The Accidental Smallholder Forum

Livestock => Sheep => Topic started by: devonlad on August 13, 2013, 08:15:43 pm

Title: BLIMEY !!!!!
Post by: devonlad on August 13, 2013, 08:15:43 pm
we're having a baby- not a lamb or a piglet or a chick but a real life human baby- somewhat unexpected and rather later in life than ideal but on those days when its not terrifying its bloomin' amazing. now, the important bit- exactly what sort of contact can the OH have from now on- i know that lambing is a no no, but what about before then, what about existing lambs born March- so many unknowns all of a sudden :excited:
Title: Re: BLIMEY !!!!!
Post by: Brucklay on August 13, 2013, 08:18:43 pm
I'm now doing what I don't ever do "sorry don't know the answer to your question" but I really really want to say congratulations - must be the best feeling ever  :thumbsup:
Title: Re: BLIMEY !!!!!
Post by: Hillview Farm on August 13, 2013, 08:18:56 pm
I cant answer your questions but Congrats!!!
Title: Re: BLIMEY !!!!!
Post by: mojocafa on August 13, 2013, 08:19:19 pm
Congratulations, you had better start :knit:
Title: Re: BLIMEY !!!!!
Post by: Rosemary on August 13, 2013, 08:25:32 pm
It's an ideal time to have a baby - when it's going to be loved  :love:

Congratulations - the best of news. Hope the devonlass is keeping fine  :thumbsup:
Title: Re: BLIMEY !!!!!
Post by: Mammyshaz on August 13, 2013, 08:27:14 pm
Great news  :excited: don't know the exact answer but there will be plenty OH can still do safely and then there is always supervising to do, a most important job if the job in hand is to be done correctly  :innocent:
Title: Re: BLIMEY !!!!!
Post by: Rosemary on August 13, 2013, 08:30:56 pm
Great news  :excited: don't know the exact answer but there will be plenty OH can still do safely and then there is always supervising to do, a most important job if the job in hand is to be done correctly  :innocent:

And one that we ladies excel at  ;)
Title: Re: BLIMEY !!!!!
Post by: Fleecewife on August 13, 2013, 08:41:39 pm
Oh what lovely news. 
I don't know much about contact outside of lambing time, but I would think she should stay away from the flock, plus your work clothes and boots, throughout the time the ewes are pregnant.  This is in case they abort, which can be passed on to humans.  During lambing itself, definitely no contact at all.
When our neighbour was expecting her two children, her husband had to strip off totally and put all his clothes through the machine  :o :o :o  himself, every time he came into the house, then shower thoroughly and scrub out the shower, so she had absolutely no possible contact with birth fluids, fresh or old.   On the other hand I have known of women who have ignored the risks and taken no precautions.  I really really don't think it's worth taking the slightest risk with something as precious as a baby, and I'm sure you agree.   I do think though that you should get definitive advice from both an obstetrician and a vet, and if they don't know for certain then keep enquiring til you find out.  Letting us know your findings on here will help lots of other mothers-to-be  :thumbsup:
Title: Re: BLIMEY !!!!!
Post by: Sandyknox on August 13, 2013, 08:51:05 pm
Congrats I know I'm only 18 but I still know that is great news :)
Title: Re: BLIMEY !!!!!
Post by: darkbrowneggs on August 13, 2013, 09:40:35 pm
 :thumbsup:   Well congratulations   :excited: :excited:   Great news  :thumbsup:
Title: Re: BLIMEY !!!!!
Post by: mowhaugh on August 13, 2013, 09:59:37 pm
Congratulations, how exciting!

The official guidance would be no contact with pregnant sheep.  When I was pregnant, my midwife said that is what she would always recommend for someone who had little regular contact with sheep, but for someone who was handling sheep on a daily basis, the risk would be less.  I was in this situation, so the advice I was given was absolutely no actual lambing sheep, no touching amniotic fluid, afterbirth or wet lambs.  So I was still doing checking the sheds, feeding, and I did deal with any pet lambs or lambs that needed topping up and so on, but only once their coats and navels were dry.

I THINK I was told that the earlier in pregnancy you are, the less likely you are to catch anything and it then transferring across the placenta, but if you do, the consequences are likely to be devastating for the baby.  The further through your pregnancy you get, it is much more likely the baby might be affected, but as he/she had done his/her main developing and is just growing, it would not be such a big effect.  I think it is something you need to decide together.
Title: Re: BLIMEY !!!!!
Post by: Bionic on August 14, 2013, 08:04:09 am
Congratulations to you both. OH must be very pleased that she won't be allowed to wash your work clothes  ;D
Title: Re: BLIMEY !!!!!
Post by: devonlad on August 14, 2013, 06:38:10 pm
Wow- thank you all so much for your posts. OH (or Devonlass as she now is) has already sussed out the great bonus of not doing my laundry. she led me by the hand last night to show me where the washing machine lives. We certainly dont want to take any risks and whilst I''m fine with being the lone shepherd she is less keen on months away from her precious girls. At the docs the other night after confirmation and lots of advice and general info he asked us if we had any questions. Up pipes Devomlass straight away " yes, sheep ??" he wasnt dead sure but pointed us toward HPA website. Any more qyuestions says doc- "Nope" says she "just needed to ask about sheep" we'll keep you posted  re developments and any more tips for pregnant shepherds
Title: Re: BLIMEY !!!!!
Post by: Bramblecot on August 14, 2013, 11:19:17 pm
Congratulations and best wishes to you both.  I'm sure Devon lass will project manage the flock ;D
Title: Re: BLIMEY !!!!!
Post by: happygolucky on August 15, 2013, 09:31:05 am
How exciting, I cannot remember many or any baby births being announced on here, grandchildren yes but not small holders produce!! Maybe I am wrong as I do not read all posts :innocent:
Congratulations :wave:
Title: Re: BLIMEY !!!!!
Post by: smudger on August 15, 2013, 11:46:00 pm
Suggest a chat with female vets - they will be very up on all the risks but not just lambing time I'm afraid (and defo NO Clothes washing). Be wary with meds.

Congrats by the way from another geriatric mother (elderly prima gravida). Life changing in all the best possible ways!
Title: Re: BLIMEY !!!!!
Post by: Rosemary on August 16, 2013, 10:20:09 am
In fact, it's not just contact with sheep that can be dangerous during pregnancy - it has been proven that use of a vacuum cleaner. iron, washing up liquid, dusters and furniture polish is also dangerous  ;)
Title: Re: BLIMEY !!!!!
Post by: shygirl on August 16, 2013, 10:27:48 am
Ask the doctor, I can't mind now but I'm sure chlamydia is the risk, so no lambing Etc Our doc was very knowledgable but did presume I had competent help available. Congrats
Title: Re: BLIMEY !!!!!
Post by: ZaktheLad on August 16, 2013, 10:37:58 am
In fact, it's not just contact with sheep that can be dangerous during pregnancy - it has been proven that use of a vacuum cleaner. iron, washing up liquid, dusters and furniture polish is also dangerous  ;)
As is trailing round the supermarket filling a trolley with food, having any contact with hot cookers or filling vehicles with fuel  ;)
Title: Re: BLIMEY !!!!!
Post by: smudger on August 16, 2013, 10:39:42 am
I wouldn't be so sure about doctors. I met a woman who had been very very ill, including hospitalisation  for almost a year. It was her vet who diagnosed it! Weils Disease.