The Accidental Smallholder Forum

Pets & Working Animals => Horses, ponies, donkeys & mules => Topic started by: jembo on April 04, 2010, 09:34:42 pm

Title: My poor boy!
Post by: jembo on April 04, 2010, 09:34:42 pm
My 4 year old spotty pony, dropped down dead on Thursday evening. I am still in shock and still crying!!
I found him lying in the field when I drove home from work and rushed up to him as I knew something was wrong. He was just lying down looking quite peaceful, but I could not work it out, there was no sign of any injury, he had been fine at lunch time. There was also no marks from him thrashing around, so I knew he had gone quickly.

The hunt came out very quickly the next morning after calling them, and he offered to do a post-mortem. He called me a few hours later to say that he had a hole in the heart the size of a golf ball and that he had suffered a massive heart attack.  Poor boy, but at least it was very quick.

I had bought him from a sale about 2.5 years ago. A man was beating him up in the back of a lorry, so I took him home. He was so frightened. It took me weeks of work to get him even to trust me.

I feel comfort in the fact that he had 2.5 years of his very short life in a wonderful place with 2 other play mates, and he knew he was loved and cared for.

RIP my little Arizona Pie, you will never be forgotten xx
Title: Re: My poor boy!
Post by: MiriMaran on April 04, 2010, 09:52:19 pm
Oh no what a horribly sad thing to happen, but like you said it must have been quick.  Death is such a sudden thing whether we are prepared or not - I really sympathise with you and thank goodness he had a good life with you before his time came to a close.
Title: Re: My poor boy!
Post by: Daisy on April 04, 2010, 09:59:41 pm

I'm so sorry jembo  ( , it must have been a terrible shock for you; but mercifully quick for your lovely boy

Run free at Rainbow Bridge little Arizona pie
Title: Re: My poor boy!
Post by: Helencus on April 04, 2010, 10:07:51 pm
So sorry to hear. Thankfully quick and he had a few good years with you.
Title: Re: My poor boy!
Post by: doganjo on April 04, 2010, 10:42:34 pm
Poor Jembo - what a shock for you.  But he is in a better place now and free from pain.  It is far better for him to go so fast than to be ill for ages.
Title: Re: My poor boy!
Post by: Annie22 on April 04, 2010, 10:57:44 pm
That is so sad, I really feal for you.  I had my two older horses sent to the grassy fields in 2007, but at least I knew it was going to happen, it must have been such a shock :'(.
Title: Re: My poor boy!
Post by: Roxy on April 04, 2010, 11:08:05 pm
I am so sorry to hear the sad news about your horse.  Its such a shock especially as he was so young, you just do not expect it.  Obvously you did not know about the hole in the heart, how could you?  At least it was quick, which must be a comfort for you, that he did not suffer.
Title: Re: My poor boy!
Post by: jameslindsay on April 05, 2010, 07:41:36 am
What a shock for you but you must take some comfort knowing you rescued him from hell and gave him a wonderful life - no matter how short a life it was. It is never easy loosing any animal as they become part of the family. :)
Title: Re: My poor boy!
Post by: VSS on April 05, 2010, 09:14:56 am
Can sympathise with that as I had a broodmare die suddenly from a brain hemorrhage some years ago. It was a shock.

Unfortunately I was living on a v small offshore island at the time so no way anyone could come to collect her. We had a to hand dig a very big hole. At least she was only 12.2hh.
Title: Re: My poor boy!
Post by: Rosemary on April 05, 2010, 10:44:15 am
So sorry to hear about your pony.
Title: Re: My poor boy!
Post by: Hellybee on April 05, 2010, 02:00:19 pm
So sorry Jembo  :'( Rest in peace little man xxx
Title: Re: My poor boy!
Post by: jembo on April 05, 2010, 03:57:40 pm
Thanks for all your replies, he was a fab little boy. I wish I knew how to put photos up on here??
Title: Re: My poor boy!
Post by: doganjo on April 05, 2010, 04:24:42 pm
Open your photo editor and reduce the size of the photo to that suitable for a web page. Save it onto your desktop with a different name, keeping the original as it is. Open a reply on here, bottom left is 'additional options' click on teat, browse for your photo, click submit.

I should keep a file on here and just refer everyone to it, shouldn't I?
Title: Re: My poor boy!
Post by: jembo on April 05, 2010, 05:07:48 pm
Many thanks doganjoe

Hopefully photos attached!
Title: Re: My poor boy!
Post by: little blue on April 05, 2010, 06:03:36 pm
oh Jembo, he was gorgeous... very sorry he's gone.
Title: Re: My poor boy!
Post by: Sylvia on April 09, 2010, 03:50:59 pm
He looks a happy boy. You must be glad that he had a good life with you.
Title: Re: My poor boy!
Post by: sabrina on April 12, 2010, 11:15:53 am
So sorry to hear of your loss but at least he had a better life with you, take comfort in that thought  :horse: