The Accidental Smallholder Forum

Community => Marketplace => Topic started by: Bionic on November 18, 2014, 11:22:05 am

Title: Anyone make a wooden boot store similar to this?
Post by: Bionic on November 18, 2014, 11:22:05 am
If so can you let me know roughly how much one would be please.
Title: Re: Anyone make a wooden boot store similar to this?
Post by: ladyK on November 18, 2014, 01:06:57 pm
What a cool idea - fancy one myself!   :idea:
Title: Re: Anyone make a wooden boot store similar to this?
Post by: ScotsGirl on November 18, 2014, 01:34:11 pm
Old broom handle cut into lengths, drill bit that makes holes (to the right size) and a length of wood about 6"-8" wide and 1" thick. Make holes at suitable intervals, twist in a piece of the cut broom handle and you have yourself a boot tidy!

My theory is good. Not sure I will be very good putting it into practice!  :roflanim:
Title: Re: Anyone make a wooden boot store similar to this?
Post by: Dogwalker on November 18, 2014, 02:18:34 pm
Problem I have with things like that is you have to handle the wellies to put them into it.  Mine are always too mucky and I step out of trousers and wellies together so it wouldn't work.
Title: Re: Anyone make a wooden boot store similar to this?
Post by: SallyintNorth on November 18, 2014, 03:04:11 pm
Problem I have with things like that is you have to handle the wellies to put them into it.  Mine are always too mucky and I step out of trousers and wellies together so it wouldn't work.

Exactly the same thing here.  :mud:
Title: Re: Anyone make a wooden boot store similar to this?
Post by: Womble on November 18, 2014, 07:51:12 pm
Remember this isn't supposed to be a critique of the design, it's a wanted ad.

I'll start the bidding at £350 (postage included  ;) ).
Title: Re: Anyone make a wooden boot store similar to this?
Post by: Hannes on November 18, 2014, 11:03:29 pm
Problem I have with things like that is you have to handle the wellies to put them into it.  Mine are always too mucky and I step out of trousers and wellies together so it wouldn't work.
Hang it a bit higher up and make a hand stand against it.... no need to touch them. Putting them on should work the same way I guess.... :idea:
Title: Re: Anyone make a wooden boot store similar to this?
Post by: devonlady on November 19, 2014, 06:40:57 am
Problem I have with things like that is you have to handle the wellies to put them into it.  Mine are always too mucky and I step out of trousers and wellies together so it wouldn't work.
Hang it a bit higher up and make a hand stand against it.... no need to touch them. Putting them on should work the same way I guess.... :idea:

 :roflanim: :roflanim:
Title: Re: Anyone make a wooden boot store similar to this?
Post by: ellied on November 19, 2014, 07:22:11 am
I replied to this last night but its been removed?

I just said I thought it a great idea and might have a go myself but asked what size and whether ply or hardwood is used as that would affect costs.  It wasn't a bid as such but something to try when I finish the clocks and mirrors I'm working on just now.
Title: Re: Anyone make a wooden boot store similar to this?
Post by: ScotsGirl on November 19, 2014, 08:28:47 am
The ones I've seen which look diy looked like hard wood rather than ply which might separate if they start to get wet. I think it would be fun to try on a dark wet evening. It doesn't have to be up high, I have a metal one sitting on the ground. The thicker and heavier the base piece is the less likely it will be to topple over.
Title: Re: Anyone make a wooden boot store similar to this?
Post by: bloomer on November 19, 2014, 08:35:44 am
from the picture some 6x1 treated boards and some broom handle couple of hours work and some paint if i was making to sell as a 1 off it would be around the 40-50 mark, i would imagine if you were in the mood to make several on a punt you could get unit cost down to 30-40 just through its much quicker to make several than just 1...

if you wanted a really smooth finished sanded and polished version (why would you its for wellies) icould see a retail point for hand made in the 75 range...

am i currently looking for projects like this NO!!! but i think those are fairly good guestimates based on materials and effort assuming someone already had all the tools...
Title: Re: Anyone make a wooden boot store similar to this?
Post by: Bionic on November 19, 2014, 08:50:22 am
The one in the picture is on sale for £59 but they have only got it in cream  :(
There is another similar one but it stands on the ground that is £165  ???

