The Accidental Smallholder Forum

Livestock => Poultry & Waterfowl => Topic started by: harry on May 28, 2009, 08:59:33 pm

Title: humidity
Post by: harry on May 28, 2009, 08:59:33 pm
ive always been told and read that in this country there is no need for added water to the incubator untill the last 3 days... even by a dealer at brinsea that sells humidity meters he told me not to waste my money only needed for rare birds and birds of prey... i bought the inc off them a brinsea 40............. ive tested the humidity with a wet buld themometre and if ive done it correctly ie filled the buld up with water and read off the scale.its 30%.... ive had average results with hatching hens and ducks about 60% with some dead 50% developed and some dead in shell fully developed.... ive now got those flying turkey eggs ive mentioned before.... anyone with experience and better results that could advise as i want these to hatch as all my other stuff is home grown so not so essential.. harry
Title: Re: humidity
Post by: shetlandpaul on May 28, 2009, 09:08:42 pm
i would get one. up here in the Shetlands we thought we would not need one being surrounded by sea. this was not so without water the incubator was at 30%. this explained why we had a rubbish hatch rate. even with one we have struggled to keep the humidity at 50-55%. so for you turkeys i would use one. you can get them for less than a fiver on ebay. its also a good double check on the temp.
Title: Re: humidity
Post by: harry on May 28, 2009, 09:16:45 pm
i think my wet buld themom should be ok its one with a cotton wick.... but you reckon 50% required i know you can also have to much humidity
Title: Re: humidity
Post by: shetlandpaul on May 30, 2009, 09:07:56 am
the books say 50% then 75% but a few % either way should be ok. To little and they have fun getting out