The Accidental Smallholder Forum

Livestock => Goats => Topic started by: plumseverywhere on October 07, 2011, 03:59:40 pm

Title: Wytsend!! got my cattle nuts...
Post by: plumseverywhere on October 07, 2011, 03:59:40 pm
Finally! I've bought in a sack of dairy nuts. about to start trying to convert my goats onto them gradually. Only thing I'm wondering is if I got the right ones? the price was only 60pence cheaper than goats mix and I'm sure I remember reading that cattle nuts are a fair bit more reasonably priced than commercial goat mix?
thanks Lisa
Title: Re: Wytsend!! got my cattle nuts...
Post by: McRennet on October 07, 2011, 04:16:17 pm
Mine are all on dairy nuts and doing very well on them  :)

I get mine from Central Wool Growers/Mole Valley at around £7.50 for a 25kg bag of 18% protein.

I also make sure they have acces to a salt and copper lick, it's up to them if they want it. Some love it, others wont go near  ::)

McR :wave:
Title: Re: Wytsend!! got my cattle nuts...
Post by: plumseverywhere on October 07, 2011, 05:09:48 pm
They wolfed them down! yay! mixed with their usual feed about 25% new feed 75% old mix but they really like them so thats good. will have a look at mole valley - thank you  :)
Title: Re: Wytsend!! got my cattle nuts...
Post by: Hatty on October 07, 2011, 08:24:19 pm
I am still struggling to get them, now been told I can only get them by the ton, there are no dairy farmers near me, had one supplier refuse them as they were for goats!
Title: Re: Wytsend!! got my cattle nuts...
Post by: Roxy on October 07, 2011, 10:09:06 pm
Argo at Penistone mill their own feeds and they do dairy nuts in single bags.  They do sell their feed to other merchants, so may be some near you.
Title: Re: Wytsend!! got my cattle nuts...
Post by: Hatty on October 07, 2011, 10:22:05 pm
its argo who refused to let me have them for goats lol
Title: Re: Wytsend!! got my cattle nuts...
Post by: Roxy on October 07, 2011, 10:36:17 pm
Well, they have never questioned me ....did they ask you, or did you tell them it was goats?!!  Did they give you a reason?  Cannot see what the problem was.

There again, I was refused a big tub of wormer for my large flock of hens, because they are laying hens.  Told  I must get the pre mixed layers pellets.  if I had not said they were laying hens it would have been ok!!!

I will get you a bag of dairy nuts from Argo - they are for my jersey cows of course!!
Title: Re: Wytsend!! got my cattle nuts...
Post by: wytsend on October 08, 2011, 08:45:21 am
First rule of goat keeping .... never tell a merchant what you want an item for !!!!!!!!

It is true that if an item isn't licenced for goats they are within their rights to refuse to sell but that is being picky in the extreme.!!!!!!!

Cattle dairy nuts should not cost more than £7.25 a bag.. 25kg.    I pay £6.50 in Devon & I have just been told the price is likely to drop.

If you feed the mineral mix that I have had formulated,   you will be able to cut back on the amount of hard feed.........., still maintain or improve condition... that you feed by as much as 10% in some cases !¬!!

The minerals can be posted to you !!  Cost is £5 per 2kg bucket plus post/courier which ever is cheaper.

Roxy I haven't forgotten to ring you... not sure where this week has gone.
Title: Re: Wytsend!! got my cattle nuts...
Post by: SallyintNorth on October 08, 2011, 02:14:29 pm
Just a thought...  If you are wanting dairy cattle cake for your goats, your local dairy farmer may be happy to sell you some.  S/he'll be buying it by the tonne, which usually saves 50p-90p per 25kg.  If you're on friendly terms, it wouldn't hurt to ask?
Title: Re: Wytsend!! got my cattle nuts...
Post by: Hatty on October 09, 2011, 07:57:45 am
Just a thought...  If you are wanting dairy cattle cake for your goats, your local dairy farmer may be happy to sell you some.  S/he'll be buying it by the tonne, which usually saves 50p-90p per 25kg.  If you're on friendly terms, it wouldn't hurt to ask?

had the same idea but when I asked on of the local farmers he laughed at me apparently we don't have a dairy herd for miles they are all beef cattle where we are  :(
Title: Re: Wytsend!! got my cattle nuts...
Post by: jinglejoys on October 10, 2011, 07:03:44 pm
Just a thought...  If you are wanting dairy cattle cake for your goats, your local dairy farmer may be happy to sell you some.  S/he'll be buying it by the tonne, which usually saves 50p-90p per 25kg.  If you're on friendly terms, it wouldn't hurt to ask?

You have a Dairy Farm near you?!