I wanted one for OH for Christmas but definitely not paying the higher price. Just thought if anyone on here was making one I would rather give the money to them that some unknown.
Title: Re: Anyone make a wooden boot store similar to this?
Post by: sokel on November 19, 2014, 09:14:54 am
Just shown a friend it and he is going to make us one, he reckons he could make them easy
Title: Re: Anyone make a wooden boot store similar to this?
Post by: Womble on November 19, 2014, 09:16:43 am
Darn, I've been undercut!  ;D
You're right, you'll never keep a cream one clean. However, it would be easy enough to overpaint it in the colour of your choice.
What confuses me is how do you then get from outside to inside without getting your socks soggy?
Title: Re: Anyone make a wooden boot store similar to this?
Post by: devonlady on November 19, 2014, 09:33:27 am
You would have to have it inside but then, the floor would still be filthy and a few sheets of newspaper or a bit of cardboard would do just as well, surely.
Sorry, Bionic but I think this has been designed and made by someone who's idea of wearing wellies is to tip-toe down to get the post/newspaper.
Title: Re: Anyone make a wooden boot store similar to this?
Post by: Bionic on November 19, 2014, 10:46:47 am
I am thinking that if I have it outside, but close enough to the door, i can take my boots off, just inside the doo,r and lean round the corner to hang the boots up. But then on the other hand perhaps there is too much contortonist stuff going on  ;D
Title: Re: Anyone make a wooden boot store similar to this?
Post by: Bramblecot on November 19, 2014, 10:56:17 am
 Quote :What confuses me is how do you then get from outside to inside without getting your socks soggy?
Crocs.  Hang them on the hooks. 

Great idea for storing old/little-used wellies as the mice won't make their nests in them when the boots are hanging upside-down :thumbsup: .  The P**h- covered stinky boots will still have to stay on the floor though ::) .

Anyone making them at reasonable price, please pm me.  thanks.
Title: Re: Anyone make a wooden boot store similar to this?
Post by: Daisys Mum on November 19, 2014, 06:49:56 pm
My daughter had one made from a very big log with lengths of broom handle stuck into holes, works really well but I like to put my feet into cosy dry boots and I think hers get damp just being outside.
Title: Re: Anyone make a wooden boot store similar to this?
Post by: Hannes on November 19, 2014, 11:43:06 pm
If the wellies hang upside down anyway, the boards around are not neccessary, so on could have it as simple as one board and the broom sticks sticking out. In a good rain they might get washed.
I wouldnt use plywood then...
Title: Re: Anyone make a wooden boot store similar to this?
Post by: devonlady on November 21, 2014, 08:27:08 am
Bionic, would you like me to ask a friend (a master joiner and cabinet maker) if he could make one for you?
Title: Re: Anyone make a wooden boot store similar to this?
Post by: Bionic on November 21, 2014, 10:22:07 am
If it isn't too much trouble please ask and let me know how much it would be. I would then have to add p&p of course
Title: Re: Anyone make a wooden boot store similar to this?
Post by: ScotsGirl on November 21, 2014, 06:40:15 pm
I bought a metal one off ebay a year or so ago and it wasn't too expensive. I'm thrifty (yeah I know it's the Scottish blood!) so was definitely under £30. Boots dry out quicker on it
Title: Re: Anyone make a wooden boot store similar to this?
Post by: honeyend on November 22, 2014, 12:03:32 am
I would make an out door settle, with the seat lifting up to put your boots in and sit on while you take them off and a shelf at the back of the settle to ward off the rain. Other wise add a shed outside you back door and put all your coats, boots etc in there. I love a shed.
Title: Re: Anyone make a wooden boot store similar to this?
Post by: nicandem on November 25, 2014, 05:41:28 pm
got one for waders (if not folded, they dont rot as quickly

to make need 1 broom handle 1inch across

1 plank

1 1inch drill bit

drill holes cut handle push into holes with dab of glue total cost was about £5

not too pretty but its for muddy waders :-)
Title: Re: Anyone make a wooden boot store similar to this?
Post by: madcat on November 25, 2014, 11:01:11 pm
I have found that a large stout fruit box lined with newspaper is a good place to park muddy footwear. I'd be concerned that boots kept outside would get damp.

I expect almost everybody has found their     :cat:   cat trying to climb down a welly and discovered there's a live mouse in the toe . :roflanim:
Title: Re: Anyone make a wooden boot store similar to this?
Post by: devonlady on November 26, 2014, 08:33:12 am
My BIL once found a hibernating hedgehog in one of his :roflanim: :roflanim:
Title: Re: Anyone make a wooden boot store similar to this?
Post by: devonlady on November 26, 2014, 08:53:49 pm
Bionic, my friend would be glad to make one for you. Could you e-mail picture to me and I would send it on. Did you want walnut, mahogany, oak he asked. I said probably pine would do ::)
Title: Re: Anyone make a wooden boot store similar to this?
Post by: Bionic on November 27, 2014, 05:39:15 pm
Devonlady, someone on here has said they can make me one so I am currently investigating that route. Thanks for your help though.