The Accidental Smallholder Forum

Growing => Vegetables => Topic started by: r+lchick on November 03, 2009, 08:35:59 am

Title: Ordering seeds from a catalogue
Post by: r+lchick on November 03, 2009, 08:35:59 am
Just about to order my seeds from the Dobies catalogue.  I bought small plants from the local garden centre last year and it cost me a fortune; so thought I would give seeds a go.  Q:  Can anyone recommend any other seed catalogue company?   Trouble is, it is hard not to get carried away.  I am sure I have ordered too much.  And what is with the packaging.  Carrots - 1100 seeds a packet.  I want a row not a field.  I know they do not all germinate but why so many.  Not efficient to pack any less?  I pity the poor sod who has to count them out. :o :D   And potatoes by the 3kg.  I only want 5 of 3 varieties.  Well back to the garden centre for them or our local market.   :cat: :chook:
Title: Re: Ordering seeds from a catalogue
Post by: HappyHippy on November 03, 2009, 08:39:50 am
Suttons are quite good as are Marshalls.
There's also a company that specialises in non hybrid F1 seeds, so that if you wanted to collect the seeds and resow the following year from those they would grow true to type - I can't remember their name, but leave it with me.
Ebay is another good one - you can get smaller quantities too.
I get soooooo carried away with seed catalouges though - seem to forget how little space I have  ;D
Title: Re: Ordering seeds from a catalogue
Post by: oink on November 03, 2009, 09:40:57 am

These offer non-hybrid seeds so that you can save the seeds for following years.  I haven't actually used them yet (I only just about find time to save my runner beans and potatoes!) but I read what happyhippy wrote and it reminded me of the website. 

I actually keep meaning to try them but.... oh well, maybe next year.

Good luck trying to only buy as much as you need.  I think there must be some kind of conspiracy going on  ;)
Title: Re: Ordering seeds from a catalogue
Post by: aparker155 on November 03, 2009, 10:01:22 am

I've used 'Real seeds' and found them really good - you do have to be quick for the popular seeds though as it's only a small company so the sell out fairly quickly. The 2010 seeds have only just gone on sale so should be fine for a while yet!
Title: Re: Ordering seeds from a catalogue
Post by: r+lchick on November 03, 2009, 10:07:11 am
Just had a quick look at the Real Seeds catalogue.  Although more expensive, I have looked at carrots and it gives you tips on how to save your own seeds.  So initial expense might be more, but you could save if you follow their instructions.  Will give them a go.  Thanks.    :cat: :chook:
Title: Re: Ordering seeds from a catalogue
Post by: Rosemary on November 03, 2009, 11:28:33 am
I like Thomson and Morgan, or you could try The Organic Catalogue. Just don't buy everything - I get seduced by the blurb and end up wth far too much.
Title: Re: Ordering seeds from a catalogue
Post by: RUSTYME on November 03, 2009, 01:49:01 pm
isn't it funny how we look at things differently.
 I am forever moaning about how FEW seeds there are in a packet nowdays.  I get a packet of carrots with only 2,000 seeds in for £2 and I feel done. I can remember when I was a kid (the sound of the Hovis music plays in the background !! ) , that day after war !!! er no...I remember as a kid how I would buy a packet of seeds and it would be half full . The thing is you don't have to sow them all !!! ;D
Once you start collecting seeds from your own plants , you realize just how many thousands of seeds you get , so it is easy for the companies to put plenty in , they choose not to though , compared to 40 years ago.
Also if you use 20 carrots a week , that adds up to 1,040 per year !!!! 


Title: Re: Ordering seeds from a catalogue
Post by: doganjo on November 03, 2009, 02:07:19 pm
Why not do a seed exchange with others on the forum.  Postage is very little.  I still have loads of seeds from last year so I'm going to have a hard think about what I really want to eat and get rid of the rest, possible freecycle/freegle or to anyone on here who wants them.
Title: Re: Ordering seeds from a catalogue
Post by: daniellestocks on November 03, 2009, 02:40:01 pm
I was also going to suggest seed swaping, i have a few spare
This year i got some from the real seed co, and they were great!
Danielle x
Title: Re: Ordering seeds from a catalogue
Post by: Greenerlife on November 03, 2009, 03:07:19 pm
Now a seed swap is a really good idea.  I went to the Brighton organised one a couple of years ago.  I didn't have my hair in dreadlocks or wear sandals, but I still got some seeds!   ;)

I have bought seeds from realseeds for a few years now and have all but abandoned the biggies.  I can thoroughly recommend buying their "Cherokee trail of tears" french bean.  I have a ton of them and leave them for next year as well as bean stew forever!
Title: Re: Ordering seeds from a catalogue
Post by: little blue on November 03, 2009, 05:58:31 pm
Like Rosemary, I like The organic gardening catalogue, and T&M... always wait until their end-of-season sales, to get really cheap seeds for the following year.

