The Accidental Smallholder Forum

Community => Coffee Lounge => Topic started by: RUSTYME on November 13, 2010, 01:32:17 am

Title: we are safe in their hands ...aren't we ?
Post by: RUSTYME on November 13, 2010, 01:32:17 am

oh and by the way , if you have had a seasonal flu jab , you have also had the swine flu vaccine ..(made by GSK  !!!) it is in with it this year .


Title: Re: we are safe in their hands ...aren't we ?
Post by: smallholder in the city on November 13, 2010, 01:45:12 pm
As a consultant psychiatrist I have to say it's conspiracy scaremongering nonsense.
Title: Re: we are safe in their hands ...aren't we ?
Post by: ballingall on November 13, 2010, 02:11:21 pm

oh and by the way , if you have had a seasonal flu jab , you have also had the swine flu vaccine ..(made by GSK  !!!) it is in with it this year .



Russ, No one tried to hide they were giving a swine flu vaccine at the same time as the flu jab. I was told before I had mine that the Swine flu was included, and asked if I wanted to continue.

Title: Re: we are safe in their hands ...aren't we ?
Post by: sheila on November 13, 2010, 03:03:20 pm
Title: Re: we are safe in their hands ...aren't we ?
Post by: bigchicken on November 13, 2010, 03:28:41 pm
Maybe thats what I need the better half often calls me a swine. O! I am a consulting plastering technician just in case nobody cares. :wave:
Title: Re: we are safe in their hands ...aren't we ?
Post by: RUSTYME on November 13, 2010, 04:54:07 pm
As a consultant psychiatrist I have to say it's conspiracy scaremongering nonsense.

as a 'consultant psychiatrist' that entitles you to the same as me and the same as Alex Jones and the same as everybody else opinion . It doesn't mean your opinion is any more or less valid than anybody else's .
Being a 'consultant psychiatrist' doesn't qualify you to pass judgement that what he is saying is  conspiracy scaremongering or not , that is just your opinion as a human being , to which as I have said , you are entitled to.    Alex Jones IS over the top , he is a sensationalist journalist . BUT , you only have to check out what he is talking about to find out there is truth in what he says , no matter how over the top , he delivers the news.
However , is he really over the top ? .... If even 10% of what he talks about was actual real happening fact , then he would be justified in getting p*ssed off and ranting about what they are doing .  But , check out even just a few of the things he talks about and they reality is , it IS happening .
But as I say , you are entitled to your opinion .

Russ, No one tried to hide they were giving a swine flu vaccine at the same time as the flu jab. I was told before I had mine that the Swine flu was included, and asked if I wanted to continue.

I didn't say 'they' were trying to hide it Beth , just that if you have had the seasonal jab , then you had the swine flu vaccine also . But just because you were told it was included doesn't mean everyone was. 
My Auntie wasn't informed at any stage that it was included , nor were any of the people at the doctors she went to . She asked them if it was in and she was THEN told it was . More than half of the people there, then chose NOT to have the jab . It is all about choice and being told what they are doing . I don't say people shouldn't have the jab , if they want it , fine .  But even without the swine flu vaccine in it , there is much evidence to show that the seasonal jab ISN'T as effective as we are led to believe . Even the man who created/invented it , says that it ISN'T as effective as it is being made out , and he was never impressed with his own vaccine . He himself states that it would be  better to have  anti virals than the jab !!!!

