The Accidental Smallholder Forum

Pets & Working Animals => Dogs => Topic started by: Fowgill Farm on October 10, 2012, 08:43:42 pm

Title: Drinking water to excess
Post by: Fowgill Farm on October 10, 2012, 08:43:42 pm
In the last 24hrs our lab 7yrs old seems to have been drinking loads, bowls at a time, he also has a bucket outside and has been drinking from there too, he is eating ok (Bakers) is a bit quieter than usual.
he caught a rat the other day and i wondered if this might have anything to do with it especially as it may have taken poison. I got the dead rat off him and flung it where he couldn't get it and it was pretty much mins after he caught it.
any suggestions
thanks mandy :pig:
Title: Re: Drinking water to excess
Post by: in the hills on October 10, 2012, 08:57:20 pm
If it is a sudden change, I would personally get him checked by the vet.

Hope he is okay.
Title: Re: Drinking water to excess
Post by: Mrs Snoodles on October 10, 2012, 09:07:58 pm
If I were you Id be calling the vet pronto for advice.  Most of what councils put down for poison these days isn't that harmful for dogs, in the sort of quantities you are talking about, however there is alot of the old (good) stuff still being used.  If your dog is quiet and drinking loads that doesn't sound too good. We have lots of dogs and find that our gut feelings are usually right.  You know your dog, don't hesitate if it is a potentially poison problem.

One of our lab ate a poisoned rat once and he was given a shot of vit k to bring it back up (he was a bit poorly afterwards) but with your situation I guess it would be hard to know where to start, given that it could be various poisons. 

We have an emergency out of hours number at hours at ours and usually they discuss over the phone, to
assess before asking you to come in or they go out etc etc.    Free advice given etc. I don't think this is
 uncommon practice.  Why don't you just call and see what they have to say?  Best of luck, hope all goes well.
Title: Re: Drinking water to excess
Post by: HelenVF on October 10, 2012, 09:12:51 pm
Agree, I would ring the vet.

Not dogs, but my brother started drinking excessively and he was tested for diabetes. It turned out to be an infection somewhere.

Hope he's ok!

Title: Re: Drinking water to excess
Post by: Mammyshaz on October 10, 2012, 09:37:59 pm
Unless he actually ingested some of the rat he is unlikely to have had any poison. There is no way he could get to any poison bait himself is there? if so it's vets ASAP 

The rat may just be a red herring.

I would be inclined to take him for a checkup ( tomorrow should be fine if he is not showing any other worrying symptoms )  There are quite a few things medically that can cause excess drinking. Some can easily be checked with a fresh urine sample at the vets.  if you are to take him there tomorrow, pop a sample in for instant results .

Hope he is sorted and back to normal soon  :dog:  :hug: 
Let us know how he is tomorrow  :bouquet:
Title: Re: Drinking water to excess
Post by: doganjo on October 10, 2012, 09:41:30 pm
Don't think it's likely to be the rat, but as said there might be something else around he's eaten - any salt lying about?  Could also be diabetes but seems strange it was sudden onset.  Get him to the vet tomorrow if he's no better and don't hesitate to phone during the night if he looks worse.
Oh and get him off that Bakers stuff asap (see other thread on food - full of e-numbers and colourants
Title: Re: Drinking water to excess
Post by: jaykay on October 10, 2012, 09:58:32 pm

Diabetes, adrenal problems, infection.... Lots of possibilities which all need properly checking out - and are fixable but serious if not dealt with.

Title: Re: Drinking water to excess
Post by: Fowgill Farm on October 11, 2012, 09:51:59 am
Thanks guys
he seems to be himself this morning, hasn't drunk much during the night or this morning but am going to pop him to the vets this afternoon just to be on safe side, it could be something he's picked up, there are lots of other dogs who use our lane and hes a bugger for licking pee (Yuk) and sniffing others poo unless i spot it first and yank him away. Village is having a clamp down on poo picking at the mo, some kind soul picked up their dogs poo which is great but why leave the plastic bag with it in hanging in a nearby tree ??? ::) , how do they think its going to get from there to the bin? or were they leaving it for the poo fairies!
Let you know what vet reckons.
thanks for your thoughts again
Mandy & Max  :pig: :dog:
Title: Re: Drinking water to excess
Post by: doganjo on October 11, 2012, 10:38:28 am
Village is having a clamp down on poo picking at the mo, some kind soul picked up their dogs poo which is great but why leave the plastic bag with it in hanging in a nearby tree ??? ::) , how do they think its going to get from there to the bin? or were they leaving it for the poo fairies!
Let you know what vet reckons.
thanks for your thoughts again
Mandy & Max  :pig: :dog:
That is horrible and seems to be on teh increase.  It's a bit worrying too because a lot of those green poo bags are biodegradable.  What if they biodegrade just as you are walking under a tree yuk :gloomy: :gloomy: :eyelashes:
Glad to hear he's Ok today, but definitely go to the vet just in case - and let us know.
Title: Re: Drinking water to excess
Post by: SallyintNorth on October 11, 2012, 10:46:31 pm
Village is having a clamp down on poo picking at the mo, some kind soul picked up their dogs poo which is great but why leave the plastic bag with it in hanging in a nearby tree ??? ::) , how do they think its going to get from there to the bin? or were they leaving it for the poo fairies!
That is horrible and seems to be on teh increase. 

It's even worse when they do it in rural areas.  Cattle being inquisitive beasts, they'll probably eat the bag - and because of the way the ruminant digestion works, it can cause problems, possibly even death.
Title: Re: Drinking water to excess
Post by: Fowgill Farm on October 12, 2012, 10:56:04 am
Well been to the vet. Overall he is fit and well (caught a rabbit this morning!) all his vitals are fine, we have to monitor his drinking over a 24hr period and ring with the results, the vet has a chart and from the amount he's drunk she says she'll be able to tell whether i'm a worry mummy or there is a problem. He does seem to be drinking less so maybe it was just an off colour day or he'd been racing around more than usual or he'd been the dustbin that labradors are and eaten something 'orrible or maybe its just me being paranoid.  :thinking:
Pleased took him to the vet, piece of mind as much as anything, thanks for the push to take him :thumbsup:
Mandy  :pig:  & Max :dog:
Title: Re: Drinking water to excess
Post by: Mammyshaz on October 12, 2012, 10:59:56 am
That's a relief  :sunshine: good lad max! Now settle down, and don't worry mum like that again  :relief:

Title: Re: Drinking water to excess
Post by: doganjo on October 12, 2012, 11:36:15 am
And drinking to excess can sometimes be a habit too - my older bitch sometimes goes to the bowl and drinks till it's finished, but if i think she has had enough I tell her to stop, she shrugs her wee shoulders, says 'Ok, Mum, was just bored'  :eyelashes: and toddles off.   ;D
Title: Re: Drinking water to excess
Post by: SallyintNorth on October 12, 2012, 11:48:59 am
Oh, you've reminded me now.  I used to have a LabX rescue; he'd been a stray for a while, fending for himself, and he never lost the taste for dustbin food!  Every so often he'd give me the slip and go off raiding bins.   ::)  He'd come back when his tummy was so full he couldn't squeeze another morsel in there, not even a waffer thin mint  ;), and would break evil wind and drink gallons of water for the next 24 hours.

(A bit like me after a Chinese meal, I have to say  ;))  (Although I do generally manage to contain myself until in a politic place to let rip  :D)
Title: Re: Drinking water to excess
Post by: jaykay on October 12, 2012, 01:18:09 pm
Glad you took him and things look fine  :thumbsup: