The Accidental Smallholder Forum

Community => Coffee Lounge => Topic started by: r+lchick on November 02, 2009, 08:41:52 am

Title: Bad storms in Scotland
Post by: r+lchick on November 02, 2009, 08:41:52 am
Hi everyone up there.  Are you all OK? 
Title: Re: Bad storms in Scotland
Post by: HappyHippy on November 02, 2009, 08:44:51 am
I'm okay  ;D
We're 1000ft above sea level and have 12 boats outside so even if the rain keeps raining I think we're going to be fine  ;)
Strangely - we lost our water for a while  ??? Mains supply too, so not sure what happened there, but it's back now so I'll have to tackle yesterday's dishes at some point  :-\
Title: Re: Bad storms in Scotland
Post by: Fluffywelshsheep on November 02, 2009, 09:02:54 am
nothing noticable here except two of the bins are down lol

Title: Re: Bad storms in Scotland
Post by: Hardfeather on November 02, 2009, 09:58:42 am
We are ok here in our litle part of Angus, although the town of Arbroath was completely cut off at one point last evening, including by rail.

A friend of ours had a narrow escape on a flooded road. She was driving in the dark and saw water across the road. Thinking she would get through, she drove on carefully, but suddenly spotted the roof of another car which had been abandoned. As she tried to reverse out, the car stalled and very quickly began to fill with water. The front end dropped suddenly and, as she started to scramble over the seats into the boot area (an estate car), the car began to float round in a circle, completely confusing my friend.

She managed to open the back door and scramble get out. The water was up to her waist, and she's six feet two. She climbed onto the roof of the other car, which was more stable than her own, as hers floated off into the night. Luckily a local farmer had been nearby checking stock and saw her plight. He waded into the water and helped my friend to dry ground.

I went over there this morning, and there were four cars which had all been partly or fully submerged. I imagine they will all be written off.

Our horses are all ok this morning. Their fields can't flood, but we had water across our track to within twenty feet of our cottage, and about four feet deep. The burn down the den is swollen to the point that it can't get through a pipe which is five feet in diameter, and the backlog has caused lots of flooding upstream.

A two acre irrigation dam, which was half full two days ago, has filled to overflowing, and the water is eroding the dam face for the second time this year. No-one can get near the outflow valve to open it.

We usually have the horses down there at this time of year, but kept them up the top because we have a new foal at the house which needs to see the others.

Amazingly, much of the water has drained away from our immediate vicinity this morning, although I saw some bad flooding in the town when I was there earlier. Unfortunately, some houses were flooded in the town.
Title: Re: Bad storms in Scotland
Post by: Fluffywelshsheep on November 02, 2009, 10:30:46 am
that glad to here.

On hering about the flooding the garden is a bit waterlog but normally is during the winter months.

Some of the road in towards bridge of Allan had been shut last night on one side as the local river/burn had burst it's banks. We had fun driving thought them fast last night (only car on the road)hehe

Title: Re: Bad storms in Scotland
Post by: Blinkers on November 02, 2009, 11:31:40 am
OMG  :o AengusOg - what a relief your friend acted quickly and is safe.  How absolutely terrifying for her.    Kept wondering myself how you were all doing up there.   We had a pretty rough night and woke to find several new rivers running across our land and garden !!!!!!  But all subsided later in the day and all the flood defences we put in last year - worked - yippee.

How about the rest of you up there in the North?     There's been some scarey reports on the news.  :(

Title: Re: Bad storms in Scotland
Post by: Rosemary on November 02, 2009, 12:40:48 pm
It's Ok here. Thank goodness.
Title: Re: Bad storms in Scotland
Post by: sellickbhoy on November 02, 2009, 01:13:21 pm
just come home to discover the greenhouse is in danger of coming down and the plastic tunnel is in tatters and fecked

i was hoping to jump straight into bed given i've been travelling for over 24 hours but now i've to go and tackle the greenhosue so that it doesn't come completely apart

some welcome home

Title: Re: Bad storms in Scotland
Post by: RUSTYME on November 02, 2009, 01:20:45 pm
sorry to hear about the damage.....take care though can be replaced , fingers can't !!!


Title: Re: Bad storms in Scotland
Post by: sellickbhoy on November 02, 2009, 02:32:41 pm
job is done, life is good, though annoyingly i have a crack on one of the pains - so it needs to be replaced - however, there is no danger of losing the greenhouse

the future mrs SB is off to ireland this weekend - i've a ton of jobs to be getting on with - so i'll not be going with her and will crack on intead - regardless of the weather!!!

Title: Re: Bad storms in Scotland
Post by: doganjo on November 02, 2009, 02:58:39 pm
It's Ok here. Thank goodness.

