The Accidental Smallholder Forum

Livestock => Goats => Topic started by: Mays on July 27, 2010, 09:30:16 am

Title: Showing Goats!
Post by: Mays on July 27, 2010, 09:30:16 am
Any tips on showing 4 month old Kids that is :)

what all should I have on my check list to bring with me?

Title: Re: Showing Goats!
Post by: Anke on July 27, 2010, 10:08:59 pm
Uhmmm, I have only done this once before (and that was with my goatling), but my list had on:

1 white coat
2 different show collar (although for kids I wouldn't bother, as theirs are still fairly new)
3 hay rack and hay, water bucket (with holder if you have one to hook over hurdle, I just used baler twine...)
4 some concentrate (and other treats, such as apple, banana etc)
5 I took udder wipes to give a last clean for any muck that would have come on during the journey (but I also saw the experienced goatkeepers had a bucket with sponges and some washing up liquid I think to clean any backend that became suddelnly explosive.... and yes it did happen but not to me)
6 MOVEMENT FORMS  you need two - one for there one for back home
7 some water, biscuits etc for me

Can't remember anything else just now, but I am sure the experienced show folk will have an extensive list...

Have fun, I am already concerned that showing your goat(s) is addictive...

PS.: most goats will arive all suited up in the latest fashion in goat coats... mine won't, as I so far didn't have the time to sew some up.... but mine will be bathed the day before and go into a clean pen overnight.
Title: Re: Showing Goats!
Post by: ballingall on July 27, 2010, 10:44:25 pm
For kids, or just a couple of goatlings, you don't need much stuff. It's when you take milker's along the amount of stuff you need trebles!

So, I will give you my general list which will probably have most things Anke has already mentioned!

White coat for you. A spare one is always handy too.
Clip or peg- for clipping your number to your white coat. If you tie the number to a goat it will eat it.
A food bowl
Hay rack/haynet/haybag
Some concentrated food
Maybe some Alfalfa or something different to eat as they will be shut in all day and might be bored.
A goat coat (if you have them). Useful for white goats as they are so prone to getting dirty! It also helps their coat lie nice and smooth.
For kids, you might need some milk, a bottle etc whatever you give them milk with. This is especially important if you are staying overnight.

I use a tack box (a tool box) which we keep all our cleaning things in. Shampoo, sponges, brushes, coat whitener, coat shine spray, chalk, also a few medicinal items, like something to help stop them scouring, veterinary wound powder etc. I also keep fly repellant and sunscreen in there- for both human and adult use! And water free antibacterial hand wash.
A small bucket is useful if you need to sponge off a dirty mark on the goat.

Smart collars
Clip leads- you might want to tie the kids up while you give them a quick brush, or use a short clip lead for showing.
A folding chair for you to sit in!
A tarpaulin or 2/3/4 of them. Useful for lots of things, if it's windy or cold, put them round the outside of the pen to keep out the drafts, use them to keep kids escaping through pens, or sometimes to keep your kids out of your tack pen, or from stealing the goat next door's food. For the tarpaulin's you will then need either clips, bungee cords or string, to tie them up with.
Movement form
Your tickets for the show.

If you stay at the show overnight yourself, the list expands for things you need as well!

Thats all I can think of for just now.

Title: Re: Showing Goats!
Post by: ballingall on July 27, 2010, 10:48:27 pm
PS- you will always forget something, but goatkeepers are very resourceful, and it is not uncommon to let someone else use something of yours if they have forgotten theirs. My list is extensive- do not think you necessarily need absolutely EVERYTHING on it. And, at agricultural shows, you can often buy things you might have forgotten.

Last show I went to, I forgot the milking buckets (very important- have only ever forgotten them twice!), the big trough and the collar/lead bag.


Title: Re: Showing Goats!
Post by: Mays on July 28, 2010, 09:40:40 am
thank you thank you thank you  ;D i tihnk you may be right about the addiction thing, I need a break from shoing the horses thats for sure!

lots of things on those lists to keep me busy ove rthe next few days, I think I will get tarp, jsut incase they decide they dont like th pen, and I am taking them up in my horse lorry so I can put lots of extra things in there, without anyone noticing I have gone overboard! ;)

so is it ok to chalk up there legs to brighten them up?

thanks (sorry for all the questions!)
Title: Re: Showing Goats!
Post by: Anke on July 28, 2010, 10:01:06 pm
No, it is ok to use baby talcum or something to make them whiter, I will not bother with the kids this year for that and the GG's ONLY need a good brush (mine are long coated..... groan....), but they all need a bath the day before...

If you haven't clipped the kids' feet yet, have a quick look and they might  need a wee trim.

Title: Re: Showing Goats!
Post by: ballingall on July 29, 2010, 11:48:51 pm
Best to trim feet in advance- if you leave it to the last night, you might take too much off and make their foot bleed. Which I did tonight!

Title: Re: Showing Goats!
Post by: Isla on July 01, 2016, 09:58:15 pm
Any recommendations for brand of shampoo?
Title: Re: Showing Goats!
Post by: Isla on July 02, 2016, 10:24:19 am
Thanks.  Have never washed them before - I just brush them.  Will get a few practice baths in before Turriff.
Title: Re: Showing Goats!
Post by: pharnorth on July 02, 2016, 04:45:02 pm
I recently survived my first showing experience and am up for a second. My list of stuff included much of what is suggested above. However I put any toiletries in my toiletries bag.....a chair to sit on......a cup to put the tea in....basically anything that was for the 'old goat' rather than the show goat.