The Accidental Smallholder Forum

Livestock => Sheep => Topic started by: suziequeue on June 25, 2013, 02:56:01 pm

Title: FEC results - what do these mean
Post by: suziequeue on June 25, 2013, 02:56:01 pm
Just received email from lab re: FEC which reads:

1009- 300epg strongyle eggs
1015- 50epg strongyle eggs
22- 150epg strongyle eggs
21- <50epg no eggs seen

Is this serious?

I think moderate is 50 - 500 but that's from a US website.

Any views?
Title: Re: FEC results - what do these mean
Post by: suziequeue on June 25, 2013, 03:07:05 pm
Oh - well I found this and answered my own question somewhat. Seems quite a good article (
Title: Re: FEC results - what do these mean
Post by: fsmnutter on June 25, 2013, 03:16:43 pm
Hi Suziequeue
As a vet, let me help!
The exact cut off values for being significant depend on the lab themselves, but basically the method for working out eggs per gram involves multiplying, so if no eggs are seen, there are less than 50 eggs per gram of faeces.
Thereafter, any eggs seen give you a number of eggs per gram.
Our cut off value for being a significant problem is usually 2-300, so as most of these are under this number, it is probably fine not to worm them now, (the less often you can get away with worming = less chance of getting resistance) unless your number 1009 looks thin, scoury or just 'wormy'.
Hope that helps.
Title: Re: FEC results - what do these mean
Post by: suziequeue on June 25, 2013, 03:29:24 pm
Thanks. 1009 is older and looking thin. She had twins this year and she had a couple of maggots on her tail at shearing time last week so all in all she needs as much help as she can get.

She's also my favourite and a very good mother