The Accidental Smallholder Forum

Community => Marketplace => Topic started by: hennypenny on July 29, 2010, 06:50:02 pm

Title: FS - Silver laced Wyandotte bants - pair
Post by: hennypenny on July 29, 2010, 06:50:02 pm
Due to lack of room (because Im concentrating on my orps) I have a pair of very nicely marked Silver laced Wyandotte bantams.  Both are unrelated -  the hen is a year old and came from a breeder in par, the cock was from hatching eggs from a breeder up country.  They are pretty and the cockerel (again a year old) is approachable.

£25 for thepair.  obviously need to be collected from Cornwall.
Title: Re: FS - Silver laced Wyandotte bants - pair
Post by: sam.t on July 30, 2010, 04:36:22 pm
 hi you say your concentrating on your orpingtons could you please tell me when posssible to sex them and how as i have just hatched (5 weeks old) 5 black and 1 buff and not able to tell which are hens and which are cockeralls
thanks sam :chook:
Title: Re: FS - Silver laced Wyandotte bants - pair
Post by: hennypenny on July 31, 2010, 06:44:33 am
Orps are really hard to sex until at least 12 weeks old (at least for me).  The Buffs are harder than the blues and blacks - Im managing them better.
Firstly Im looking at the colour of the males it reddens up quicker than females.  Then Im looking at feather shape.  Pointed feathers (obvious around collar and on back) for males, rounded tips for females.

Apart from this its a waiting game.  Im never sure till around 12 weeks for blues and blacks, but it can be 18 weeks for the Buffs (or untilone crows)
Title: Re: FS - Silver laced Wyandotte bants - pair
Post by: Pony-n-trap on July 31, 2010, 07:08:21 am
Shame we live at opposite ends of the country, I would have been interested.
Title: Re: FS - Silver laced Wyandotte bants - pair
Post by: hennypenny on July 31, 2010, 10:33:18 am
if I knew how to attach a photo I would have you drooling.....
Title: Re: FS - Silver laced Wyandotte bants - pair
Post by: sam.t on August 01, 2010, 04:31:40 pm
thanks for the reply will have a look in morning to see if i can tell
sam :chook: