The Accidental Smallholder Forum

Community => Coffee Lounge => Topic started by: Roxy on March 30, 2011, 11:28:07 pm

Title: New goat house and pig ark on their way ......
Post by: Roxy on March 30, 2011, 11:28:07 pm
The courier rang me this afternoon to say my shed and pig ark are making the long journey from Cornwall today .....should be here tomorrow. Unfortunately wagon is too large to get along lane and under bridge, so will have to be dropped at a friends haulage yard.

Cost me a fortune, so hope the pigs and goats appreciate their new abode .....and hope council do not notice that my goat sheds have been breeding overnight :D
Title: Re: New goat house and pig ark on their way ......
Post by: Helencus on March 30, 2011, 11:32:56 pm
If theyre mobile what can they say?
Title: Re: New goat house and pig ark on their way ......
Post by: McRennet on March 31, 2011, 07:39:35 am
Oh my gosh!
I am so jealous!
Please put up photos!
On a more serious note (or boring perhaps) is a garden shed under the same rules and regs in the eyes of the council?
Title: Re: New goat house and pig ark on their way ......
Post by: Sylvia on March 31, 2011, 07:57:53 am
I think it depends on your local authority. In some places if it's big enough for someone to sleep in then you will need permission!
Title: Re: New goat house and pig ark on their way ......
Post by: Roxy on March 31, 2011, 09:33:57 am
Well I did ask, last Thursday, and still not had a phone call saying whether I can or cannot tough.  And yes, they are all mobile, on skids. 
Title: Re: New goat house and pig ark on their way ......
Post by: loosey on March 31, 2011, 10:30:26 am
Where did you get them from Roxy? Was it a private sale or is there a website? :)
Title: Re: New goat house and pig ark on their way ......
Post by: Tudful Tamworths on March 31, 2011, 11:20:33 am
I'm guessing they're from Animal Arks. I've got a pig ark from them and it's great.

Had a similar nightmare getting a portakabin delivered here because of a narrow bridge. Bought it on ebay and it sat in a haulier's yard for a whole year while we worked out a way to get it up here. In the end, it came on the back of a flat-bed trailer pulled by a friend of a friend with a tractor. BUT there were just two inches to spare either side on the bridge!
Title: Re: New goat house and pig ark on their way ......
Post by: Roxy on March 31, 2011, 11:32:14 am
Yes, Animal Arks.  There are cheaper arks on the market, but even if it means saving up ages,. I always try and go for the more robust housing for livestock .....have seen some of the arks that come off E Bay, and people have said they have not lasted many months, so false economy.  Thats not to say some of them are not good.  But to do them so cheap, they must have used the cheapest wood, etc. surely.

I have had to have another goat shed because of new arrival shortly .....well, that should read plural, but we just need extra housing for one!!