The Accidental Smallholder Forum
Livestock => Sheep => Topic started by: Hillview Farm on May 20, 2015, 11:12:51 am
Recently moved house. We have land within ten miles so our landless keeper cph can stay the same but who do I need to ring to update our correspondence address?
The number I have for getting a cph no longer works! Anyone have numbers pretty please?
I would start with your local trading standards AH dept - if it's not them they will point you in the right direction.
RPA 03000 200 30
[/size]Animal Health [/color][/size][size=inherit][email protected][/size]
I don't know what stock you have but you will need to change your address for anything to do with licencing.
I think there's a difference between keeping your stock on a holding away from yours where they're still under your daily supervision, and moving house entirely. CPH is County/Parish/Holding, so even if you've moved within the same County if you're ten miles away your Parish and Holding number will surely have to change.
I also think you may need a new CPH cos surely the number stays with the land, not the landowner
Sorry . We moved in December and it was not a problem to update our correspondence address as the holding number is with the land . We've moved again and the land is the same.
No worries I've sorted it out now :thumbsup:
Sounds like it was a graziers number, I had one of those but when we moved house we got our own CPH as we bought more than an acre where the house sits :)
No it is an actual CPH for land without a residential dwelling known as a landless keeper. :)
? A "landless keeper"?? :-\ For LAND with no HOUSE?
Shouldn't that be called a Landed Keeper, or a Houseless Keeper? Or just "Land" 8)
You gotta love the government!