The Accidental Smallholder Forum
Livestock => Pigs => Topic started by: MiriMaran on May 03, 2009, 07:03:15 pm
Harry thought he would show the pigs what to do in a "Whallop" as Harry calls it!!!!! ;D
How cute is that???
Boys will be guys are magnets for muck too!
Oh he is so cute you could eat him (well almost).
That's exactly how boys SHOULD be.
There's not many sausages on Harry I'm afraid Hilarysmum and there's not an ounce of fat on him - I'd stick to pigs if I were you!!
He does look gorgeous though
What great pictures... certainly ones to keep a hold of for when he starts dating :)
Oh I have loads of those Townie! The funniest/most embaressing is Harry saluting wearing nothing except for a Thunderbirds hat and sash! Not one to put on the internet though!
I have a few of our two when they were little that they cringe every time they see (now both teenagers) ;D
That just brilliant, don't you just love kids. My OH goes mad when he see my boys doing such things, but when hes working theres no stopping them, amazing how they wash clean afterwards. He-he ;D ;D ;D
That's what hose pipes were invented for isn't it?!
Its always me thats at the wrong end of the hose pipe, my own fault my 5 year old wanted jobs to do to help filling the water is his, Take twice as long and every thing gets a good socking including me but makes him feel like hes helping. :pig: :pig:
Think of all the golden memories that they will have of their childhood. I try and do the same with my four boys, having grown up mostly in the city, my fondest memories of childhood are of being in the country. It's truly surprising the wonderful memories I have of such simple things as running through the fields, saving hay and the like.
I was brought up in the country. I tried living in London and only lasted 9 months before I was going nuts. I lived in Putney and worked on Wardour Street and did the whole commuting thing -Yuk!
Fabulous xxx