The Accidental Smallholder Forum

Livestock => Poultry & Waterfowl => Topic started by: Q on August 25, 2015, 08:56:11 am

Title: I've been kindly given the use of a chicken pen - two questions please
Post by: Q on August 25, 2015, 08:56:11 am
I have been VERY kindly given the use of a large, secure, covered pen which hasnt had chickens in it for more than 5 years.
Inside, the floor is covered with about 4 inches of crusty poo and a small amount of fresh rat droppings.
I will deal with the rat before putting the chickens in - no problem.

So here's the plan and the questions....
I was planning to skim the chicken poo off and break it up a bit and put it directly on my allotment to break down over the winter.
Is there any reason I shouldnt do that & do I need to worry about the rat poo mixed in it? Although the recent ratty stuff is a small amount, I can see still recognise a fair amount of very old rat poo in there.
second question,.. Is there any chance that red mite could survive that time without chickens?  I can see signs of red mite on some of the woodwork = nothing thats alive though.
Title: Re: I've been kindly given the use of a chicken pen - two questions please
Post by: waterbuffalofarmer on August 25, 2015, 11:09:50 am
I would fumigate it just to make sure and make sure to scrub with disinfectant and water just in case before fumigating. I'm not sure whether they can lie dormant for a few years but you never know. If it has rat poo in it I wouldn't put it on the allotment, maybe a bin somewhere to let it compost even more, just to be on the safe side I maybe wrong though. By the way what breed of chickens are you thinking of getting?
Title: Re: I've been kindly given the use of a chicken pen - two questions please
Post by: Q on August 25, 2015, 11:41:50 am
Thanks WBF.  I will be putting my own coop inside the pen. The red mite signs I could see were on a shed thats attached to the pen - looks like the previous occupants had a coop attached to the shed ( old coop removed now).
The old rat droppings are going to be difficult to separate from the chicken poo & there's too much of it to compost again - the pen measures approx 6m x 5m.

I already have the chickens - they are moving from my garden.  I have Light sussex, buff orps and a couple of welsummers.

Title: Re: I've been kindly given the use of a chicken pen - two questions please
Post by: waterbuffalofarmer on August 25, 2015, 12:16:11 pm
I love those hens, very nice they're. All the best :thumbsup:
Title: Re: I've been kindly given the use of a chicken pen - two questions please
Post by: doganjo on August 25, 2015, 01:16:43 pm
Is it dry?  Rake it up and burn it maybe?
Title: Re: I've been kindly given the use of a chicken pen - two questions please
Post by: Q on August 25, 2015, 02:38:44 pm
Is it dry?  Rake it up and burn it maybe?
Yes it is dry but it is a awful lot of material - not sure it would burn though.

I am thinking it will be 99% vintage chicken poo so it should be good for fertilising the soil - just a little worry about the rat poo being in it.
I could just bag it up and bin it but feels like a bit of a waste.
Title: Re: I've been kindly given the use of a chicken pen - two questions please
Post by: waterbuffalofarmer on August 25, 2015, 03:14:23 pm
Have you a flower garden? You could put it around bushes, ornamental of course, to fertilize the soil. :thinking:
Title: Re: I've been kindly given the use of a chicken pen - two questions please
Post by: Kimbo on August 25, 2015, 04:48:51 pm
Q, are you sure you want to be messing at all with rat pooh? However old it is? Are you that desperate for fertiliser? They carry so much disease. I for one would burn it asap.
Title: Re: I've been kindly given the use of a chicken pen - two questions please
Post by: Marches Farmer on August 25, 2015, 05:06:52 pm
I too would burn the lot.
Title: Re: I've been kindly given the use of a chicken pen - two questions please
Post by: Penninehillbilly on August 25, 2015, 05:07:53 pm
Would the fresh rat droppings sweep off the top and discard?
then compost the rest for a year?
FYM probably has rat droppings here and there, and I've heard of rats on allotments, so where do they poo?
Title: Re: I've been kindly given the use of a chicken pen - two questions please
Post by: Q on August 25, 2015, 06:04:01 pm
Thanks for all your answers, I really appreciate it.
I have spent a good few hours reading around the web and I think the amount of rat droppings as a proportion of the material I have to remove is pretty small & doesnt equate to much more than would be found if a rat inhabited a compost heap for example. Whether you know the rat is there or not it would still get spread on the veggie garden.

Title: Re: I've been kindly given the use of a chicken pen - two questions please
Post by: JEP on August 25, 2015, 06:10:22 pm
as said above burn and then compost as ash
Title: Re: I've been kindly given the use of a chicken pen - two questions please
Post by: lord flynn on August 25, 2015, 09:42:53 pm
re the rat poop I don't care where you put it tbh but its is very allergenic and if you have an outside job/lifestyle whereby you might come into regular contact you do not want a rodent allergy-its one that only gets worse and can make you very poorly even from accidental exposure in the future.Its a short step from rat/mouse allergy to rabbits etc so should be taken seriously.
There may not be much there, but you will be stirring it up and breathing it in from a short distance and if you could see it, you'd be amazed at how much ends up flying about! (and I am really not someone who minds getting their hands dirty but do know a little about this stuff)

So, wear a decent mask and gloves when dealing with it.