The Accidental Smallholder Forum

Livestock => Poultry & Waterfowl => Topic started by: Carse Goodlifers on July 19, 2015, 11:05:34 am

Title: Call Ducks
Post by: Carse Goodlifers on July 19, 2015, 11:05:34 am
Although the boss would like hen's, I would prefer call ducks so I'm just investigating the option and thoughts of getting a couple later this year/start of next.
During the day while we're at work they will be in a converted rabbit run with access to their hut.  When we're at home they will be loose in the garden (fenced in by moveable poultry fence).

So my queries are:
-Are 2 okay for companionship etc?  Male and female, 2 males or 2 females?
-Does anyone breed and sell them or know of a good place to source?  I'm a bit sceptical/wary of web adverts.
-How messy are they out and about?
-And the most important question (as I love my garden and plants  :P) - how destructive are call ducks in the garden on plants?  Our veg are in 1.5ft raised beds but all the flower beds would be at their level but as I say they would be fenced in.  Plenty grass though for them to be moved about on.

Any comments, experiences or advice would be gratefully accepted.
Title: Re: Call Ducks
Post by: waterbuffalofarmer on July 19, 2015, 12:50:25 pm
I would recommend Preloved I have bought some stuff off there before and its been good. (
Also you could probably go and see them at their own home which is very good, so you could see them in their working clothes as it were. A pair of ducks is fine, whether male or female, I have a friend which has a male and a female call duck which have just hatched a chick, they have them in their extensive veg garden and it still looks awesome. Here are some articles on the subject. ( (
Title: Re: Call Ducks
Post by: Cosmore on July 19, 2015, 01:12:41 pm
One drake and 2/3 ducks is a good combo, I would go for Aylesburys (I had a flock in the past) a lovely largeish white duck, ok they are really a meat duck but they lay lovely 1/4 lb eggs - delicious and great for making cakes  :yum: , good layers too. All (breeds of) ducks need water of course to drink and have a wash in, but be warned they delight in making 'mud pies' dibbling and dabbling their drinking water on the ground until it's liquid mud. Regular repositioning of their water avoids this, unless you can provide a pond for them. Also moving their area often prevents too much poo accumulating in one area. Regarding plants and vegetable areas, they would probably take a fancy to any soft veg or plants, e.g. lettuce so be careful where you let them roam. ;) .
Title: Re: Call Ducks
Post by: roddycm on July 19, 2015, 01:22:18 pm
I had them for many years before moving. I absolutely love them. They are best kept in pairs or trios. The females can be noisy if unhappy so keeping them in this way and not overcrowded etc is best.

I got all my foundation stock from poultry auctions. Salisbury rare breeds sale and Ross on Wye to be specific. There is also a chap called Graham Barnard who breeds very very good calls.

I highly recommend them. Whites are my favourite but we also had apricots and bibbed (both the black and blue).

I would hatch one set of eggs under a broodie and then let the duck hatch a set too. It worked very well. My advice is to get good animals. There are lots of small duck that ppl sell as calls but they are not calls at all!

You will find the best stock via

Good luck!
Title: Re: Call Ducks
Post by: Womble on July 19, 2015, 02:50:36 pm
One thought about call ducks - although they're small, they are UNBELIEVABLY loud!!  We have a real mixed bag of duck breeds here, but none of them make even half the noise that call ducks do.
Title: Re: Call Ducks
Post by: roddycm on July 19, 2015, 03:09:11 pm
I had about 40 at one point and they really weren't noisy at all. They only make a lot of noise if they are lacking in something I found. If there is a female without a mate for example or if you don't give them their morning feed etc. As long as they are content I didn't find them any noisier than my runners. On a side note I've also had siameses cats and found them to be quiet so maybe it's just me haha
Title: Re: Call Ducks
Post by: mojocafa on July 19, 2015, 04:05:33 pm
I love my call ducks, not destructive in the garden, and as commented on, the girls sure know how to call on you!
Title: Re: Call Ducks
Post by: Bramham Wiltshire Horns on July 20, 2015, 09:48:25 am
i have 6 call ducks mother and 5 ducklings that are almost full grown they roam the garden fine
where abouts are you as i can get lots of different colours as we have a huge pond at work full of call ducks
bibbed, white apricot you name it although there are alot of mixed calls

Title: Re: Call Ducks
Post by: Carse Goodlifers on July 20, 2015, 02:25:04 pm
Thanks to those who have replied already - much appreciated.
I have come across the links that some have posted or recommended already - very useful.
...where abouts are you...
We're up in Tayside near Perth.
I know that there is a poultry sale at Forfar shortly and there is always the Thainstone one in Sept/Oct so I might go and have a look.

