The Accidental Smallholder Forum

Livestock => Pigs => Topic started by: oink on May 09, 2009, 10:18:19 am

Title: Pigs ignore food!
Post by: oink on May 09, 2009, 10:18:19 am
Hi guys,

I picked up two saddlebacks weaners last week and they seem to be doing fine.  My only concern is that when I go to feed them they'll happily follow me around as I rattle their nuts in a bucket but when I sprinkle the nuts on the floor they'll have a little before they go back to rooting in the overgrown paddock.  They seem to enjoy the rooting far more than their nuts.  By the time I go to feed them in the evening the pig nuts have mostly gone but again they seem unconcerned by the new feed.

I was basically wondering if anyone had any recommendations as to whether I should cut back their feed  until the paddock has been cleared.  They are 2 months old now so I've been feeding them 2lbs a day each, half in the morning, half in the evening.

Thanks a lot, I just wanted to make sure no one thought they were being over fed.
Title: Re: Pigs ignore food!
Post by: dixie on May 09, 2009, 11:32:17 am
Sounds like they're getting plenty from rooting! I would cut down to say half the amount and see how it goes you''ll probably find they become more interested in the nuts so you can then increase them again!
Title: Re: Pigs ignore food!
Post by: shetlandpaul on May 09, 2009, 12:14:08 pm
Are they the small pig nuts or the bigger ones. ours could not eat the bigger ones until they were old. have you tried a wet feed and see if they eat that.
Title: Re: Pigs ignore food!
Post by: oink on May 09, 2009, 06:51:54 pm
thanks guys,

they're small nuts I assume, about the same size as chicken layers pellets.  I think I'll try lowering their ration and if they still don't seem interested I'll get some wet feed.  They should be fine as they do finish them eventually and its the same feed they were being fed from the bloke who I got them from.  Being a newby I think I just sometimes need the reassurance  ::)
Title: Re: Pigs ignore food!
Post by: Rosemary on May 09, 2009, 09:12:08 pm
Ours didn't clean up this morning - I increased their feed this morning. So I've cut it back again - if they don't clean up in 20 minutes.

I fed them tonight on the ground instead of in the trough and they seemed to like that much better.
Title: Re: Pigs ignore food!
Post by: Hilarysmum on May 10, 2009, 08:56:59 am
They are probably enjoying the stuff in the paddock.  Are you giving them anything else like veg or fruit?  Could you mix some in with the nuts?
Title: Re: Pigs ignore food!
Post by: rorsa on May 12, 2009, 10:44:45 am
I have the same experience as you do oink every time I get some new weaners. I cut the food right back until they are really hungry for feed time and then I increase it again. After a few days they are very keen at feed time.
Title: Re: Pigs ignore food!
Post by: oink on May 12, 2009, 11:53:13 am
Cheers for all the replys,

I think they were just getting used to the place as rosa said.  I cut back their feed and now they can't wait for feeding time.  They actually eat for 20 minutes in one go so I can see how much they should be getting.  Perfect.

On another note, I went down this morning and as I crouched down to stroke one of them he immediately rolled over so I could rub his belly!  Up till now I've had to coerce them with silence so they don't run off and a good few minutes of gentle stroking before they roll over.  It really was a great feeling to think they're beginning to accept me.  Don't worry though, I'm not getting too attached ;)
Title: Re: Pigs ignore food!
Post by: Paid on May 12, 2009, 08:01:07 pm
Its great isn't it, how they get more and more used to you every time, and
now after 2 weeks, they greet me like the dogs do :D
Title: Re: Pigs ignore food!
Post by: Farmer on May 15, 2009, 12:19:38 pm
Hi Oink,

Cut down their food to once a day, but change to larger sow & weaner rolls; they don't get covered in mud and lost in the ground so easily - when they have started to eat all their food in one go re-introduce the second feed. It sounds as if they are getting enough feed from the paddock vegetation at present so not to worry - good luck