I am NOT buying (!) anymore seeds until all the ones I've ever bought are planted, not just in the cupboard!  Also got loads of 'free' ones from Amateur Gardening magazine (subscription was last years Christmas present!)
Title: Re: Ordering seeds from a catalogue
Post by: Lavinia on November 03, 2009, 08:40:03 pm
Hey just used the link to real seeds, i'm amazed at the tips for getting your own seeds from your plants....

Title: Re: Ordering seeds from a catalogue
Post by: marigold on November 03, 2009, 10:30:04 pm
I like the organicgardeningcataolgue too and (
Just about to have a look at real seeds
Title: Re: Ordering seeds from a catalogue
Post by: r+lchick on November 04, 2009, 08:52:35 am
Bought from the Real Seed company.  The site was so easy.  All the different catagories on the side, I just went down and picked one or two from the selection.  In fact, because there wasn't reams of pages to look through, I think I saved by buying fewer seeds.  Of course, I picked out the ones that have their roots in France, for obvious reasons.  Unfortunately, I am not the most patient of people and can't understand why things have not grown in 2 days!!!!! :cat: :chook:
Title: Re: Ordering seeds from a catalogue
Post by: Touchwood on November 04, 2009, 02:55:15 pm
I like the idea of a seed swap, I'm sure I've still got far more of somethings than I need, I'll have to have a look.

I buy a lot of seeds from Suffolk Herbs, (not only herbs) lots of veg, wild flowers etc.
Title: Re: Ordering seeds from a catalogue
Post by: RUSTYME on November 04, 2009, 04:27:00 pm

I haven't bought anything from this company , but they only sell non hybrid older varieties of veg seeds. Similar sort of thing to realseeds .
 Many of the old vegetable varieties that I grew only 30-40 years ago , are no longer available to buy . They have gone from the shops over the last few years . We really need to get a base of older veg going before it is too late , it very nearly is already .


Title: Re: Ordering seeds from a catalogue
Post by: marigold on November 04, 2009, 10:10:56 pm
This is the Henry Double day seed library link.
I'm definitely going to join up. (
Title: Re: Ordering seeds from a catalogue
Post by: r+lchick on November 13, 2009, 10:47:52 am
Just got my order from the Real Seed Company.  Now getting all excited.  Want to do an excel spreadsheet as to when to plant all the different things.  How sad, to get excited over a packet of seeds.  Must be getting old.  I remember when other things got me excited  ??? :o  ::)
Title: Re: Ordering seeds from a catalogue
Post by: Fluffywelshsheep on November 13, 2009, 12:09:13 pm
your not sad just very organised :)

Title: Re: Ordering seeds from a catalogue
Post by: scattybiker1972 on December 30, 2009, 03:29:22 am
Suttons Seeds      
Alan Romans
Marshalls Seeds

try googling these.also if there is a few people  nearbyeask about any  discount clubs that they run for allotments,  ;)
alan romans is very good does plain seed packs and in sensible amounts so prices are cheaper
Title: Re: Ordering seeds from a catalogue
Post by: marigold on December 30, 2009, 11:29:17 am
Just got my order from the Real Seed Company.  Now getting all excited.  Want to do an excel spreadsheet as to when to plant all the different things.  How sad, to get excited over a packet of seeds.  Must be getting old.  I remember when other things got me excited  ??? :o  ::)
What a great idea.
Would you consider sharing your spreadsheet when you make it? I would love to try out the idea.  :farmer: :peas: :chili: :chili: :carrot: :spud: :rasp: :pepper: :brocolli: :bee: :gloomy: :pear: :yum:
Title: Re: Ordering seeds from a catalogue
Post by: Rosemary on December 30, 2009, 05:10:27 pm
I think I've still got last year's spreadsheet.
Title: Re: Ordering seeds from a catalogue
Post by: northfifeduckling on December 31, 2009, 01:43:09 pm
I want to try Kokopelli this year, hoping some kind soul will give me the book for my birthday. Someone showed it to me years ago it it is one of those things you will want to own one day! Well, I do...As I got more and more disappointed with the HDRA Seed Library I'm still looking for more rare varieties to grow.