With regards to some posted points:
-the run would be moved daily along with the water so poaching wouldn't really happen.  We also have some gravel areas where they could go IF it was really wet outside (like today for instance).
-noise levels I had heard about but wasn't sure about.  Our neighbours are fine and 1 has just put in a big new pond  :excited:
-garden plant survival.....sounds like good news  :excited:

I'll ask the following question (but I think I know the answer already) but could you have 2/3 males or are they likely to fight too much?
Females - do they lay many egg's?  This is not why we would want them though and I know they would be small in size.
Title: Re: Call Ducks
Post by: DullBookworm on July 20, 2015, 02:56:39 pm
The better half has pet ducks. They eat my roses and poop every 2 minutes :P
But they are funny and respond to him. As mentioned above only noisy when they are after something or spot their "feeder human".....
Title: Re: Call Ducks
Post by: Bramham Wiltshire Horns on July 20, 2015, 10:56:11 pm
Sorry 2 far for I'm in Yorkshire!

Anyone know how many males to females?
Title: Re: Call Ducks
Post by: roddycm on July 20, 2015, 11:20:44 pm
Sorry 2 far for I'm in Yorkshire!

Anyone know how many males to females?

Best in pairs or trios
Title: Re: Call Ducks
Post by: Penninehillbilly on July 21, 2015, 02:41:06 am
I LOVED my calls, not really noisy apart from the odd 'chatter' or at feed time, or alarmed by something, always waiting by the shed for their supper, whites with their bright orange beaks looked smart, and I had some Apricots, my favourites were the brown and white ones, my 'Gypsy' line :-). loved to watch them 'hoovering' across the lawn, didn't harm any plants, kept small slugs down but couldn't deal with the big ones (lost 2 with big slugs stuck in their throats). drove me crazy when I was digging the veg patch and one would dive under the spade for a grub or worm - a few near decapitations there! they only have small beaks so don't do anywhere near as much damage as bigger ducks, I liked them to have slightly bigger beaks than the show ducks.
I lost some once, about a week later they actualy came home! I think a local farmer had them but they flew home. (they can fly, need a wing clipping till they are settled, mine would fly in a circle above then land.
sadly they were a target for stoats, and mink, final straw was a wipe out by fox, one left alive and a dying drake. couldn't bear to keep losing them like that.
If they are kept in a run they should be fine,
a pair or a trio would be best. I think males (brothers?) would be OK as long as there are no females to fight over.
they only lay eggs in spring
I still miss mine, but goats have filled the gap.
Title: Re: Call Ducks
Post by: Caroline1 on July 21, 2015, 02:03:01 pm
I nearly got Call ducks but were put off by reviews saying they were one of the loudest ducks. As we lived in a residential area at the time, we opted for White Campbell ducks instead which are slightly bigger and have 4 girls as we wanted for the eggs. They all live happily with each other and the chickens.

Title: Re: Call Ducks
Post by: Carse Goodlifers on September 02, 2015, 08:26:39 pm
Well we finally have them - Mr & Mrs Duckduck or as the boss has named them - Castle & Beckett.
Picked them up yesterday from [member=3983]Brucklay[/member] and they settled into their accommodation block and run just fine.
The run will be moved onto grass tomorrow and once we are at home they will get run of the garden.
Its our first time with ducks and we love them - the are such characters.

Title: Re: Call Ducks
Post by: Brucklay on September 02, 2015, 08:40:04 pm
Love the name's - have fun with them and when gardening offer some 'wormies'  :thumbsup:
Title: Re: Call Ducks
Post by: Caroline1 on September 03, 2015, 04:30:02 pm
Oh what beauties!