The Accidental Smallholder Forum

Livestock => Other => Topic started by: Roxy on September 29, 2009, 10:43:30 pm

Title: I shouldn't laugh ....
Post by: Roxy on September 29, 2009, 10:43:30 pm
but can resist a little giggle.

We have a security guard in the field (no, not guarding my animals, he is watching the steel road the leccy company have put in while they upgrade the high wires!)  I was bringing Paddy and Jasmine the goats up the farm track as he drove down to take up his post, this evening.  As Jasmine was walking along the wall, he slowed down.  Anyway, he said what a nice goat Paddy was, and told me he had been stroking him in the field yesterday.

Anyone who has smelt a billy goat will know how the smell lingers, and if it gets on your hands ......I have been giggling all evening, thinking of the man sat in his cabin wondering what the smell was, all night.

Really I should have told him not to stroke Paddy under any circumstances - but I didn't!!!
Title: Re: I shouldn't laugh ....
Post by: little blue on October 01, 2009, 09:18:51 pm
Maybe the poor chap couldn't smell it... bet his missus had something to say!!
Title: Re: I shouldn't laugh ....
Post by: Roxy on October 01, 2009, 10:46:07 pm
Yes, I did think of that, Ruth - poor man probably never even realised the smell was through touching Paddy goat.  I have got used to it now, and it does not bother me, but I am very careful about changing before going to work etc. and scrubbing my hands well, to try and get rid of the whiff.  My neighbour complained about the "awful smell" next to my stables, as she walked past.....thats from someone who lives next to a sewage farm :D
Title: Re: I shouldn't laugh ....
Post by: xnbacon on October 02, 2009, 01:36:06 pm
People are funny, the lady who's house backs onto mine and the pub next door put her head over the fence to complain about the smell of vomit coming from my garden, and blamed it on the rabbit.  Had she said chicken poo I'd have understood it . . .
Title: Re: I shouldn't laugh ....
Post by: Roxy on October 02, 2009, 03:32:14 pm
Oh, poor rabbit, getting the blame ......!!!
Title: Re: I shouldn't laugh ....
Post by: sandy on October 05, 2009, 10:14:01 pm
I bet he had been scratching himself (like men can only do)due to boredom and thought it was his smell!! I bet he went straight home for a shower and tons of aftershave!!!
Title: Re: I shouldn't laugh ....
Post by: Roxy on October 05, 2009, 10:25:14 pm
 :D  I haven't seen the man standing by the wall stroking Paddy, again.  Poor Paddy, he is such a friendly chap, its a shame no one wants to fuss him.

I still keep having a giggle thinking about the man having billy goat smell on him......he would be eating his sandwiches, or not, if the smell put him off!!

I am used to it now - and can hardly smell the goats.