 06, 2010, 11:39:50 am
I have had at least 3 Black Rocks which have successfully hatched chicks.  The first did so inside a tyre  ;D and only one chick eventually emerged, but she did sit for the required time, out in the wild.  The second  hatched 8 and they lived in my polytunnel destroying the crops for several months before she finally wandered off.  The third shared a nest box with a Scots Grey and between them they hatched a grand total of two chicks.  They went round as a team for weeks - two hens and two chicks - until finally the BR gave up when they were about independant.  The SG gave up a couple of weeks later.  So not huge success but it does show that they can sit and hatch
Title: Re: Broody black rock - what are my chances?
Post by: Sharondp on August 06, 2010, 02:33:25 pm
That's good to know - thank you!  :)
Title: Re: Broody black rock - what are my chances?
Post by: plumseverywhere on August 06, 2010, 02:35:22 pm
I had one that hatched guinea fowl so had to sit a bit longer (I believe?) than normal.

she's called Chicken Tikka and is a funny little thing - she helps me dig potatoes up and is very good at it  ;D
Title: Re: Broody black rock - what are my chances?
Post by: Sharondp on August 06, 2010, 03:53:17 pm
Bless! Have you still got the guinea fowl? Noisy things!  ;D
Title: Re: Broody black rock - what are my chances?
Post by: plumseverywhere on August 06, 2010, 04:46:58 pm
they are aren't they?! always make scarlett cry when I take her to dom fowl trust!! no, they weren't ours - we lent tikka to sit on someone elses clutch because unlike most of my broodies, she was impossible to break out of it!! at least I know that when we do want her to sit on some eggs she'll be a good'n (hopefully!!)
Title: Re: Broody black rock - what are my chances?
Post by: Roxy on August 06, 2010, 05:04:38 pm
I saw a black rock at weekend, and she had 13 nice chicks with her, so she had a good success rate.
Title: Re: Broody black rock - what are my chances?
Post by: Sharondp on August 06, 2010, 05:23:39 pm
13  :o

I thought 6 was ambitious!  ;)
Title: Re: Broody black rock - what are my chances?
Post by: Roxy on August 06, 2010, 05:33:29 pm
Oh, she had 19 - which included the  5 "adopted" copper black marans, which I bought .......super hen, eh?  6 would be a doddle for her  to handle :D
Title: Re: Broody black rock - what are my chances?
Post by: Sharondp on August 06, 2010, 06:37:08 pm
What a girl! She desreves a 'Mum of the Year' award!  :o
Title: Re: Broody black rock - what are my chances?
Post by: meebh on August 06, 2010, 08:05:13 pm

We have had 2 broodies this year with very successful hatchings and exceptional mothers and ........ they are both black rocks!!!

Supermums  :wave:
Title: Re: Broody black rock - what are my chances?
Post by: Sharondp on August 25, 2010, 08:18:37 pm
Well I candled the eggs at 12 days (sneekily while she was off having a poo!) and only 3 were fertile, so I took the three away, and I'm happy to say she has hatched the other three today - 1 Buff-O and 2 RIR's.

What a good mum!  ;D

Another BR has gone Broody so I've given her 4 RIR eggs to sit on. I also have a broody Buff-O due to hatch 4 on Monday. All go here!  ::)