The Accidental Smallholder Forum

Community => Introduce yourself => Topic started by: valr on April 26, 2010, 11:04:12 pm

Title: hello from Stirlingshire
Post by: valr on April 26, 2010, 11:04:12 pm
Was introduced to this site by another member (thanks Anne!)
I am aiming to be self-sufficient in veg this year for the first time! I grow everything in raised beds and in a greenhouse. It is a constant struggle keeping my 3 cats off the beds - they think they are deluxe litter trays ;D 
I recently got 5 bantams and am loving it - I can see myself adding to the flock sometime soon.
My husband came home from work tonight and said "You're not planning on getting a goat or anythng next are you?" Now THERE's an idea! :D
I look forward to being part of this friendly forum.
Title: Re: hello from Stirlingshire
Post by: doganjo on April 26, 2010, 11:26:46 pm
Welcome, to the forum Val.  Your cousin - who introduced you and I, has been here making a mess in my kitchen and is back tomorrow!  I'll mention goats to him tomorrow - might want an idea for a Christmas or birthday present for you or your husband ;) ;D ;D ;D  Let us know how the veg growing goes.
Title: Re: hello from Stirlingshire
Post by: ballingall on April 26, 2010, 11:52:45 pm
Now, if you want a goat, I might just be able to help.....


Hi and Welcome. We are located just outside Falkirk (towards Linlithgow/Livingston). We have just over an acre with about 20 dairy goats! Also, dogs, cats, chooks, ducks, rabbit and guinea pigs. As a consequence- I am not very great at growing veg- a lack of time. Oh, and I work full time. Fortunately I have a mother who is a qualified vet.

Title: Re: hello from Stirlingshire
Post by: valr on April 27, 2010, 12:09:55 am
You must be really near me Beth! I am in Brightons up near Wallacestone.
Your set up sounds fab! I am very jealous! I work full time too - and don't really have space for livestock - pity! Just the chooks (Janice Joyce Sheila Helen and Attila the Hen) and cats Stuart Archie and Mac.
Title: Re: hello from Stirlingshire
Post by: ballingall on April 27, 2010, 12:24:29 am
Oh Brightons isn't far away from us- there are a lot of members within about an hour's drive really. Quite funny when you think about it. I am a member of an F1 forum, and it is the same, it has a bizarre number of Scots who all live within about 20 miles of each other. If you want to vist a goat sometime, feel free to give me a shout and pop down.

What kind of bantamns do you have? I have some Gold Pencilled Hamburgs, which I think are very pretty. Unfortunately they are very clever for chickens, and are masters of escape out of their run!

Title: Re: hello from Stirlingshire
Post by: Rosemary on April 27, 2010, 07:45:58 am
Hi and welcome from Alloa! Another 20 miler.
Title: Re: hello from Stirlingshire
Post by: JulieS on April 27, 2010, 08:39:44 am
Hello and welcome from Devon, a bit further than the 20 miles  :)
Title: Re: hello from Stirlingshire
Post by: valr on April 27, 2010, 10:49:42 am
Thnks for the nice welcome. My sister lives in Clackmannan so I am over that way quite a lot.
Beth I have a lavender pekin, a black pekin, 2 buff plymouth rock bantams (I want more! They are so pretty and friendly) and a light sussex bantam. I suspect I have room for a few more! Gold pencilled hamburgs have beautiful feathers.
I cannot remember the last time I saw a goat up close so I may take you up on your offer! Do you sell the milk or make cheese?
Title: Re: hello from Stirlingshire
Post by: Hilarysmum on April 27, 2010, 11:24:29 am
Hi welcome from Brittany
Title: Re: hello from Stirlingshire
Post by: valr on April 27, 2010, 11:34:19 am
Brittany! How glamorous sounding! Whats the weather like over there just now?
Title: Re: hello from Stirlingshire
Post by: CameronS on April 27, 2010, 12:54:24 pm
Welcome from sunny fife :wave:  :wave:  :wave:
Title: Re: hello from Stirlingshire
Post by: HappyHippy on April 27, 2010, 01:00:40 pm
Hello from me in South Lanarkshire  :wave:
Looking forward to hearing lots more from you.
Karen x
Title: Re: hello from Stirlingshire
Post by: Daisys Mum on April 27, 2010, 01:06:15 pm

Hi and welcome from me in the Borders, the sun was shining but it's gone now. Cameron you are supposed to be studying !!!!
Title: Re: hello from Stirlingshire
Post by: Annie22 on April 27, 2010, 01:09:48 pm
Hi and welcome from Australia.
Title: Re: hello from Stirlingshire
Post by: valr on April 27, 2010, 04:19:58 pm
 :wave:  Hi everyone! :wave:
How unusual to find a forum with lots of Scots on it! Maybe we should have a bit just for conversations in Scots.....if ye ken fit ah mean!  ;D  (If not from Aberdeen substitute "whit" for "fit")!
Title: Re: hello from Stirlingshire
Post by: sandy on April 27, 2010, 05:30:55 pm
Hi from Clackmannan  :wave: mind you, we are English, I have Scots ancestors, so the bit os Scotch in my blood is not always from the Co-op!! ::)
Title: Re: hello from Stirlingshire
Post by: valr on April 27, 2010, 06:24:54 pm
Hi Sandy! :wave:

My sister is in St Serfs grove.

