The Accidental Smallholder Forum

Community => Coffee Lounge => Forum tips => Topic started by: MKay on August 08, 2014, 06:18:33 pm

Title: new section suggestion- what are you taking to the sale( with subsections)
Post by: MKay on August 08, 2014, 06:18:33 pm
Hi Dan + Rosemary,

Might I ask if it is possible to create a new section on the forum.
At the minute you have a catalog sticky, but catalogs are only produced shortly before the sale.

If we had a I'm taking to the sale.... Section with sub sections for geography.

people could give advance notice of intentions, which would allow people to plan to go to the sale who would not have been going otherwise.

For example the Dingwall rare breeds sale rarely attracts buyers for dexter cattle so prices are low but if I could post that I would be taking two down in November, more interested party's may turn up.

What do you think?