The Accidental Smallholder Forum

Community => Coffee Lounge => Topic started by: doganjo on December 20, 2014, 08:06:24 pm

Title: I'm really getting a bit fed up with all this! Well more than a little bit!!!!!
Post by: doganjo on December 20, 2014, 08:06:24 pm
Boris Johnston said - "The garden bridge will provide a fantastic new landmark for London whilst supporting regeneration and economic growth on both sides of the Thames.
"It will create a stunning oasis of tranquillity in the heart of our city and boost our plans to encourage walking in the city."
And to hell with the poor people who can't cook so don't eat properly!

How many cookery lessons would £175 MILLION buy!!!!! (
Title: Re: I'm really getting a bit fed up with all this! Well more than a little bit!!!!!
Post by: Louise Gaunt on December 20, 2014, 09:35:51 pm
It is spending on London so no expense spared. The rest of the country are also heartily sick of the London centric spending spree. Think how much more useful that money would be for flood defenses in Somerset, or providing better social care so people can get home from hospital, or indeed helping people to cook for themselves. In fact, anything rather than a garden bridge!
Title: Re: I'm really getting a bit fed up with all this! Well more than a little bit!!!!!
Post by: pgkevet on December 20, 2014, 10:54:32 pm
These come under that whole slew of vanity projects..usually ending up in a mate's back pocket. Personally  I think such projects should be self sustaining on cost.. a plain bridge lined with gibbet cages and a weekly vote by phone for 50p on a top 100 list of who goes in per day. I'm essentially mean but would pay...
Title: Re: I'm really getting a bit fed up with all this! Well more than a little bit!!!!!
Post by: plumseverywhere on December 21, 2014, 06:44:18 am
Likewise Manchester City FC spending £200 MIllion on a training ground.... there's a kick in the teeth for Manchester residents wondering how they are going to keep their house warm this winter.   I'm sick of the haves and have nots - and its not just London.
Title: Re: I'm really getting a bit fed up with all this! Well more than a little bit!!!!!
Post by: claire on December 21, 2014, 07:38:31 am
i like the idea, but as mostly commented the amount of money would be better spent elsewhere... and i bet it would end up costing a lot more.. look at the stupid Scottish parliament building for instance ...
Title: Re: I'm really getting a bit fed up with all this! Well more than a little bit!!!!!
Post by: henchard on December 21, 2014, 10:02:35 am
I don't have a problem with them building what they want in London. I do have a problem with the London centric economic and media policies.

It's time that power and influence was moved to the regions.

Apparently we're shorly going have to stump up 3 Billion (yes you read that correct) to repair the Houses of Parliament. The announcement/decision will of course be delayed until after the election. (

There is a simple solution. Move parliament, MP's and all the 'hangers on' to an industrial unit near one of the motorways somewhere around the centre of the UK. The Houses of Parlaiment could be converted into luxury flats leased on a full repairing basis to the swanky rich. The main historical parts could still be kept open to the public. This would be one of the fastest ways to move power and wealth away from London to make the UK more of a level playing field.

Any chance of this happening? Hell no - we'll be stumping up for them yet again.