The Accidental Smallholder Forum

Livestock => Pigs => Topic started by: JMB on October 05, 2011, 06:09:25 pm

Title: Pig pour-on
Post by: JMB on October 05, 2011, 06:09:25 pm
I've just read a previous post about pour-on for external parasites so might try louse powder or  Ivermection (or is it Ivomection?) pour on.
(We've given our pigs Fasimec Duo for sheep to cover liver fluke, and it does the other internal parasites too).
Just wondered if anyone had tried anything different?
We use Crovect for our sheep but need to check if this is OK for pigs. 
Might save me a bit of money if they all use the same!

Oh, and, does everyone routinely treat their pigs for external parasites?

Thank you, Joanne xxx
Title: Re: Pig pour-on
Post by: JulieS on October 05, 2011, 06:53:03 pm
I use Dectomax injection for pigs, it covers external and internal parasites.

I'm sure others will be along soon with their experiences.

Title: Re: Pig pour-on
Post by: Mel on October 05, 2011, 08:11:03 pm
Hi  :wave: My Local farm shop -Cawdells Agrihealth told me I could not use any pour on as it would not work due to not being absorbed properly?!! I have no idea on this,however,I bought the Ivermectin and purchased the needles and syringes from Mole Valley Farmers-they are the most economical that I have found.

To be honest,it was not as difficult as previously thought and worked a treat! very pleased with the results,the Ivermectin cost me around £12.00 and I still have heaps left! And the packs of needles shall probably last me years! ;D
Title: Re: Pig pour-on
Post by: RobbyM on October 06, 2011, 02:28:12 pm
For me same as JulieS, Dectomax, use it on my sheep as well.
I use the Dectomax only on occurrence in the pigs for the treatment of round worms, lungworms, mange mites and lice, were as with the sheep I routinely inject, every 6 months
Title: Re: Pig pour-on
Post by: Blonde on October 10, 2011, 02:08:27 am
pour on is not absorbed
Title: Re: Pig pour-on
Post by: oaklandspigs on October 10, 2011, 08:52:02 am
Your pigs should not have external parasites, and if you clear any pre-existing infection, you should not need to use anything as a preventative, so no "routine" should be required.

If they are showing no signs of external papasites, then leave alone.

[Note this is external not internal - different subject]
Title: Re: Pig pour-on
Post by: JMB on October 15, 2011, 12:42:47 pm
Thank you xxx I'm still waiting for the vets advice, but I think I shall just leave them alone as they all look fine.
Thanks again for all your comments
Joanne x
Title: Re: Pig pour-on
Post by: Leri on October 18, 2011, 01:43:53 pm
I was told by another breeder that cydectin is licensed for pigs in Ireland so he used it on his pigs and it worked.