The Accidental Smallholder Forum

Livestock => Poultry & Waterfowl => Topic started by: Crazyboutdaanimals on June 25, 2012, 07:56:48 pm

Title: swimming hens
Post by: Crazyboutdaanimals on June 25, 2012, 07:56:48 pm
after moving the hens and ducks, i put a trug of water in their pen and some stones to help the ducks in and out. unfortunatly 3 of my pekins hoped in the water... the cockeral nearly drowned, one hen jumped on the stones and the other started swimming like a duck ??? ::) , all the birds are now fairly cold and although i tried to dry them off with a towel i did an ok job but they where still damp, should they be alright they are in a poly tunnel so it is quite warm but one waas shivering
Title: Re: swimming hens
Post by: jaykay on June 25, 2012, 07:59:57 pm
Silly bunch  :D
They should be ok in a poly tunnel, it'll keep the wind off.
I have blow dried wet hens before......slow speed, they seem to enjoy it  :D
Title: Re: swimming hens
Post by: chrismahon on June 25, 2012, 08:07:30 pm
Ours enjoy a cool blow dry as well -even the cockerels!
Title: Re: swimming hens
Post by: Crazyboutdaanimals on July 13, 2012, 09:33:43 pm
sorry for late replys ive been a tad busy, since this incident all the chooks where doing fine, although a few days later they escaped and one drowned in the same tug :'(  very upsetting