The Accidental Smallholder Forum

Community => Coffee Lounge => Topic started by: Rhyan & Melissa on February 20, 2009, 08:08:02 am

Title: Its Friday! And that means.....
Post by: Rhyan & Melissa on February 20, 2009, 08:08:02 am
......there are only 2 more work days till Monday!  ;D

Hope you all have a good weekend!

Rhyan & Melissa
Title: Re: Its Friday! And that means.....
Post by: MrRee on February 20, 2009, 09:01:20 am
You can go off some people ya know!!   ;D
Title: Re: Its Friday! And that means.....
Post by: stephen on February 20, 2009, 09:10:11 am
monday is payday for me so im looking foward to it lol  ;D
Title: Re: Its Friday! And that means.....
Post by: Hilarysmum on February 20, 2009, 09:37:37 am
Monday week for us, isnt it awful to be wishing the days away
Title: Re: Its Friday! And that means.....
Post by: sandy on February 20, 2009, 09:44:48 am
Two full day's with my partner and this time NO Whiskey!!!!!! I love the weekends as I can get on with outdoor stuff and it looks good weather for it....I hope.
Title: Re: Its Friday! And that means.....
Post by: doganjo on February 20, 2009, 11:46:26 am
Might have got the days wrong when I was speaking to you, Sandy.  I'm here all this weekend, and only away at Lanark on Saturday 28th next weekend. 
I've been snipping bits off those trees to try to make the job easier for Steve when he comes to take them down - and they're only chopped off at about 6ft so not too high either.  No ropes and crampons needed. ;)
Title: Re: Its Friday! And that means.....
Post by: Wellieboots on February 20, 2009, 01:46:03 pm
Friday is day off day for me being a part timer so I took me mountain bike off up Glen Isla (only 20 mins away!). Got caught in a hailstorm, fell off a rickety bridge, scared loadsa pheasants, saw a few grouse & then even better heard & then saw my first capercallie. Bit like the fisherman with the one that got away, by the time I fished my camera out it had decided it'd head back into the pine forest and continue its super wierd "glugging from a bottle" style call!

Got home, chooks have laid 4 eggs, the sparrows are "being sexy" in the beech hedge, 8 deer in the field out front & I've got 3 more days off!!!

Huzzah for me!! ;D ;D
Title: Re: Its Friday! And that means.....
Post by: carl on February 20, 2009, 03:10:40 pm
quite quiet at work as we have just had to enforce a short week due to economy, place is a bit spooky with just a couple of us doing essential stuff. I bring a lot of my eggs in on a friday, partly to barter at the chippie in exchange for my lunch, and to try and sell the rest. done allright today, paid for the chooks upkeep and had a fish chips,peas and a breadbun.( result). getting ready for the weekend,planting, sowing and mucking out etc. my son has no choir duties this weekend so I won't be doing taxi service. which will give me a bit more time to do jobs. I am hoping to move my birds around to fresh areas which are not yet so muddy. i have had a load of woodchippings delivered to repair the patch round the hut.Also i have some replacement light fittings to put up so I don't have to carry a torch round in one hand all the time in the evenings. all in all a normal weekend, never boring.
Title: Re: Its Friday! And that means.....
Post by: sandy on February 20, 2009, 08:37:48 pm
Well, what a funny day, seem to have spent the day in a haze, the twins (babies) have now arrived so looks like we will be seeing in laws etc. Anne, Steve can pop around next Sunday as we are visiting this Saturday or Sunday and I am not too well, nothing catching, so see you soon.
Title: Re: Its Friday! And that means.....
Post by: lordlonk on February 21, 2009, 08:10:14 am
Im back- hello everyone - Ive had a complicated week again and will try and get in the swing of the forum - I love being here. My weekend will be doing the same i do every day sadly -work - Im so much wanting to escape from my boring exsistance of having to do what i do and so much want to be ableto do the animalsevery day and a bit of mailorder every day.

My my what a complicated week. Will write more i hope over the weekend . Take care everyone
Title: Re: Its Friday! And that means.....
Post by: buddy on February 21, 2009, 11:38:47 pm
I love Fridays, it means we are a family united for a few days. I clean and tidy the house so it looks lovely for when they all get home, by Sunday its a pigsty again.