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Food & crafts => Food processing => Topic started by: farmers wife on February 22, 2016, 09:16:18 pm

Title: Yoghurt has a strong yeasty savory smell to it instead of a nice sour
Post by: farmers wife on February 22, 2016, 09:16:18 pm
Im having some hit and misses with yoghurt making with my raw milk.  Ive sorted out the lumpy problem.  I'm using heirloom but even from the first batch there is a strong overly yeasty savory smell and taste what is this?  The texture is great but now I need to sort out this problem.  Any ideas?
Title: Re: Yoghurt has a strong yeasty savory smell to it instead of a nice sour
Post by: ladyK on February 22, 2016, 10:12:13 pm
I have no experience with raw milk sadly, but I sometimes get a sweet savory smell with my kefir - kind of more like cheese than yoghurt. Usually it happens when I leave it for too long, so I guess it gets 'overripe' in a way?
It's usually just the top layer (so when mixed with the rest of the jar it dissipates anyway). I certainly haven't come to any harm eating it.
Could you try fermenting your yoghurt for a shorter time?
Title: Re: Yoghurt has a strong yeasty savory smell to it instead of a nice sour
Post by: farmers wife on February 22, 2016, 10:28:06 pm
I'm usually pushed for time so do it late in evening meaning its left overnight. 10pm - 7am.  Prev it didnt have this but now its regular.  Smells a bit like toast but not unpleasant to taste.  Puts the children off.
Title: Re: Yoghurt has a strong yeasty savory smell to it instead of a nice sour
Post by: cloddopper on February 23, 2016, 09:41:23 pm
If you have a plug in timer power socket  perhaps  try using that and only cook for the specified time . Setting it up so the end time coincides with breakfast time maybe.
Title: Re: Yoghurt has a strong yeasty savory smell to it instead of a nice sour
Post by: farmers wife on February 25, 2016, 10:27:05 pm
its yummy when out after 7 hrs its after its been in the fridge after a day or so then it takes on a strong toast smell
Title: Re: Yoghurt has a strong yeasty savory smell to it instead of a nice sour
Post by: clydesdaleclopper on February 26, 2016, 09:09:19 am
Maybe something in the fridge is tainting it.
Title: Re: Yoghurt has a strong yeasty savory smell to it instead of a nice sour
Post by: Anke on February 29, 2016, 04:47:14 pm
if you have any bread dough rising in the kitchen at the same time as yoghurt making (same goes for making cheese btw), wild yeasts in the air will move into the yoghurt/cheese/milk - results are yeasty yoghurt, cheese with tiny holes in it (and yeasty taste).

Also I would change my yogurt culture regularly, we have found that using Yeo organic it only lasts for two maybe three goes, then we need to buy a fresh pot (and the Coop have stopped selling yoghurt in small containers... >:()...
Title: Re: Yoghurt has a strong yeasty savory smell to it instead of a nice sour
Post by: SallyintNorth on February 29, 2016, 06:29:34 pm
You say you are making yoghurt with raw milk... are you pasteurising first?  I was always taught that an initial pasteurisation is essential for yoghurt, otherwise contaminating bacteria get in on the act.  (You can make cheese with unpasteurised milk, as the cheese bacteria create a brew that's too acidic for other bacteria in the milk.  But the same isn't true of yoghurt.)
Title: Re: Yoghurt has a strong yeasty savory smell to it instead of a nice sour
Post by: Anke on March 01, 2016, 09:00:21 am
No you don't have to pasteurise your milk for yoghurt, as long as it is fresh and no contaminated.
Title: Re: Yoghurt has a strong yeasty savory smell to it instead of a nice sour
Post by: farmers wife on March 01, 2016, 03:58:30 pm
I think its the cultures I am using.  I didnt have this with different brands.  Yes I heat first and drop it quick to add cultures then pop into a crock pot with lid and leave overnight.  Its not contaminated the smell and taste comes after being in the fridge a day or so.  Its in a clean lidded pot in fridge.  Perhaps try different heirloom cultures?