The Accidental Smallholder Forum

Livestock => Goats => Topic started by: Roxy on May 03, 2010, 11:36:12 pm

Title: Another two join the herd
Post by: Roxy on May 03, 2010, 11:36:12 pm
Its been a long day!!  Left quite early this morning to go to Shropshire to pick up two new lady friends for Paddy - same breed as him, British Alpine.  Hopefully he will be impressed when he meets them, they are big girls!!  Got caught up in the Oulton Park traffic, seemed like hundreds of motor bikes, and cars all heading there.  Same coming back, but not quite as bad.

Obviously, not time for putting them in with Paddy yet, so they have gone in with the five Franks, little Dolly and little white billy.  Five Franks are not ones for causing trouble, but little billy has been boss until now.  He charged at both girls, expecting them to back off, but they didn't, and gave him some back.  Sensible boy realised  these twice as big as him girls were no pushovers, so left them alone then.
Title: Re: Another two join the herd
Post by: jameslindsay on May 04, 2010, 07:11:22 am
Well done them girls. In a few days time I am sure they will all be best of friends, how many goats is that you now have Roxy?
Title: Re: Another two join the herd
Post by: Roxy on May 04, 2010, 01:35:24 pm
Including this years kids, the total goats we have is 22 James!!!

What I am trying to do is breed pygmy goats to rear and sell on, and to get my larger dairy herd going again for milk for ourselves, so ideally need one or two to be milking, and one to be dried off and in kid .....eventually.  The pygmy goats, and the smaller breeds of goats are lovely as pets, but not bred for milk.  I have always kept the larger dairy breeds ....British Alpine, British Sanaan and Anglo Nubian, until I started on the goat rescue, and now have an assortment of breeds.  Would like a nice Anglo Nubian nanny now, to add to my little milk herd :D
Title: Re: Another two join the herd
Post by: jameslindsay on May 04, 2010, 01:38:55 pm
I am jealous, I would have a hundred goats if I could. I think they are amazing personalities. I hope you achieve your ambition, good luck. :)
Title: Re: Another two join the herd
Post by: Roxy on May 04, 2010, 01:47:55 pm
A Hundered goats, James?  I think I am finally at my limit now, and will unfortunately not be able to take any more goats in for people.  Its a shame though, as I do wonder what becomes of some goats that people no longer want.  I suppose I could have more, as we have the land, now the cows are no longer with us.  But its the sheer volume of work, and as I work, its a struggle to get everyone fed and watered before leaving in the morning.  Plus the expense of feeding them.  I shudder to think what my feed bill for 100 would be.

The most I have together is 9, and that looks a lot.
Title: Re: Another two join the herd
Post by: jameslindsay on May 04, 2010, 01:55:17 pm
I know the expense would be enormous and the amount of work required to look after 100. Maybe when I'm old I'll become an eccentric recluse, just me and my 100 goats ha ha.
Title: Re: Another two join the herd
Post by: Roxy on May 04, 2010, 03:15:09 pm
What a nice thought ....although in reality, when you are old, would you be able to chase the goats if they escaped into someone's garden?  You would have to employ a young person who could run :D
Title: Re: Another two join the herd
Post by: jameslindsay on May 04, 2010, 03:25:46 pm
Oh no Roxy, I would be so eccentric I would be mad and have no cares whatsoever.