"First rule of goat keeping .... never tell a merchant what you want an item for !!!!!!!! "....yep learnt that years ago,when tthey started takingthepowers away from the Livestock keeper and giving them to the "experts" ;)

 I get my Dairy stuff from Keiths' Plumseverywhere is that  where you're going?
Title: Re: Wytsend!! got my cattle nuts...
Post by: plumseverywhere on October 10, 2011, 08:24:45 pm
Keith said he had to order it in - does he order in for you jingle? I got this from countrywide, on closer inspection I think I got 25kg for just 60pence more than 20kg of goats mix so maybe not overpriced  :)
can't think of any dairy farms near here, just sheep & chickens, fruit and veg  ;D
Title: Re: Wytsend!! got my cattle nuts...
Post by: SallyintNorth on October 10, 2011, 10:17:49 pm
You have a Dairy Farm near you?!

Loads.  One opposite, one three farms along to the west.  Three more within 4 miles to the north west.

Sorry, never even thought that any of you may not have a dairy farm within a few miles.  ::)
Title: Re: Wytsend!! got my cattle nuts...
Post by: Roxy on October 10, 2011, 10:27:51 pm
We still have dairy farms - and three farms near us bottle their own milk, and deliver it too.  One of the farmers and his wife are out at 5.30am each day, and both are 70 plus!!!

All these farms have the big trucks deliver their feeds, and blow it in to big tanks, not in 25kgs bags though.
Title: Re: Wytsend!! got my cattle nuts...
Post by: SallyintNorth on October 10, 2011, 10:34:32 pm
All these farms have the big trucks deliver their feeds, and blow it in to big tanks, not in 25kgs bags though.

Well, aye, 25kg sacks is an expensive way to buy cake.  So they might be prepared to let you fill a bag or two now and again and pay them for it.  I'm not trying to win any competition here, I just thought it might be a helpful suggestion.  Sounds like it was off target!  Sorry!
Title: Re: Wytsend!! got my cattle nuts...
Post by: plumseverywhere on October 11, 2011, 06:43:12 am
It would have been at our old house Sally so I can see where you are coming from  :)  we had a dairy farm a few feet from the old home and the man who owned it was a friend whose sons went to school with my 2 eldest - would have been perfect  :)
I think one of the things that struck me when we moved to this village was "where's the cows?!" loads of sheep and being Evesham, loads of plums and other orchards and vegetable growers but no cows (apart from some dexters that try to break into our orchard sometimes and no-one knows where they come from lol)  Thanks Sally xxx
Title: Re: Wytsend!! got my cattle nuts...
Post by: jinglejoys on October 11, 2011, 10:21:17 pm
Yes I just ask keith and he gets in as much as I want.I just get 4 bags at a time as I don't have so many goats any more.I usually give him a weeks notice(He usually gets it in on Thursday) I've got some more comming but I tend to go for nuts as they can't pick and chose.
I should think your stray Dexters coe from along the Bank :)
Title: Re: Wytsend!! got my cattle nuts...
Post by: plumseverywhere on October 12, 2011, 08:07:49 am
I think I'll pop back to Keith then, I'll have to buy in some winter hay from him anyway and some straw for kidding. Those dexters scared the life out of me first time because they snuck into the copse by our orchard and as I was happily picking plums one let out a huge MOOOOOOOOOOO!! i thought it was a monster and squeaked lol.
Title: Re: Wytsend!! got my cattle nuts...
Post by: jinglejoys on October 12, 2011, 08:48:31 pm
Have you tried Greenhills?I think that's his name,for hay straw silage etc?Go across the Pebworth crossroads and its on the right just as you come to those houses in the 30mph limit.He delivers too
Title: Re: Wytsend!! got my cattle nuts...
Post by: plumseverywhere on October 13, 2011, 09:18:39 am
Will have a drive out there - thanks Jinglejoys. We did find a man in Badsey who has horses, we've just taken the last 6 bales from him. Delivery would be good as I think hubby getting fed up with me filling his van with hay  ;)
Title: Re: Wytsend!! got my cattle nuts...
Post by: Lesley Silvester on October 13, 2011, 05:16:13 pm
Plums that is so funny but please, I'm trying to avoid laughing just at the moment.
Title: Re: Wytsend!! got my cattle nuts...
Post by: plumseverywhere on October 14, 2011, 01:32:20 pm
 ;D  sorry ! xx
Title: Re: Wytsend!! got my cattle nuts...
Post by: katie on October 14, 2011, 03:49:30 pm
Ahem - we have a few dairy farmers around, you know, the nearest to us is Bretforton - the organic farm that makes Spotloggins icecream?
 Greenaways have stopped doing hay and straw. I heard today it's going to be £10 per bale in February so buy it up now! I'm making my own hay next year, I'm fed up with this!
Title: Re: Wytsend!! got my cattle nuts...
Post by: plumseverywhere on October 15, 2011, 08:07:24 am
Oh yes! of course Spot Loggins, forgot about that. Haunted there, you know. bit too close to halloween to be going there... ;)
we spoke to Keith about a walk along hay cutter because of the gradient on our land, hay making is nigh impossible. they cost about £1000 which we don't have, unless the metal detector finds something nice, so have to keep buying it in. Keith's is ready this week coming..time to buy a LOAD then. and you hear about these arsonists setting light to hay barns, they have no idea what they are doing they really don't  :( >:(
Title: Re: Wytsend!! got my cattle nuts...
Post by: katie on October 15, 2011, 02:22:05 pm
Certain sections of the community are also stealing hay so we must all treat is as a valuable possession this year.
 I shall be at Keith's as well - could descend into a scrum!
Title: Re: Wytsend!! got my cattle nuts...
Post by: plumseverywhere on October 15, 2011, 04:23:23 pm
Mmm, been a bit of hay rustling for a while round here. Not the usual suspects though as I actually know who delivers it to them for their horses and they pay for it! Ours is in a locked barn which is fine until we lose the key (touch wood we havne't yet!!!)
Title: Re: Wytsend!! got my cattle nuts...
Post by: Lesley Silvester on October 15, 2011, 11:06:51 pm
Hard to believe people are actually stealing hay although I know there are those who will steal anything if it's not nailed down.  Presume it's being done on a large scale?  Don't need to lock my barn - it only holds six small bales.  ;)
Title: Re: Wytsend!! got my cattle nuts...
Post by: plumseverywhere on October 16, 2011, 08:24:32 am
Fairly large scale hay rustling here. we've also had manhole covers nicked and anything metal that you leave in your front (or back) garden eg. pushchairs, bikes, scooters, mobility scooters, fences... the scrap metal man thinks anything shiny is his for the taking!  oh and then the charity donation bags...they get pinched within minutes..very sad. There's a large traveller site up the road and they get blamed for most things, quite often they do some bad stuff but I do know that a lad (son of a friend) actually works for a local hay dealer and delivers the hay to the site and gets paid for truck loads so quite likely not them in this case  ;)
Title: Re: Wytsend!! got my cattle nuts...
Post by: katie on October 16, 2011, 12:43:13 pm
Of course, there are rather a lot of different 'usual suspects' round here! :)

