The Accidental Smallholder Forum

Food & crafts => Recipes => Topic started by: Bionic on March 15, 2013, 12:30:33 pm

Title: Can you make meringue with sweetener?
Post by: Bionic on March 15, 2013, 12:30:33 pm
My diet is going well but I have loads of eggs and just wondered if I can make a meringue without actual sugar.
Title: Re: Can you make meringue with sweetener?
Post by: Greenerlife on March 15, 2013, 12:55:23 pm
You can if you use Splenda.  Have a look at their website - they give a recipe for TWO meringues so you don't have temptation to eat more!   ;D
Title: Re: Can you make meringue with sweetener?
Post by: bloomer on March 15, 2013, 12:59:17 pm
you can but they're not the same  :-[ :-[ :-[

Title: Re: Can you make meringue with sweetener?
Post by: Bionic on March 15, 2013, 01:47:43 pm
Just found some other bits online about this. Most people say they don't turn out well and are rubbery. Don't think I will be making them  :(
Title: Re: Can you make meringue with sweetener?
Post by: Rosemary on March 15, 2013, 01:51:23 pm
I understand the diet but why would you want to spoil your lovely eggs with some horrid chemical? Use sugar and just eat a wee meringue. If you can't trust yourself to have them in the house, my address is on the website  ;D
Title: Re: Can you make meringue with sweetener?
Post by: Bionic on March 15, 2013, 01:55:09 pm
Rosemary I am overrun with eggs at the moment. There is only so many I can eat and freeze.  There is no way I would be able to resist and only have a little bit of meringue though.
Ah well, back to the drawing board.
On the plus side the diet is going well though  ;D 
Title: Re: Can you make meringue with sweetener?
Post by: Clarebelle on March 15, 2013, 02:03:59 pm
I havent looked through all of them but there looks like theres a few good ideas on this thread on mumsnet: (
Title: Re: Can you make meringue with sweetener?
Post by: Bionic on March 15, 2013, 02:31:34 pm
Thanks Clarebelle there are some interesting suggestions there.  I might try the egg curry which I would never have thought of myself.
Title: Re: Can you make meringue with sweetener?
Post by: Rosemary on March 15, 2013, 04:43:19 pm
Egg curry is lovely  :yum: - like kedgeree without the fish  :)
Title: Re: Can you make meringue with sweetener?
Post by: colliewoman on March 15, 2013, 07:43:50 pm
break them up and stir em round a bit then freeze for scrambled eggs/omelette when the chickies aren't laying :thumbsup:

OR freeze them in their shells, peel and give one to your dog in the hot weather for a highly entertaining eggcicle treat ;D
Title: Re: Can you make meringue with sweetener?
Post by: Anke on March 16, 2013, 07:06:22 am
Yes I would also "pre-scramble" eggs the freeze for winterlunches.
I also pre-bake victoria sponges and freeze the actual cake bits, then in summer when I don't have the time to bake just take them out and put jam in the middle, hey presto cake time!
Title: Re: Can you make meringue with sweetener?
Post by: Bionic on March 16, 2013, 07:33:31 am
CW, I like the idea of the frozen eggs for the dog. He often gets an egg included in his meal to use them up anyway.  I will definitely give that a try with a couple.
Anke, I am on a diet but do like baking so I think I will make a couple of victorias and do as you say. If frozen I can't be tempted to eat them at the moment.  ;D
On the plus side I sold my first half dozen eggs yesterday  :)  I don't expect there to be a huge market for them as we don't have any passing traffic. In fact I thought that OH had done it to cheer me up after my lambing problem but he hadn't.
Title: Re: Can you make meringue with sweetener?
Post by: NormandyMary on March 17, 2013, 07:13:15 pm
Well done on keeping up with your diet Bionic. Im afraid I let myself down a good few days ago, I was comfort eating. Our bakery has just started selling THE most delicious meringue nests, so Ive been buying them, then putting fat free fromage frais on them and then frozen red berries. Superb, and not too bad really. Ill be back on the straight and narrow tomorrow though!
Title: Re: Can you make meringue with sweetener?
Post by: Bionic on March 18, 2013, 07:55:37 am
Mary, meringue nests aren't too bad and they do give you a good sweet fix. What you are putting on them should be fine too.
Come on now, back to the diet  ;D