"The doctor who invented the flu vaccine agrees that a major flu outbreak is likely but says the flu jab is powerless to stop it.
Dr Graeme Laver, who helped to create the flu vaccine more than 40 years ago, said that although the flu jab could offer some protection, it should not be relied on.
“If the seasonal flu is as bad as it was in Australia, you are in for a pretty bad time,“ said Dr Laver. “You could have a really severe epidemic. Thousands will be ill and many will die”.
The Australian scientist said he had never been impressed with the effectiveness of his own vaccine. “It is better than nothing and I wouldn’t want to advise people not to take it,” he said. “But you can’t rely on it doing any good.”
On average the flu kills about 12,000 people in the UK with the elderly and young children being at highest risk. The flu virus mutates into new strains each year which become resistant to normal anti-viral drugs.
Scientists have been warning for some time that a flu pandemic is now overdue, either from a mutation of the normal human flu virus or from the highly infectious H5N1 bird flu strain.
Australia has seen a tripling in the number of flu cases this year with many hundreds dying from associated pneumonia. People have been more vulnerable to infection because of a succession of mild flu outbreaks during previous winters – a similar situation to that of the UK.
Dr Laver said that people should be able to buy flu drugs such as Tamiflu and Relenza over the counter rather than only by prescription. He asserted that, “the safe and effective anti-flu drugs could, if used correctly, avoid much of this distress.”
        The Food and Drug Administration in the US recently recommended changing the labelling of Tamiflu and Relenza to include warnings about possible psychiatric side effects. Tamiflu should have a warning of the possibility of ‘serious injuries, including death, in adult and paediatric patients‘ brought on by delirium or self-injury, whilst Relenza should warn of ‘hallucinations, delirium and abnormal behaviour’.
Sales of the natural flu remedy Sambucol, which have been strong in the lead up to winter, are expected to grow even further following Dr Laver’s admission. The anti-flu medicine, which contains active ingredients found in the proteins of the black elderberry, has been found to be highly effective against Type A & B and the H5N1 strain of the flu virus."
Yes ... the anti virals Tamiflu + Relenza are good too eh ?, ( re read the above last paragraph !!) .


Title: Re: we are safe in their hands ...aren't we ?
Post by: faith0504 on November 13, 2010, 05:50:06 pm
its all about "choice", being given the choice.
Title: Re: we are safe in their hands ...aren't we ?
Post by: Daveravey on November 13, 2010, 06:13:25 pm
Typical bloody yanks

Scared of their own shadow until they get a gun in their hands  ::)
Title: Re: we are safe in their hands ...aren't we ?
Post by: FrankBlack on November 29, 2010, 05:55:42 pm
Russ, if you're familiar with the DSM (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders) and the work of orthodox psychiatry over the past hundred years in the successful stigmatisation and suppression of any ideas or feelings that individuals express which go against the established view, then you'll realise that there is no-one better qualified to identify 'conspiracy scaremongering nonsense' than a consultant psychiatrist. 

Here's some more 'nonsense' for the us open-minded mental patients  :o to consider:

Aaron Russo on 911

Codex Alimentarius

The Future of Food

Title: Re: we are safe in their hands ...aren't we ?
Post by: RUSTYME on November 29, 2010, 06:10:37 pm
 ;D ..... DSM ... funny you mention that , I just can't put it down !!!
this taken from wikipedia :
The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM) is published by the American Psychiatric Association and provides a common language and standard criteria for the classification of mental disorders. It is used in the United States and in varying degrees around the world, by clinicians, researchers, psychiatric drug regulation agencies, health insurance companies, pharmaceutical companies and policy makers.

I like the last sentence best !!!!


Title: Re: we are safe in their hands ...aren't we ?
Post by: FrankBlack on November 29, 2010, 07:18:31 pm
DSM is commonly used in the UK, along with the mental illness section of another amusing tome - the ICD-10.  R.D. Laing (psychiatrist from Glasgow) would often give talks taking the piss out of both.  Of course, back in the day he liked a good drink  :yum:, but that's now referred to as a disease called 'alcoholism'. The APA started putting together the DSM and it's growing diagnostic labels primarily as a means of billing patients for 'treatment' received.  'Treatment' for what? Well, if you were a slave in the old days and you tried to escape, you'd be suffering from Drapetomania (  Pregnant single mothers and homosexuals would commonly be incarcerated against their will in asylums.  Year on year it has successfully pathologised more and more human behaviours which challenge the increasingly narrow societal view of 'normality', which is peddled by politically-driven institutions like the media, NHS, Dept of Health, Psychiatry and Psychology.  Think, act or feel differently to Tony Blair or David cameron and you're 'abnormal'. Kind of makes the swine flu :pig: 'conspiracy' look pretty convincing to me...