The Accidental Smallholder Forum

Livestock => Sheep => Topic started by: Brydon-Brown on August 07, 2019, 05:04:59 pm

Title: Sheep vaccination schedule
Post by: Brydon-Brown on August 07, 2019, 05:04:59 pm

I have recently in the last 3 weeks got three Shetlands for my son to start his own flock, he is 11 I am a little older!! we are totally novice sheep keepers and have been supported well by the breeders but am after a good schedule to work from for vaccinating the sheep. They came to us fully vaccinated in July, but would like to know when I need to think about re worming and when they will next need a big batch of jabs.

Any help would be great.

Title: Re: Sheep vaccination schedule
Post by: twizzel on August 08, 2019, 10:10:19 am
First off find out what they were vaccinated with- the most common vaccine is Heptavac, which needs a yearly booster. Most people do this booster 4-6 weeks before lambing as then passive immunity passes to the lambs through the colostrum but if you're not breeding them then you can just do it every 12 months i.e. next July.

Worming- hopefully they had a quarantine drench before coming onto your land... otherwise they could have brought resistant worms with them  :o  they shouldn't need regular worming, this is actively discouraged now as leads to wormer resistance very quickly. The best thing to do is take a sample of poo to the vets and get them to test for worm eggs, this will give a good indication whether they need worming or not. Ewes are pretty resilient to worms apart from when they lamb when their immunity drops, so this tends to be the only time of year ewes are routinely wormed (and even then it's advised to leave 10% of the flock untreated), to prevent infecting pasture with large numbers of eggs that then hatch and infect the lambs.

They will probably need a fluke drench though through winter, it would be worth finding a local sheep farmer that has a big bottle that you could take a couple of syringes out of as you won't need very much and it's expensive stuff.
Title: Re: Sheep vaccination schedule
Post by: Rosemary on August 08, 2019, 11:42:29 am
They will probably need a fluke drench though through winter, it would be worth finding a local sheep farmer that has a big bottle that you could take a couple of syringes out of as you won't need very much and it's expensive stuff.
This is actually illegal - only vets can legally split packs. Your vet will be able to help. In fact, I'd speak to your vet about drawing up a health plan appropriate for yoru circumstances.
Title: Re: Sheep vaccination schedule
Post by: twizzel on August 08, 2019, 12:00:18 pm
Didn’t realise that  :roflanim:  I thought it just applied for prescription only drugs (quite rightly too).
Title: Re: Sheep vaccination schedule
Post by: Mel on August 08, 2019, 07:54:00 pm

This is actually illegal - only vets can legally split packs. Your vet will be able to help. In fact, I'd speak to your vet about drawing up a health plan appropriate for yoru circumstances.

As above  a good relationship with a good vet is not actually priceless ,but worth more than any initial outlay for peace of mind and education to newbie sheep people ,mine showed me things and supervised me doing them in the first year injections ect ect now I have no problem doing most things myself with a quick phone call or photo to vet for free advice  if I feel I need it.
I do call them out once a year and may let them do booster injections  or whatever just to keep any medicine line open which they will only supply direct to you by law if they visit and check your animals minimum one a year
Certain medical items they do split for the small holder to keep price down or at least mine do,they also supply the magical proper blue spray .