The Accidental Smallholder Forum

Community => Introduce yourself => Topic started by: hancrowe77 on December 11, 2016, 08:56:59 am

Title: hi all help with ex battery hens
Post by: hancrowe77 on December 11, 2016, 08:56:59 am
hi guys I have a huge garden and decided as well as a veg patch I would get some hens as I love them, as I rescue all my animals the sensible thing to do was get some ex battery hens.
I did I got 4 hens that looked more like roast chickens than hens in june/july this year, after a good worming and de lice/miteing they settled in well and have laid prolifically daily ever since!
now I am aware that they drop off laying in winter and I did get the hens with laying being an added bonus but I have gotten used to my eggs! so this week I have had one egg a week to now nothing will they lay again of is is game over as I may get a couple of younger ones - seperatly just for eggs if this is the case as my girls are pets now so even if they have stopped laying its a home for life many thanks guys x
Title: Re: hi all help with ex battery hens
Post by: pharnorth on December 13, 2016, 02:11:05 pm
Mostly ex battery hens will lay again for another year or two at least, but you could get three or four years but less eggs with a longer break each year. They will start again soon after the days get noticeably longer, depends where you are in the country. Here by March I can't move for eggs. Generally depending on breed good layers will lay through the winter for a year or two. I tend to go eggless through 3 months but maybe buy the odd tray of free range....