The Accidental Smallholder Forum

Community => Coffee Lounge => Topic started by: Lesley Silvester on July 03, 2014, 02:11:05 pm

Title: An appeal
Post by: Lesley Silvester on July 03, 2014, 02:11:05 pm
Can I be cheeky and make an appeal for my grandson, Arran, who is 17 and wants to train to be a doctor. Through his uncle, my elder son, he has the opportunity to do a voluntary internship in a remote hospital in Nepal during the summer holidays. He wants to gain an insight into the difference between health care in less developed areas and the western world, and bring back what he has learned to share with this country. He is doing this at his own expense and needs to raise £1000 for fares, immunisation, travel insurance, etc. The family and friends are all helping as much as they can any he is doing a sponsored run this month. The link is: ( if anyone is able to help at all.

Arran has health issues of his own and appreciates all the care he has received under the NHS. He wants to give something back to those who don't have the health care that we have.

Title: Re: An appeal
Post by: Castle Farm on July 03, 2014, 02:18:40 pm
Perhaps Arran should postpone his trip till he has earned the money to afford it.
Title: Re: An appeal
Post by: doganjo on July 03, 2014, 04:06:22 pm
Perhaps Arran should postpone his trip till he has earned the money to afford it.
Perhaps this is the best time to do the trip before he starts his very arduous studies to become a doctor!
Title: Re: An appeal
Post by: Roxy on July 03, 2014, 04:23:58 pm
Good for Arran!!  He is hopefully raising some money towards this by the run. If he waits until he can afford the trip, that may be a long time in coming, once he starts his doctors training. 
Title: Re: An appeal
Post by: ellied on July 03, 2014, 05:28:53 pm
If he is accepted to medical school, most of them have electives which are pretty much what you are describing, and worth academic credit if done at the appropriate point of his course.  The med students are actively encouraged to offer the services they can at that point in training, to third world countries.  Many with registered charities that provide safety and supervision of the workplaces for youngsters too.

So if he can pay for it now, good on him, it'll all help with his CV, but if not, there will be other chances for university vacation related good deeds.  Get him to check the medschool websites for information when he's deciding on his preferences :)
Title: Re: An appeal
Post by: Backinwellies on July 03, 2014, 05:50:50 pm
Perhaps Arran should postpone his trip till he has earned the money to afford it.

What a narrow minded comment.   I have been on 4 community project trips to 3rd world countries .... each one I paid for my own flights but fund raised for the rest of the project  money..... and am now still supporting some of the local people we met. ..... what can be more developing of a young person than fund raising followed by a huge insight into a different culture and how little some of the world has compared to us. This experience will change him as a person and make him a much better doctor.

Title: Re: An appeal
Post by: benkt on July 04, 2014, 08:02:11 am
Best of luck with the planned trip. My wife is a doctor and we spent her elective working in rural Uganda. To describe the experience as life changing doesn't do justice to it at all.
Title: Re: An appeal
Post by: northfifeduckling on July 04, 2014, 11:43:42 am
Maybe Facebook would be good to increase his sponsorship funds? Local business where he is from and went to High School might also be interested if it goes in the local paper that they are helping out, we can read a lot of these stories in our local weekly.

Although Nepal isn't expensive compared to other countries, he must make sure he has enough to cover his expenses - we went on a treck some time ago organised by a local doctor in Ladakh and a girl came with us who was sponsored . She didn't pay the guide , ate on other people's fees, basically had a free ride as she signed up and then could only pay for her flights....

It is so good of him to go there, a lovely country with beautiful and kind people. It is well equipped to deal with Westerners as it has lots of tourists coming through. Does he want to help out in the Capital or in the country?

He knows that the summer is the worst time for the weather ? Maybe wait until October/November when the Monsoon is over? And he will have more time to find the funds? He will also need some vaccinations - it might be a bit late for those already to kick in for the summer!
Title: Re: An appeal
Post by: john and helen on July 04, 2014, 11:49:23 am
well done Aaron, Nepal is a fantastic place to visit
good luck on your venture and fundraising…i did nepal in 1998 for Scope

you are only young once  :thumbsup:
Title: Re: An appeal
Post by: Lesley Silvester on July 04, 2014, 11:29:44 pm

Thank you (nearly) everyone for your support and helpful comments.

Arran is doing three weeks in the country and then a week in Kathmandu doing research into local illnesses. He hopes that the experience, as well as being good for the hospital, will also look good on his CV for university. He has already done a fair amount of work experience already. He also hopes, now his exams are out of the way, to find paid employment to put towards his expenses. I keep pushing it on Facebook but I'll suggest he contacts his local businesses.

He is a very kind, caring person and I think he will make an excellent doctor and he is prepared to work very hard.
Title: Re: An appeal
Post by: Lesley Silvester on July 20, 2014, 09:26:20 pm
Thank you to those who helped Arran to achieve his target. He did his sponsored run on Saturday and, apart from a bruised and swollen ankle, it went well. He made the £1000 with hours to spare. His ticket is now bought, all injections done and just the insurance to sort out now. I saw him today to wish him well and he flies out next Saturday, with his uncle and auntie. He is going to keep a blog so I will be able to let people know how it is going.

Thanks again.
Title: Re: An appeal
Post by: The Woodsiders on July 20, 2014, 09:34:38 pm
All the very best of good luck to the young fella :thumbsup:
Title: Re: An appeal
Post by: suziequeue on July 20, 2014, 10:23:12 pm
Oh bum!!!! I was reading through to thread and was all set to make a donation when I realise I am too late.

Hope all goes well with the trip.

Best of luck.
Title: Re: An appeal
Post by: Lesley Silvester on July 20, 2014, 10:49:45 pm
Thank you. Will pass the messages on.
Title: Re: An appeal
Post by: Lesley Silvester on August 04, 2014, 09:45:20 pm
Arran is now in Nepal. If anyone is interested, his blog is ( . Today was his first day at work in the hospital. I am looking forward to reading all about his experiences.