What set up do you have? Do you have animals or chickens?
Title: Re: hello from Stirlingshire
Post by: sandy on April 27, 2010, 07:06:35 pm
15 Chickens, 7 of them being ex batt's and 2 Ducks, I also have 4 Labradors, great excuse to get out into the woods and walks!! THe eggs go off to Glasgow everyday!!
Title: Re: hello from Stirlingshire
Post by: valr on April 27, 2010, 08:17:45 pm
some of mine will be going to Glasgow too - when I take them in to the office! ;D
Title: Re: hello from Stirlingshire
Post by: doganjo on April 27, 2010, 08:22:18 pm
I ken fine fit ye mean.  Foo ye deein, quine?  Fit like, an foos yer doos?  A'm aricht the noo, in av jist hid yer seester ower checkin her mans werk!  Fit a fine craik wi hid an a.  A ken a aboot yde noo ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
Title: Re: hello from Stirlingshire
Post by: valr on April 27, 2010, 09:42:31 pm
Nae baad, Anne. Peckin' awa'.  Aye ma seester telt mi she met ye. She's a wricht nosy quine. Kin yap fur Scoatlan an aw. Fit wis she daein? ?

(Am struggling to remember my doric. Spent 8 years up there. For the first 3 didn't understand a word. .... eg "Far div ye bide an' d'ye wahnt a funcy piece"? )   ??? ??? ??? Took a while to get used to it   ;D ;D 
Title: Re: hello from Stirlingshire
Post by: little blue on April 27, 2010, 09:45:05 pm
hello and welcome from the very middle of England-shire!
Title: Re: hello from Stirlingshire
Post by: sandy on April 27, 2010, 09:52:57 pm
 ::) ??? Must have been hitting the bottle as they all talk like that across in the pubs here!!
Title: Re: hello from Stirlingshire
Post by: valr on April 27, 2010, 10:05:02 pm
Sandy thats how they speak (or rather my version of it!) up in the North East.  Anne hails from up that way.
Alloa is positively EASY compared to that I think  ;D
I am originally from the Trossachs  ;)  WE talk posh!   :D

(Unfortunately have no booze in the house just now and anyway, it's a school night!)
Title: Re: hello from Stirlingshire
Post by: Hilarysmum on April 28, 2010, 06:58:14 am
Brittany! How glamorous sounding! Whats the weather like over there just now?
Weather has been wonderful for past 3/4 weeks.  We actually need some rain now.  Its not glamorous, it is heaven though.
Title: Re: hello from Stirlingshire
Post by: doganjo on April 28, 2010, 03:57:28 pm
Sandy thats how they speak (or rather my version of it!) up in the North East.  Anne hails from up that way.
Alloa is positively EASY compared to that I think  ;D
I am originally from the Trossachs  ;)  WE talk posh!   :D

(Unfortunately have no booze in the house just now and anyway, it's a school night!)
My Mum brought my sister and I up to speak properly, but my Grandma was from Torry, so we had to understand her, and my Dad was Glaswegian so we had to be able to be understood by his side of the family when we came down here on holiday.  So I can now break into almost any accent after about five minute of chatting with someone.
Title: Re: hello from Stirlingshire
Post by: sandy on April 28, 2010, 04:55:34 pm
 ;D The Trossachs is sooooooooooooo stunning yet sounds so "carry on" ;D  I would love living there, me and Steve up the  Trossachs??
Title: Re: hello from Stirlingshire
Post by: valr on April 29, 2010, 07:51:25 pm
Slipping into different accents is a talent Anne and I'll bet you are good at languages!

Yes The Trossachs sounds a bit rude doesn't it ... I remember seeing it in a book of weird words once with "makie-uppie" definitions. Trossachs were, it said, the useless epaulette things found on the shoulders of trenchcoats! :D
Title: Re: hello from Stirlingshire
Post by: doganjo on April 29, 2010, 10:03:00 pm
I love playing with makkie uppie words and makkie on things.  But, no, basic School French is all I can muster I'm afraid.  Even having French dogs and going over there regularly hasn't improved it much. :-[