
Hillfoot Cafe and GalleryRSS feed

Posted: Saturday 20 August, 2005

by Rosemary at 9:56pm in Anything goes Comments closed

This is a plug for a new cafe, owned by a friend of ours. It's called the Hillfoot Cafe and Gallery, it's at 17 Hillfoot Street, Dennistoun in Glasgow (G31 2LD) and it opens the first full week in September.

Mike Thomson, the owner / manager, will be serving bagels, omelettes, salads, home made soups and baking and pasta dishes. The emphasis will be on organically produced, fair traded and locally sourced food.

The gallery has both prints and original art work for sale.

Mike's probably going to be plagued by visits from former colleagues - we'll all be a bit jealous, I think, but we'll all be wishing Mike the best of luck with his new venture.

Full review to follow!!

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