The Accidental Smallholder Forum

Community => Introduce yourself => Topic started by: Zedz on March 23, 2016, 04:37:24 pm

Title: Newbie
Post by: Zedz on March 23, 2016, 04:37:24 pm
Hi Guys,

I registered after reading a great post on moving a Rayburn by 'Womble'. My wife and I bought a small place in Wales, totally unloved and in need of much TLC but in a great location and we love it. Looking for ideas on how to develop it.

We have been offered a deal to rent the land for grazing sheep but are reluctant to jump into anything. We haven't had the discussion in detail yet. We have to get the house habitable having spent all our spare money buying it! I can't see myself offering anything of value to this forum but will probably get a lot by belonging to it and learning from your experience.

Thanks for setting it up and running it,

Title: Re: Newbie
Post by: devonlady on March 24, 2016, 05:29:22 pm
Hello, Mike from a drizzly Devon!
Title: Re: Newbie
Post by: DavidandCollette on March 24, 2016, 06:21:04 pm
 :wave:and from a dry north Lincolnshire. You will be surprised at the subjects covered on this forum! Don't be surprised if you find yourself offering advice
Title: Re: Newbie
Post by: Zedz on March 24, 2016, 06:23:26 pm
Hello to a drizzly Devonlady!  :raining: It's looking pretty good up here too, but who knows?

I can help with a few things I'm sure DandC  :wave: not on the smallholding front though!

Cheers Guys
Title: Re: Newbie
Post by: Lesley Silvester on March 24, 2016, 11:52:20 pm
 :wave: and welcome from Shropshire. John and Helen came on this site as newbies and have kept us entertained with a running commentary on how things were going, with lots of photos. They now have goats and sheep and chickens, so are getting there. I'm sure you could do the same. We all love to see how a property can develop from an idea into a working smallholding.
Title: Re: Newbie
Post by: Rosemary on March 25, 2016, 07:00:53 am
Hello and welcome from  :sunshine: Carnoustie  :wave:
Title: Re: Newbie
Post by: Bionic on March 25, 2016, 08:36:59 am
Hi Mike and welcome to the forum for sunny Carmarthenshire.
You would be surprised about the information you pick up quickly and can offer advice to others.
Good luck with your new place
Title: Re: Newbie
Post by: waterbuffalofarmer on March 25, 2016, 09:37:23 am
Hi mike and welcome to the forum from a sunny ceredigion! :wave: I hope that we can be of any assistance in giving advice to you in the future and I also hope that you will be giving us the advice in the near future  :)  All the best with everything :thumbsup: