The Accidental Smallholder Forum

Community => Coffee Lounge => Topic started by: Rainyplace on May 07, 2009, 10:25:26 am

Title: Sorry folks I need to moan....
Post by: Rainyplace on May 07, 2009, 10:25:26 am
about the weather. Rain, Rain and more blxxdy Rain. Tell me there are some TAS members enjoying spring sunshine somewhere.....
Title: Re: Sorry folks I need to moan....
Post by: pegusus pig on May 07, 2009, 11:10:17 am
Thats all we've had here for about a week. Me and my youngest asked for some sunshine last night before bed so he could play out side, low and behold the suns out today, although very windy.  :D :D
Title: Re: Sorry folks I need to moan....
Post by: sandy on May 07, 2009, 11:33:35 am
Feels like a repeat  performance of last year!!!! When will I be able to go out without welles???
Title: Re: Sorry folks I need to moan....
Post by: sellickbhoy on May 07, 2009, 12:14:47 pm
no rain in linlithgow - bit windy though!!!!

Title: Re: Sorry folks I need to moan....
Post by: pegusus pig on May 07, 2009, 01:09:12 pm
Feels like a repeat  performance of last year!!!! When will I be able to go out without welles???

Just like last year, good weather early on, weather man promised a hot summer, then none stop wind and rain. I went to Majorca on holiday last year to see the sister, the farmers over there were moaning they hadn't had enough rain for the olives, if only we could send them some of ours over.   :gloomy: :gloomy: only time i got out of the wellies and water proofs.
Title: Re: Sorry folks I need to moan....
Post by: doganjo on May 07, 2009, 01:48:55 pm
My wonderful dog sitter last weekend wouldn't go near the chicken and duck runs to collect the eggs because they are so muddy.  My son came over and collected them in his wellies.  I've just seen them - 4 inches high in dried mud!  Please whoever controls our weather, anybody's God if there is such a being, can we have some dry, warm weather.
Title: Re: Sorry folks I need to moan....
Post by: dixie on May 07, 2009, 03:03:32 pm
We've had no rain for ages, weather was lovely bank holiday weekend, was sunny this morning but soon clouded over and a tad windy! but still no rain, our grounds like concrete already! we never get a happy medium do we? 8)
Title: Re: Sorry folks I need to moan....
Post by: gillandtom on May 07, 2009, 03:41:13 pm
Plenty rain in Stirling - Just gave my 'white' cocker spaniel a bath for the third time this week and our 3 week old chick looks more like a drowned rat than a cream coloured legbar!  >:(
Title: Re: Sorry folks I need to moan....
Post by: doganjo on May 07, 2009, 04:06:36 pm
I don't know where Dixie lives but I'm moving there  ;) ;D ;D ;D
Title: Re: Sorry folks I need to moan....
Post by: dixie on May 07, 2009, 04:17:08 pm
Boring Essex I'm afraid!!  ::)
Title: Re: Sorry folks I need to moan....
Post by: sandy on May 07, 2009, 04:57:19 pm
I look at it this way, I have never had to show off my bare legs so can grow a fine covering of hair ;D ;D good for my hot flushes though ;D ;D
Title: Re: Sorry folks I need to moan....
Post by: Womble on May 07, 2009, 09:14:19 pm
Well, it's just started hailing here!  ???
Title: Re: Sorry folks I need to moan....
Post by: spitfire on May 07, 2009, 10:16:51 pm
theres always a plus side- we won't need those extra water butts this year-the water table will be so high, the crops will float away-or we could always irrigate and plant rice paddies! my new piggies come out to be fed then run and hide again and the chickens- well they've started a campaign for wellies!
ahh, good old scottish weather!
Title: Re: Sorry folks I need to moan....
Post by: Rainyplace on May 08, 2009, 08:09:30 am
My wee lad (14 and 6'1) is off on D of E into the Ochils for an overnighter. Ah..Character building ...If any of you folk over there see a tent blowing down the valley tonight you will know who it belongs to!
Title: Re: Sorry folks I need to moan....
Post by: Hilarysmum on May 08, 2009, 08:17:43 am
On the other hand, we who are having wonderful sunshine have to keep refilling wallows.  (So there is a down side )
Title: Re: Sorry folks I need to moan....
Post by: doganjo on May 08, 2009, 09:24:52 am
He'll be OK, rainyplace.  It was raining beside the Ochils, it has stopped and there's been a wee bit of sunshine.  Forecast is to get better.  So you may not need the aga on to dry him out on his return ;) ;D ;D
Title: Re: Sorry folks I need to moan....
Post by: dixie on May 08, 2009, 10:50:26 am
Raining here today!!
Title: Re: Sorry folks I need to moan....
Post by: sandy on May 08, 2009, 10:51:34 am
Well, the Ducks will be happy
:&>[move] :&>
Title: Re: Sorry folks I need to moan....
Post by: Fluffywelshsheep on May 08, 2009, 11:46:02 am
shhhhhhhhhhh....... it's stopped rainning for about 20mins so far and i can see blue sky
Title: Re: Sorry folks I need to moan....
Post by: doganjo on May 08, 2009, 11:56:17 am
We had a downpour a few mins ago - a REAL downpour.  Chicken and duck pens are just inches deep in water.  Off to buy a load of sharp sand so me and the kids can get them sorted this weekend.
Title: Re: Sorry folks I need to moan....
Post by: northfifeduckling on May 08, 2009, 12:20:49 pm
I find the storms even more unsettling than the showers - at least I've not put the greenhouse glass in yet, some folks had to pick up the pieces...wonder if it's worth the effort. Please reassure me someone from a windswept area! :&>
Title: Re: Sorry folks I need to moan....
Post by: doganjo on May 08, 2009, 12:26:54 pm
Sorry, Kirsten, can't reassure you - we lived on a moderately windy croft, bought an aluminium one, brand new, put it inside a dog run so it couldn't blow away, it had double thickness polycarb windows.  One really stormy night it literally blew apart and ended up in our field - up over the top of the 6ft dog run, over the four foot barbed wire fence and a mangled heap in the middle of the field.  But there ahd been a severe weather warning that night  ::)
Title: Re: Sorry folks I need to moan....
Post by: Rainyplace on May 08, 2009, 12:31:11 pm
Thanks for the updates Annie. The lad departs at 4pm. Waterproofs at the ready, mind you to look at the bag he is carrying he looks like he is off for a month!
Title: Re: Sorry folks I need to moan....
Post by: northfifeduckling on May 08, 2009, 12:35:20 pm
the worst thing so far flying and landing inches from my car  one night last year was the 8 feet trampoline...:&>
Title: Re: Sorry folks I need to moan....
Post by: Rainyplace on May 08, 2009, 12:38:37 pm
yup seen a few of those taking to the skies over the last few days.
Title: Re: Sorry folks I need to moan....
Post by: doganjo on May 08, 2009, 12:59:02 pm
Thanks for the updates Annie. The lad departs at 4pm. Waterproofs at the ready, mind you to look at the bag he is carrying he looks like he is off for a month!

We've just had a huge downpour so very wet underfoot, but rain's been off for a while now and sun is trying to come through.  Hope he has fun.  Mine both did their D of E when youngsters - good for them. ;D
Title: Re: Sorry folks I need to moan....
Post by: HappyHippy on May 08, 2009, 01:58:44 pm
We had torrential rain all day yesterday and the day before and REALLY high winds too - all the garden furniture has rearranged itself ! Today's still windy and showery but we're getting 30 second glimpses of the sun every now and again - just enough to stop me getting too depressed  ;)  ;D
Roll on the 'summer' at least it'll be warmer rain that falls on us  ::)
Title: Re: Sorry folks I need to moan....
Post by: sandy on May 08, 2009, 02:58:48 pm
Now who is messing about? I am sittig here with dripping hair just after a short pop into the shop's, so, I decided to lite a fire, with the help of Ben picking the logs for me, now the fire is going, the sun is out, or is it? I am, roll on the winter we know where we are then, mild!!!!
Title: Re: Sorry folks I need to moan....
Post by: northfifeduckling on May 08, 2009, 03:10:58 pm
it's not right, is it! May used to be the best month here and the summer quite lousy (except my first summer here 1996 when I was highly pregnant and it was roasting in June, thought this was normal!!!). Storms belong into March and November. If things are changing, can we have some heat as it was promised by some forecasters, please ! :&>
Title: Re: Sorry folks I need to moan....
Post by: jameslindsay on May 08, 2009, 03:15:25 pm
The forecasters are forecasting a very hot summer but all I will say is remember their forecast for last year - it was meant to be an "Indian Summer". as if!
Title: Re: Sorry folks I need to moan....
Post by: Fluffywelshsheep on May 08, 2009, 03:31:56 pm
while i was visiting mum and dad my dad was trying to explain to me how some scientifit were declaire it is going to be colder alround , I couldn't understand this point of view myself but dad was trying his best to explain it.
Title: Re: Sorry folks I need to moan....
Post by: northfifeduckling on May 08, 2009, 04:50:40 pm
I thought we were having global warming? I sort of understand this now as it's going to get warmer everywhere else and we just get the floodings from the poles melting...:&>
Title: Re: Sorry folks I need to moan....
Post by: HappyHippy on May 08, 2009, 05:37:55 pm
Hey Ho, I've had snow !
Well ok, not really snow  ;) but definately sleet and hailstones ! In between the rain, sun and gales !  :o
Title: Re: Sorry folks I need to moan....
Post by: doganjo on May 08, 2009, 06:05:33 pm
Me too!  Sun, sleet, rain, wind - one after the other and sometimes together!  Can I go home now please? ;) ;D
Title: Re: Sorry folks I need to moan....
Post by: Rainyplace on May 08, 2009, 06:29:02 pm
Whats happening at the mo in them thar hills?
The lad will probably be tucking into his supplies by now, noodles,nuts and choccy biscuits.
Title: Re: Sorry folks I need to moan....
Post by: doganjo on May 08, 2009, 06:54:34 pm
It's OK - sunny now and warming up a bit, just off out with dogs as we've all been confined to barracks for the day!
Title: Re: Sorry folks I need to moan....
Post by: sandy on May 11, 2009, 04:07:06 pm
After a nice walk yesterday slipping around on all the mud, today, the sun is out, wounderful, I may get out of my wellies!!!
Title: Re: Sorry folks I need to moan....
Post by: Hilarysmum on May 12, 2009, 08:01:37 am
After a week of wonderful sunshine we had HAIL
Title: Re: Sorry folks I need to moan....
Post by: doganjo on May 12, 2009, 11:58:44 am
sunny here today and yesterday. Problem is you don't know what to wear!  Global Warming - HUH!! Global warm/cold/wet/dry-ing
Title: Re: Sorry folks I need to moan....
Post by: sandy on May 12, 2009, 12:32:14 pm
The sun is out but I am freeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeezin :(
Title: Re: Sorry folks I need to moan....
Post by: northfifeduckling on May 12, 2009, 01:07:40 pm
yesterday was lovely - today started off the same, now we have freezing east instead of west winds :&>
Title: Re: Sorry folks I need to moan....
Post by: Lizmar on May 12, 2009, 01:15:33 pm
The weather over here has been lovely since before the weekend, everyone is slightly shocked as it rained right through last summer.  Mind you there is still time.
Title: Re: Sorry folks I need to moan....
Post by: dixie on May 12, 2009, 03:13:00 pm
Still no rain here although they keep forecasting it, but its blowing a hooley!!
Title: Re: Sorry folks I need to moan....
Post by: doganjo on May 12, 2009, 03:40:42 pm
I've just been sitting out in the sun with a glass of elderflower and lemonade, with the dogs too hot to run about, just lolling beside me or paddling in the burn
Title: Re: Sorry folks I need to moan....
Post by: sellickbhoy on May 12, 2009, 03:48:46 pm
another glorious day here in Linlithgow.

sadly i'm busy in the office today, so haven't been able to get outside - unlike yesterday where i spent most of the day there

I put up the new tent last night, just to give it a dry run before we go off anywhere camping in it, and it's lovely and toasty in there this morning, i'm actually thinking it might make a good wee polytunnel to extend the season a wee bit as it's roasting inside it today!!!

the dog is once again flat out on the newly laid foundations. every now and again he moves into the shade of the hedge, but comes back out a few minutes later. I've just taken him out a big bowl of water so he doesn't have to come back in for a drink.

i've got the hose on now, the raised beds are looking very dry - so a wee top up to keep the tatties and root veg seeds going.

great weather for the chilli/pepper plants though - they are all looking very nice in the greenhouse just now, the hot cherries and "sainsbury" british red chillis are even starting to flower now - so i'm looking forward to my first crop of chillis - my 1st from seed, so i'm delighted!

i love days like this, you can almost watch the plants growing! few good days of watering followed by plenty heat to bring them on. fantastic!
Title: Re: Sorry folks I need to moan....
Post by: sandy on May 12, 2009, 03:59:51 pm
OK, it is warm now, still, I have been stuck cleaning the cooker...wounderful, at least I have red hands all the rest of my body is very white ;D
Title: Re: Sorry folks I need to moan....
Post by: Hilarysmum on May 13, 2009, 06:31:36 am
I thought I was getting sun tanned, now I realise its rust.
Title: Re: Sorry folks I need to moan....
Post by: Lizmar on May 17, 2009, 05:04:14 pm
OK I said before that the weather was good last weekend, well this weekend made up for it! It's so cold, the wind is bitting and the rain is coming down horizontal, if that makes sense.  I have had to put the heating on!!  Please tell me it's the same everywhere, or am I going to have to move back to the UK!!!!!????? :'(
Title: Re: Sorry folks I need to moan....
Post by: Fluffywelshsheep on May 17, 2009, 05:16:03 pm
nice and warm here a bit blowy but normal for this area,
While hubby was watching footy (shhhhh........... don't anyone mention the score)

I was doing little bit of tiding up in spair room and filling up the Van for a tip trip.