I thought the manhole cover thieving was an interesting new line - the government's always telling people to diversify!
Title: Re: Wytsend!! got my cattle nuts...
Post by: plumseverywhere on October 16, 2011, 01:52:56 pm
Very true!! they've had to put traffic cones over the manhole that are uncovered now so you have to swerve round them esp in Offenham! apparantly the estate by the prison has had all their manhole covers nicked, bit ironic I thought  ;D
Title: Re: Wytsend!! got my cattle nuts...
Post by: katie on October 16, 2011, 10:22:05 pm
If I were feeling pessimistic, I'd say it was a sign of the breakdown of society - a part of it making life very difficult for for the rest without a thought. The actual cost to replace the manhole covers would be far far more than the perps would get for scrapping them.
Title: Re: Wytsend!! got my cattle nuts...
Post by: Lesley Silvester on October 16, 2011, 11:19:01 pm
That's not an open prison, is it?
Title: Re: Wytsend!! got my cattle nuts...
Post by: plumseverywhere on October 17, 2011, 07:46:44 am
No, its a Cat A prison with some of the worst offenders the UK holds being kept in there and bless them, they are regularly in the local press (and national) having a moan because they have got tree's blocking their views of the countryside or because some of them are still expected to 'slop' out.  There is quite often a high police presence there so its a bit audacious to be nicking the metal work from the road right under their noses lol
Title: Re: Wytsend!! got my cattle nuts...
Post by: Lesley Silvester on October 18, 2011, 12:59:35 am
If it's a Cat A, it's not likely to be prisoners nipping out to nick manhole covers!
Title: Re: Wytsend!! got my cattle nuts...
Post by: plumseverywhere on October 18, 2011, 01:02:05 pm
Exactly! but the amount of police everywhere you'd think anyone would be daft to lol!
Title: Re: Wytsend!! got my cattle nuts...
Post by: Lesley Silvester on October 18, 2011, 10:46:17 pm
You don't reckon it;s the police nicking them do you?  Just as a little sideline.
Title: Re: Wytsend!! got my cattle nuts...
Post by: Penninehillbilly on October 18, 2011, 10:55:03 pm
perhaps they're laying traps for escapees?
Title: Re: Wytsend!! got my cattle nuts...
Post by: jinglejoys on October 19, 2011, 12:44:34 pm
perhaps they're laying traps for escapees?

Nearly spilt my coffee! ;D 'Course it could be laying traps for the wardens,most of them live on the estate don't they? Honeybourne scrapyards' busy
Title: Re: Wytsend!! got my cattle nuts...
Post by: Lesley Silvester on October 19, 2011, 10:40:37 pm
perhaps they're laying traps for escapees?

That really made me laugh.  I suppose if they did catch any escapees that way, the crim would be in deep sh**
Title: Re: Wytsend!! got my cattle nuts...
Post by: Penninehillbilly on October 20, 2011, 11:28:33 am
 ;D ;D ;D ;D no, not enough, just have to add LOL
Title: Re: Wytsend!! got my cattle nuts...
Post by: NormandyMary on October 20, 2011, 05:24:05 pm
Perhaps they are digging their way out underground, and just want to see light at the end of the tunnel. Boom boom!!!!