I'd love to support a seed, plant or propagation swap, maybe this could be a regular on the forum in this Growing section?  :&>
Title: Re: Ordering seeds from a catalogue
Post by: marigold on December 31, 2009, 06:25:48 pm
I want to try Kokopelli this year, hoping some kind soul will give me the book for my birthday. Someone showed it to me years ago it it is one of those things you will want to own one day! Well, I do...As I got more and more disappointed with the HDRA Seed Library I'm still looking for more rare varieties to grow.

I'd love to support a seed, plant or propagation swap, maybe this could be a regular on the forum in this Growing section?  :&>

What a great link. I've just had a quick look but will enjoy having a good look when things are not so mad here! :pepper: :rasp: :squash:
Title: Re: Ordering seeds from a catalogue
Post by: JD on January 02, 2010, 12:28:44 pm
Just opened the Thomson & Morgan catalogue I got in the mail a few days ago and found it contains a £5 no strings attached voucher.
Title: Re: Ordering seeds from a catalogue
Post by: northfifeduckling on January 02, 2010, 12:33:59 pm
I bought quite a few interesting seeds from T & M. Once you get going with the £ 5 off, it's hard to stop, beware!  :&>
Title: Re: Ordering seeds from a catalogue
Post by: paul d on January 05, 2010, 09:44:31 pm
Last year I bought off alan romans they are the cheapest I could find and were succesful as well now the seeds don't come in fancy packets mind just the foil inner ones that come inside the standard pack of seed and the variety isn't massive but at the prices they are very good value also seedaholics are worth a look 
Title: Re: Ordering seeds from a catalogue
Post by: northfifeduckling on January 07, 2010, 10:56:19 pm
Just got the T & M catalogue and am a bit disappointed not have found a £ 5 off voucher... :&>
Title: Re: Ordering seeds from a catalogue
Post by: JD on January 07, 2010, 11:12:55 pm
The catalogue I have has a picture of a basket of sweet peas and an ad for the £5 voucher on the front cover and the voucher inside with an order code. It says even if my order is under £5 I just pay pp.
Title: Re: Ordering seeds from a catalogue
Post by: Jackie on January 18, 2010, 07:07:33 am
Lidl seeds are the cheapest I know of, about 29p for a small packet and 48 for a large packet.

Whilst there may not be a fancy selection of seeds there is certainly all of the most eaten veg, oh and some flowers lol

Later in the season there is also fruite trees and bushes at cheap prices. Last year I bought loads for my 2 allotments.

Title: Re: Ordering seeds from a catalogue
Post by: Elissian on January 19, 2010, 09:27:26 pm
I like plants of distinction, they are more expensive than most but have a very high germination rate, one of the broadsheets did a test a couple of years ago and they were one of the best companies. they have a fabulous selection of tomatoes, in fact i find it a good read even if you don't buy anything!
Happy growing, Helen
Title: Re: Ordering seeds from a catalogue
Post by: VSS on January 23, 2010, 01:19:41 pm
DT Brown here.
Title: Re: Ordering seeds from a catalogue
Post by: Jackie on January 24, 2010, 06:48:52 am
If you have too many seeds in 1 packet then save them for next year as long as they are stored in the dry and dark they are usually ok to use.

Try buying spuds from a supermarket and growing those. I know some varieties have been sprayed with a chitting retardant but not all have. Yes I know there are virus implications from doing this but if the spud looks healthy, no skin marks, then it probably comes from healthy stock, plus you can get some really nice varieties this way.
I do reccomend Charlotte salad spuds.
Title: Re: Ordering seeds from a catalogue
Post by: cmorrell on January 24, 2010, 07:30:24 pm
My mother seems to like Thompson & Morgan and Baker Holland for seeds/young plants. My own preference so far is Unwins, but that's mostly because I absolutely detest the way T&M mix up the order of things in their catalogue, making quick searching very slow whereas Unwins have a nice logical catalogue. That's more important than the actual seeds... right?  ;D