The Accidental Smallholder Forum

Growing => Herbs => Topic started by: Lesley Silvester on July 27, 2013, 11:06:22 pm

Title: Problem with basil
Post by: Lesley Silvester on July 27, 2013, 11:06:22 pm
I have a pot of basil (bought from Tesco) on my kitchen window sill. Just recently I noticed that a few of the leaves seemed to be transparent, as if only the veins were left. Now most of the plant is like that and the leaves are dropping. I'm assuming something is eating it but there's nothing to be seen on it.

Any ideas?
Title: Re: Problem with basil
Post by: LouiseG on July 28, 2013, 09:44:50 am
Sorry I can't help but I planted my tesco basil outside in a pot about a month ago because it was looking very sad for itself on the kitchen windowsill and now it's thriving, might be worth a try.

Title: Re: Problem with basil
Post by: Lesley Silvester on July 31, 2013, 09:50:30 pm
I think mine is a bit past that. In fact, I looked at it today and decide the best place for it was the compost bin.  :( I'm not that good at growing herbs. Even managed to kill the mint this year by forgetting to water it. The only thing that does keep coming up is the lemon balm that was here when we moved in.
Title: Re: Problem with basil
Post by: Mammyshaz on July 31, 2013, 10:17:10 pm
I've tried planting supermarket pot herbs and lettuce a few times with no success. It does seem to last outdoors longer than the windowsill but I found it much cheaper to get seeds and plant a pot at the back door.

Sorry, forgot to say haven't got a clue what is wrong with your little plant MGWM. But sometimes my indoor plants get little White dust like bugs that seem to suck the life out of them if they are in my kitchen for some reason. They are found under the leaf or down the stem. Guessing you already checked it over.
Title: Re: Problem with basil
Post by: Bodger on August 23, 2013, 03:28:43 pm
I wouldn't worry about Basil, he's from Barcelona. Oops wrong guy :dunce:
Title: Re: Problem with basil
Post by: Bramblecot on August 23, 2013, 10:11:32 pm
I think the bugs are whitefly :-\ or maybe mealy bug.  If I keep herbs in the kitchen for more than a couple of weeks they always get it.  The basil seems to get coarse too but it is ok in the greenhouse ???