The Accidental Smallholder Forum

Community => Marketplace => Topic started by: smiffy on July 22, 2010, 11:00:23 pm

Title: cheap geese anyone
Post by: smiffy on July 22, 2010, 11:00:23 pm
Title: Re: cheap geese anyone
Post by: piggy on July 22, 2010, 11:08:14 pm
We our getting some from them next week but i will take more now that i now that, i didnt relise that they would be killed if nobody took them very glad you posted that how awful.
Title: Re: cheap geese anyone
Post by: Roxy on July 22, 2010, 11:22:55 pm
I do battery hen rescue from the big commercial farms, but to be honest, never thought about geese.  Wonder if we could start up a goose rescue as well?  Although perhaps not quite the demand for geese in a garden.  Its a shame though. Had I been closer, I would have had a few.
Title: Re: cheap geese anyone
Post by: smiffy on July 22, 2010, 11:26:28 pm
I am in south yorkshire and if i can get enough takers i will take the cattle trailer down and fill it!!!
i am thinking a fuel share thing as it will cost about £90 to get there and back, i think i could get 40 to 50 geese in it comfortably, so it would add a couple of pound a goose, which isnt bad £7 each ;D
Title: Re: cheap geese anyone
Post by: Roxy on July 22, 2010, 11:50:44 pm
I have a spare shed, so could house three probably in there.  Got offered a gander by a neighbour the other week, and turned it down cos I had no geese, bet she has rehomed him now!!  Don't want to have too many or they will eat all the grass. 

£7 per goose is certainly very reasonable. 
Title: Re: cheap geese anyone
Post by: ellisr on July 23, 2010, 08:36:30 am
my friend got some from there last year and they are beautiful, I have 2 ganders that could use some girls as my girl can't be with them as she is old and blind in 1 eye, but I can't get over for them this year as I have now moved to the south west.
Title: Re: cheap geese anyone
Post by: CameronS on July 24, 2010, 07:29:55 pm
still to far away, i don't really have room, but i would have found somewhere.
Title: Re: cheap geese anyone
Post by: ellisr on July 24, 2010, 07:54:06 pm
They are brilliant if you don't want to cut the lawn or have a paddock that needs tidying. I use mine to tidy the chicken pens just swop them around and they keep everything nice and tidy. I have noticed that any grass they have been grazing seems to be lusher and grow better after about 3 months
Title: Re: cheap geese anyone
Post by: The.Grange on July 26, 2010, 10:48:22 am
You can easily keep 100 geese on a acre of good pasture, they keep grass cropped so no mowing if you don't want grazing for anythign else, obviously you don't have to keep 100 ;) - but eggs this year for eating have I know been selling between £1 - 1.99 per egg! A goose eggs is equal to around 3 good hen size eggs - for cooking/baking etc.  And if you get a male, goose is a lovely bird  :yum:
Title: Re: cheap geese anyone
Post by: shetlandpaul on July 26, 2010, 03:19:43 pm
i think 10 would be a more sensible number per acre. you would be buried under goose poo with that number per acre.
Title: Re: cheap geese anyone
Post by: piggy on July 28, 2010, 11:00:26 pm
Been and collected 4 females and 12 goslings from them today,lovely people very friendly and helpfull.
The plan was for the 4 females to go on the pond with the other 2 we have got,carried 2 of the boxes over the fence to the pond picked them up out of the box no problem very quiet,then picked up the other 2 boxes from the car you should of heard the hissing.
All 4 seemed happy and left them to settle had to pop out so as i came back counted to make sure they were all there only 3,panic over 1 was very happy in the pond,the others were just wondering about,went out to put chicks/ducks to bed to open my front door with 3 geese standing there,not sure how they got out.After lots and lots of hissing rounded them up and our sleeping in a stable tonight,thinking maybe i might have to buy a shed for them to sleep in at night,we did used to have a shed for the 2 we already had but they never went in it as at bedtime the little monkeys would always be on the pond,even in the daytime they never used it as it is surrounded by trees and they just shelter under them so we took it away and used it for the chickens.
Title: Re: cheap geese anyone
Post by: lovemonkey on August 02, 2010, 02:02:57 pm

Ive just aquired 3 such geese from a local source and kept them in a stable with a water trough overnight. Allowed them out to graze sunday but they dont seem to understand what grass is all about! They wandered around for most of the day seemingly looking for their old crowd. Today have kept them in and served up some wheat but alas they dont seem to know what that is either.

 Help!!! Does everybody else seem to be having same prob with their rescued geese? 
Title: Re: cheap geese anyone
Post by: jameslindsay on August 02, 2010, 02:08:53 pm
I think they are just needing time to relax and settle in to their new home, Try them with some bread that should work. My geese have all just arrived and got on with life but I think your lot may be stressed. :)
Title: Re: cheap geese anyone
Post by: Roxy on August 02, 2010, 03:36:53 pm
We rescue ex battery hens, and they are traumatised when they first arrive.  It takes a week or so for them to adjust to the outside world, and same with the feed.  They are used to their system, and we offer different food, and a different way of life.  Then hens have been here a week, and are just starting to peck grass.  I  left the shed door open, and they would not come out for 4 days.

I am sure your geese will be ok, once they get used to their new life.
Title: Re: cheap geese anyone
Post by: lovemonkey on August 02, 2010, 09:11:19 pm

Thanks, tried the bread and it worked a treat.  :)
Title: Re: cheap geese anyone
Post by: jameslindsay on August 02, 2010, 09:23:21 pm
It rarely fails, hope they settle in real soon. :)