The Accidental Smallholder Forum

Food & crafts => Recipes => Topic started by: kevkev57 on July 18, 2009, 11:45:06 am

Title: Tomato sauce 24 hour slow cook
Post by: kevkev57 on July 18, 2009, 11:45:06 am
With tomatos ripening, I thought I would share this with you. It is a  my wife uses,handed down from her father in the Italian side.

This is a slow slow cook. Idea being to release the full flavour of the tomato and loose the acidity.

I usually take 10 large tomatos and one large onion. Slice the tomatos reasonably thickly, slice the onion, add to a cast iron saucepan. add in black pepper and salt to taste. Add basil or any other suitable herb to your likening.

Put the lot into the saucepan, add in a good quality oil, but NOT extra virgin strong stuff.

heat on the stove at the lowest temp possible. The heat will gently warm the contents, but should never bring the temp up until it bubbles.

I keep mine on for 24 hours. At this low temp the contents are still all there, no evaporation.

The flavour is superb, soft and not acid.

Ideal for pasta meals or to serve on bread.

Title: Re: Tomato sauce 24 hour slow cook
Post by: kevkev57 on July 18, 2009, 11:49:32 am
PS  oil to add in.......three or for tablespoons, no more than that.
Title: Re: Tomato sauce 24 hour slow cook
Post by: Fluffywelshsheep on July 18, 2009, 09:30:10 pm
thats sound good any reason for the cast iron pot ?

I am thinking you could uses a slow cooker if needs be?
