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Community => Coffee Lounge => Topic started by: lordlonk on January 30, 2009, 08:09:20 am

Title: the health and safety green tag on bbc breakfast today
Post by: lordlonk on January 30, 2009, 08:09:20 am
Has anyone seen this story.?

HSE are sending farmers  and agricultural  people little green ties to put on anything that may appear to be dangerous????? = tractors are now to have on ther tractors to make people aware they are dangerous- A farmer of 40 years was interviewed.

You can imagine what they coudnt show

Those crazy people with nothing to do find a opportunity to waste money -

I feel sorry for the kids that had to stop playing conkers on one of there previous conquests.

checkout bbc news today or news 24 bbc -its been on a few times

Title: Re: the health and safety green tag on bbc breakfast today
Post by: danndans on January 30, 2009, 08:12:35 am
Havent seen it on the telly,but we had ours sent a couple of weeks ago.

Title: Re: the health and safety green tag on bbc breakfast today
Post by: gavo on January 30, 2009, 01:18:43 pm
What ever happened to common sense ? It's all turned into a complete nanny state. Hope I get some of these tags - that way it'll remind me not to put my head in the wood shredder next time I have it on....

Title: Re: the health and safety green tag on bbc breakfast today
Post by: HappyHippy on January 30, 2009, 06:19:47 pm
Health & Safety - don't even get me started ! lol!
I appriciate that they're only trying to help, one place I worked had to put a sign on the kettle saying 'Caution water may be hot' - of course it'll be hot, it'll be boiling - that's the point.
No matter how many signs, tags or neon yellow paint they use, you just can't legislate against idiots  ::)
Title: Re: the health and safety green tag on bbc breakfast today
Post by: lordlonk on January 31, 2009, 02:29:34 pm
hehehehe- mcdonalds have that on there cups too.

its a mad mad mad mad world.

Next they will wantallour names and addresses when we buy seedstoplant so they can do a smallholder carrot tax heh
Title: Re: the health and safety green tag on bbc breakfast today
Post by: Hilarysmum on February 01, 2009, 05:55:15 pm
But on the other hand, when I worked in local government the electrical wiring traversed the room, so that we had to either roll across on our chairs or risk tripping ourselves up.  When after many complaints I phoned health and safety I got a real dressing down in front of the others, from our then manager.  It was not that many years ago either.
Title: Re: the health and safety green tag on bbc breakfast today
Post by: pegusus pig on February 05, 2009, 01:02:04 pm
I,ll put one on the door handle to remind me that everything outside may be dangours, i broke a tooth tripping over a stone in the grass!! Its a very dangerous would out there, but i love it!!! ;D ;D ;D bring on the green tags i hope they send me enough!! :P :P :pig:
Title: Re: the health and safety green tag on bbc breakfast today
Post by: lordlonk on February 06, 2009, 08:23:51 am
i could do with at least one to  put on the steering wheel to remind me  ;Dto change the tyre.
Title: Re: the health and safety green tag on bbc breakfast today
Post by: lordlonk on February 06, 2009, 08:24:35 am
oh another one to remind meto get themot done too- That could be a problem