It wasn't too Ok over this side of Alloa! :'(

I went out to check the dogs and birds at 9pm and the water was up to my front step (and still raining) - that's about 5 inches from the level of the grass.  The ducks and chickens had gone inside but the duck shed has no floor so the ducks were sitting in one corner on top of a nesting box which had floated onto the pallet I put in there a few days ago.  The chicken house is off the ground so they were nice and dry.  The Goudnie burn runs through the front garden and was right to the top of the bank and over the edge lapping at the wall that protects the rest of the garden.  Trouble was the grass was still ankle deep in water due to the high water table just now anyway.  The back garden is lower down and the railway line is right along side it so the run off from that (hard landscaping has that effect!) had caused about a foot of water to lie under my motorhome.  The dogs were fine but I sandbagged their popholes just in case.  I was so glad to wake up to a sunny, breezy day and the water levels back to almost normal.
Title: Re: Bad storms in Scotland
Post by: sabrina on November 02, 2009, 03:30:39 pm
We have a lot of flood water, bottom paddock has water to the top of the fence post. Could not get to work first thing this morning due to flood water one way and a land slide the other. We have a tattie field next door and the water that came out of there was like a fast flowing river. House was ok but barns both flooded. My neighbour has things floating about her garden and another neighbour is bad , her house is lower down the road than ours so she got a few feet of water inside her house. could not sleep last night as I was too worried but the sun has shone today so have to be thankful for that.  :)
Title: Re: Bad storms in Scotland
Post by: CameronS on November 02, 2009, 05:11:01 pm
3inches in back kitchen and front sheds, a washed out fence, sheep everywhere, and a tree down.
Is there more weather on the way??
i missed the weather report
Title: Re: Bad storms in Scotland
Post by: Blinkers on November 02, 2009, 05:46:42 pm
Oh my lord - sooo sorry to hear that, you guys. I hope and have fingers crossed that the worst is over now.   As long as everyone is safe thats the main thing. 
Title: Re: Bad storms in Scotland
Post by: Rosemary on November 02, 2009, 07:12:10 pm
Our thoughts are with those disrupted by this weather.
Title: Re: Bad storms in Scotland
Post by: sellickbhoy on November 02, 2009, 07:15:41 pm
Our thoughts are with those disrupted by this weather.

though not the poor rangers team who had their game abandoned yesterday and now have to play it again -poor wee things!!
Title: Re: Bad storms in Scotland
Post by: Fluffywelshsheep on November 02, 2009, 07:17:20 pm
lol hubby is of the same opinion

Title: Re: Bad storms in Scotland
Post by: marigold on November 02, 2009, 08:30:22 pm
We had a wild night in the shed and I didn't sleep much but there is no sign of any damage apart from a young tree down. Our new Shetland Geese who we picked up at lunchtime yesterday must have thought that they had been taken to hell.
Everybody was fine this morning and all the poultry were in a feisty mood when they saw the sun after the misery of sheets of cold water yesterday.
Quite glad we're high up - the fields below us on the banks of the Isla are totally flooded. Never seen so much water.
Might try and get a picture tomorrow - it is very beautiful and the grey lags will like it when they come.
Title: Re: Bad storms in Scotland
Post by: clydesdaleclopper on November 02, 2009, 09:27:11 pm
I'm very glad we are up the side of a hill. Huntly was flooded so I had a bit of a detour to get to work as the main road was closed but everything is just pretty soggy and miserable.
Title: Re: Bad storms in Scotland
Post by: sellickbhoy on November 03, 2009, 11:30:25 am
meant to add, when i was in Thailand, we went to an cookery school to learn how to cook thai food - yum yum, all good stuff

the school was located half way up a hill and had a great view out over the beach and cliffs that make up the thai coastline in the south of the country.

I mentioned it was a great view and how she must love working there each day - then she replied - this is our new school, our old school was further south on the beach and was completely destroyed by the tsunami on boxing day a few years back. Her home and business was completely washed away.

kinda puts into perspective my upset last night at seeing my plastic polytunnel wrecked by the recent bad weather!

Title: Re: Bad storms in Scotland
Post by: Pigtails on November 03, 2009, 04:24:32 pm
All is well here on the North Coast if somewhat damp :)
Title: Re: Bad storms in Scotland
Post by: northfifeduckling on November 03, 2009, 06:07:55 pm
damp, that's a nice way of putting it  ;D ;D. We had to travel to Glenrothes on Sunday and I'm so proud of my car ploughing through half a foot high "puddles"...well, the ducks are happily making a mess of what was left of the lawn after the lousy summer :&> :&>
Title: Re: Bad storms in Scotland
Post by: doganjo on November 03, 2009, 08:47:31 pm
meant to add, when i was in Thailand, we went to an cookery school to learn how to cook thai food - yum yum, all good stuff

the school was located half way up a hill and had a great view out over the beach and cliffs that make up the thai coastline in the south of the country.

I mentioned it was a great view and how she must love working there each day - then she replied - this is our new school, our old school was further south on the beach and was completely destroyed by the tsunami on boxing day a few years back. Her home and business was completely washed away.

kinda puts into perspective my upset last night at seeing my plastic polytunnel wrecked by the recent bad weather!

Welcome home Chris, hope you both had a fab time!